
The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

author:Wang Guagua

Recently, Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei have been the focus of everyone's attention. After having Xiaomei, Wang Xiaofei not only has a home, but also has a smooth sailing career, which can be described as a winner in life.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

If the two have another child, then the family will be more complete, and Wang Xiaofei will be more energetic when she starts doing business.

The twins escalated

Just recently, Ma Xiaomei's pregnancy caused controversy. Some people say that she is pregnant with twins, some people say that she is pregnant with dragon and phoenix fetuses, and there are various theories.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

But from beginning to end, Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei, the two "parents-to-be", did not make any response, which also made everyone curious: What is true and what is fake?

In this regard, the editor sorted out the experience of the two from marriage to the present, and found that Xiaomei's pregnancy was "fake" at all.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

A number of suspicious points were revealed

The first suspicion is Ma Xiaomei's belly. On the day of receiving the certificate, Ma Xiaomei wore a loose skirt, and an inadvertent action made everyone see her "bulging" lower abdomen.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

It was also from this time that the news of her pregnancy began to spread. It didn't take long for Zhang Lan to talk about this matter in the live broadcast room, "I hope it's twins", and one sentence reversed public opinion.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

If the pregnancy was true, it was 3 months at the time, and it is at least 4 months now. And there is also news that she is pregnant with twins, if it is true, why is it not yet pregnant? Didn't have any pregnancy reactions?

The second suspicion is frequent business trips. Since she was with Wang Xiaofei, she has been photographed by the media many times.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

After the two confirmed their relationship, Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei were inseparable, and she would follow Wang Xiaofei wherever she went. Even if the sun is scorching, he is not afraid of the sun, and he climbed the Great Wall and visited the Forbidden City with Wang Xiaofei under the sun......

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

If she is pregnant, know that these are things that pregnant women cannot do. Especially in the first few months, a little carelessness can affect the development of the fetus.

But Ma Xiaomei is not only in good condition, not afraid of the scorching sun, but also jumps when she climbs the Great Wall, not like a pregnant woman at all.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

The third suspicion is that he often wears high heels. Maybe many people don't realize that Ma Xiaomei actually brings two pairs of shoes every time she goes out.

Whenever she goes shopping and walks more with Wang Xiaofei, she always wears flat shoes; However, every time there is an event, such as the opening of Ma Liuji, she will step on high heels.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

The fourth suspicion, Wang Xiaofei's reaction. If the daughter-in-law is really pregnant, Wang Xiaofei, as her husband, can't wait to tell the world.

Before the two received the certificate, Wang Xiaofei was so happy that she took off, and wrote all the joys, sorrows and sorrows on her face, lest others not know.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

Therefore, if Ma Xiaomei is really pregnant, then Wang Xiaofei will inevitably tell netizens the good news, and he can't hide something in his heart.

Fake from the beginning of marriage?

Therefore, through the above points, it can probably be judged that Xiaomei is not pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Wang family, otherwise there would not be so many doubts.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

In addition, Wang Xiaofei is a dignified founder of Ma Liuji, worth tens of millions, and his former ex-girlfriend is either a star or an actor, how can he fall in love with Ma Xiaomei now, a figure who is not even an Internet celebrity?

In this regard, some netizens speculated that the relationship between the two may have been fake since they got married.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

Just imagine, the two got married in a hurry, and they only knew each other for half a year and got "flash marriage", which is not like Wang Xiaofei's style of doing things; In addition, after marriage, Wang Xiaofei continued to open branches, Zhang Lan also continued to traffic through her son's newlywed blog, and it is said that Ma Xiaomei also opened a beauty salon of her own.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

Combined, this is not like getting married and living a life, but more like an "exchange of interests". They have reached a consensus with each other for their own interests, which is what we see today.

The Ma Xiaomei twins escalated, and many suspicious points were revealed, perhaps it was fake from the beginning of their marriage

If that's the case, it's just unexpected. However, the editor still thinks that Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are true love, and the two of them really have a sense of CP standing together, what do you think?