
It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”


On a sunny morning, the campus, which should have been full of vigor and vitality, was overshadowed by a shocking bad news. On June 28, 2024, a 13-year-old junior high school boy in Dali, Yunnan Province, suffered a tragic misfortune on campus, and his life came to an abrupt end.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

It all started at 9:30 a.m. on June 25, when the boy's father suddenly received a call from the school teacher, wondering if the child was not at home. Before the words were clarified, a feeling of uneasiness appeared in my heart. They immediately launched an operation to find their son, but the more they searched, the more panicked they became.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

Seeing the sun setting, they finally found the location of Fengyi No. 2 Middle School, but the school gate was closed. Through the iron door, the shape looms under a white plastic sheet, which makes people shudder.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

The sad premonition was finally fulfilled - the child had died and hanged himself on the playground. What is unbelievable is that this is a blind spot of campus monitoring, and the body that passed away suddenly was secretly unnoticed.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

What is puzzling is that the boy's textbooks before his death were found to contain insulting words, vaguely revealing that there may have been bullying. In the face of this rare tragedy, it was once speechless.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

An insider revealed that the cause of the incident may be that the child's mobile phone was confiscated by the teacher, which made it difficult to face it and had extreme thoughts. However, it seems too far-fetched to say that mobile phones can cause such an unbearable result.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

All sorts of speculation and doubts immediately spread on the Internet - is it school bullying? Is the phone confiscated? Or is it because of too much academic pressure? Everyone is asking, why did a 13-year-old choose this dead end? Why are schools so vulnerable?

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

It's not hard to see that whether it's monitoring breaches, bullying issues, or oversight in security management, schools have responsibilities that can't be ignored. How can the school, as a place for children to grow up safely, be so derelict in their duties?

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

As a matter of urgency, the police and the education department have intervened to investigate the cause of the incident. But whatever the truth, it is bound to be heart-wrenching. We are all anxiously waiting, waiting for an answer that can give an explanation to the child's family and reassure the society.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

After all, every child is the pearl of the family's palm, and the future star of the country. The fact that one by one is so alive withered away is really heartbreaking. We must really reflect on what led to such a tragedy.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

Is it a loophole in the system or a man-made disaster? Or are they cause and effect from each other? Only by finding the problem can we avoid the same tragedy from repeating itself and build an impenetrable wall for children to grow up.

It's a big deal! A 13-year-old junior high school student hanged himself at school, and netizens were angry: "Strictly investigate, and the principal also investigates!" ”

May this deceased 13-year-old child be relieved by the spirit of heaven and no longer be troubled by the rights and wrongs of the world. And we should hold up a wide sky for every child, so that they can grow up freely under the sunshine.

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )

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