
Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

author:All the attention is to get rich and become beautiful


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Speaking of Fat Donglai, a well-known restaurant group, it has been in an uproar recently.

No, just recently, their rolling dough production line actually had the problem of substandard standards, which is really surprising.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Think about it, it is unbelievable that a big guy like Fat Donglai, who is calling for wind and rain in the catering industry, would make such a low-level mistake.

However, having said that, Fat Donglai's response speed in the face of the crisis this time was really as fast as lightning.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

As soon as they learned that there was an accident with the dough rolling, they immediately launched an action, investigating, confirming, and rectifying, all in one go, which is really admirable.

No, after their quick response, the dough rolling of a stall was suspended for rectification due to environmental problems, and a fine of 5,000 yuan was also imposed.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

However, after their efforts to rectify and re-inspect, the stall is finally back to normal operation, which is really a relief.

Moreover, Fat Donglai's handling of the incident this time was really generous and decent.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Not only did they respond quickly, but they also took a number of remedial measures, such as giving a full refund to customers who bought dough rolls at the problem stall and an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan.

This is really wide-eyed, I didn't expect Fat Donglai to be so bold.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

It is said that this compensation involved 8,833 dough rolls, and the total amount of compensation reached about 88.33 million yuan.

That's a lot of money.

Not only that, Fat Donglai also made a major change in the internal management team.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

The main person in charge and the quality controller of the catering department were dismissed due to poor supervision, and the relevant management personnel were also punished by dismissal.

Even, four store managers were canceled year-end benefits because they failed to effectively supervise.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

This is really dumbfounded, I didn't expect Fat Donglai to be so strict this time.

This incident not only tested Fat Donglai's crisis handling ability, but also sounded the alarm for the entire catering industry.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Their resolute and transparent approach not only demonstrates respect for public responsibility and a zero-tolerance attitude towards food safety, but also teaches a good lesson to industry colleagues.

In the face of food safety challenges, Fat Donglai's strategy is really strict internally and generous externally.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Recalling this incident, we have to talk about Fat Donglai's compensation strategy.

Some people feel that they have paid too much this time, but in fact? This is a long-term investment in quality and consumer trust.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

They have always valued product quality as the lifeline of the enterprise, so although this compensation cost a lot of money, it has actually turned into an important investment in the company's image.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Moreover, the way Fat Dong came to deal with the crisis this time is really smart.

Not only did it solve the immediate problem, but it also greatly increased customer loyalty and brand reputation through compensation and corresponding measures.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Now, the customers who have been compensated and the positive discussions on the Internet have become the natural supporters of the brand.

Having said that, though, this strategy can also come with some additional challenges.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

For example, some people may deliberately find fault with compensation or something.

But this is not a big deal for a bigwig-level enterprise like Fat Donglai.

In this way, they not only solved the immediate dilemma, but also achieved long-term improvement in their status and influence in the industry.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

Finally, we have to talk about Fat Donglai's status after this incident.

Their serious attitude towards food safety and their active commitment to public responsibility have won the company wider respect and trust.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

However, as some netizens said, the coverage of enterprise services needs to be expanded.

This is also the direction that Fat Donglai needs to continue to work hard in the future development.

Donglai has once again become a benchmark, with unprecedented rewards and punishments, and all management has been dismissed

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