
After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

author:Finish C chatting about the world

In the complex Hong Kong entertainment industry, there is a story of a couple that is particularly eye-catching. She is Guo Aiming, a talented woman with a proud academic background; He is Liu Qingyun, an unknown actor.

The backgrounds of the two are very different, but they deduce a sincere love that transcends the world's vision. Guo Aiming, this name was unknown to everyone in Hong Kong in the early 90s. She holds dual master's degrees from the University of Southern California and worked as a trainee engineer at NASA.

In 1991, Guo Aiming returned to Hong Kong to visit relatives and participated in the Miss Hong Kong election by the way. With her elegant and generous temperament and outstanding knowledge, she easily won the crown and became the most educated Hong Kong sister in history.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

While Kwok was standing in the spotlight and receiving the cheers of the whole Hong Kong public, Liu Qingyun may have been in the corner of a certain set, silently waiting for an insignificant shot.

As a young man with only a secondary school education, Liu Qingyun can only play tricks in the film and television crew, barely making ends meet. Who would have thought that this young man with an unastonishing appearance and an ordinary family background would become the husband of that radiant Hong Kong sister in the future? Fate is so wonderful, it can always weave the most amazing story in the most casual moments.

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry at that time, beauties from Hong Kong sisters often choose to marry into wealthy families, which has almost become an unwritten rule. However, Guo Aiming broke this convention.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Her choice has taken many people by surprise and has also sparked countless questions and speculations. People can't help but ask, how can this ugly and poor boy marry a Hong Kong sister with such a high education and such a beautiful appearance? This question not only bothered bystanders, but also troubled Liu Qingyun himself.

However, the power of love is magical, it can bridge the gap between appearance, education and background, and bind two hearts together. In this way, a seemingly impossible love story quietly unfolded in the bustling city of Hong Kong.

The gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently. For Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming, their fate began on the set of the TV series "Big Time", brewed at Zhou Huimin's concert, and finally bloomed in a phone call.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

At the filming site of "The Great Era", Liu Qingyun had close contact with Guo Aiming for the first time. The beauty and wisdom of this Hong Kong sister made the shy Liu Qingyun secretly moved, but she didn't dare to show it.

There seems to be an invisible barrier between them, and Liu Qingyun can only hide this throbbing deep in his heart. After all, in his opinion, there is an insurmountable gap between himself and this radiant Hong Kong sister.

However, fate always comes in the most unexpected places. In 1994, Zhou Huimin held a concert and invited Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming as guests. Maybe it's the magic of the stage, or maybe it's fate, the two who barely spoke on the set actually talked happily backstage.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

The conversation that day allowed Liu Qingyun to see Guo Aiming's approachable side, and also made Guo Aiming discover Liu Qingyun's unique charm. After the concert, Liu Qingyun found that he always couldn't help but think of Guo Aiming's smile.

The goddess, who seemed unreachable, suddenly became so kind. With apprehension, Liu Qingyun plucked up the courage and dialed Guo Aiming's phone. However, Liu Qingyun's confession seemed a little clumsy.

He asked, "What were your thoughts on the first date?" Guo Aiming's answer couldn't help but laugh: "I thought you were looking for something with me, and I thought you were going to borrow money......" This slightly awkward opening has become a warm episode in their love story.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Although the opening was not perfect, the spark of love has been quietly ignited. Only three days later, Guo Aiming, who was moved by Liu Qingyun's sincerity, agreed to his pursuit. This ordinary young man can no longer be ordinary, with his pure heart, he won the beauty home.

From the secret heartbeat on the set of "The Great Era", to the backstage chat of Zhou Huimin's concert, to the fate-changing phone call, the love between Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming quietly sprouted in the ups and downs.

This relationship, which was born out of fate, proves that sincere intentions can overcome any obstacles, and also indicates the long years they will walk together in the future. When Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming's relationship was made public, the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry was boiling.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

However, it was not blessings that greeted the lovers, but overwhelming doubts and ridicule. "Black chocolate with white cream", "toad with white swan", such scathing comments abound.

People can't understand why Guo Aiming, who is highly educated and good-looking, would choose Liu Qingyun, who is mediocre in appearance and has an ordinary family background. In the eyes of many people, Liu Qingyun has neither a prominent family background nor a proud career, and is not worthy of Guo Aiming at all.

In the face of these doubts, Liu Qingyun behaved very calmly. He said firmly: "I just want to be with her, and people go to high places." Although this sentence is simple, it speaks to his determination and self-confidence.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Liu Qingyun understands that he may not be as good as Guo Aiming in appearance and conditions, but he believes that his sincerity can impress his beloved. Guo Aiming was also unmoved by the voices of the outside world.

In her eyes, Liu Qingyun's simplicity is precisely the most precious quality. What she values is not Liu Qingyun's appearance or wealth, but his sincere heart. Guo Aiming once said in an interview that she admires Liu Qingyun's simplicity and kindness, and these qualities are far more important than external conditions.

Some netizens once commented: "Among the actresses in the Hong Kong circle, there are two actresses who are blindfolded by lard, one is Kwan Yonghe, and the other is Guo Aiming." However, it turned out that Guo Aiming's choice was not wrong.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Her relationship with Liu Qingyun has withstood the test of time and has become a winner in terms of emotion. The story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming tells us that sincere feelings can transcend the eyes of the world.

Love should not be bound by external conditions, but should be based on mutual appreciation and understanding. They have proved with practical actions that as long as two people love each other, they can work together to create their own happiness.

In the face of doubts and ridicule, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming showed courage and perseverance, not only won respect for their love, but also set an example for those who are looking for true love.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Their story is the perfect illustration of love that transcends appearances and contexts, demonstrating the power of genuine love. After seven years of long-distance love, Liu Qingyun finally proposed to Guo Aiming during a flight.

This seemingly ordinary man expresses his determination in a unique and romantic way. He gave Guo Aiming two choices: either marry him, or he would jump off the plane.

This dramatic marriage proposal not only shows Liu Qingyun's sincerity, but also shows his cherishment of this relationship. Guo Aiming, who was amused by the domineering behavior of the "idiot" in front of him, happily accepted the marriage proposal.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

In order to give his beloved an unforgettable wedding, Liu Qingyun did not hesitate to give everything he had. This once poor boy took out all his savings and spent millions of Hong Kong dollars to hold a grand wedding.

This is not only a promise to Guo Aiming, but also his determination to prove that he can give his lover happiness with practical actions. After getting married, Guo Aiming made a decision that surprised many - she chose to give up her career and support her husband wholeheartedly.

This former top student resolutely chose his family. In an interview, when asked if he would choose to be a Hong Kong sister or an engineer if he chose again, Guo Aiming smiled and said: "Of course I am a housewife!" This sentence is full of her cherishing of her family and trust in her husband.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

Liu Qingyun deeply understands how much his wife has paid for herself. He worked harder in his career, and at the same time did not forget to be considerate of his wife everywhere in life. Outside of work, he never paid or attended dinners, but hurried home to accompany his wife.

Sometimes, he buys his groceries in advance and waits for his wife to get off work. These subtle actions all show his deep love for his wife. However, married life is not always smooth sailing.

Sometimes, the two will also argue over trivial matters, such as whether or not to enlarge green onions when cooking. But Liu Qingyun will always deliberately admit defeat and control the time of the quarrel within five seconds.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

"It's much better to lose an argument than to lose your wife," he said. This wisdom of knowing how to give in is the secret of their long marriage. In the marriage of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming, we see how love and career are perfectly balanced.

Guo Aiming's choice makes us understand that success is not only about career brilliance, but also about being able to live according to one's own heart. And Liu Qingyun used his actions to interpret what is true love and cherishment.

Their story shows us that if two people work together, they can build a welcoming haven in the middle of a bustling city. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming have gone through 25 spring and autumn together.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

In this Vanity Fair, their relationship is becoming more and more mellow, like an old wine, which lasts for a long time. Today, 55-year-old Guo Aiming and 59-year-old Liu Qingyun are still as sweet as their first love.

Liu Qingyun has become a well-known "wife slave" in the circle. Outside of work, his life revolves around his wife. He will accompany Guo Aiming to play mahjong, rub her shoulders, and cook.

Sometimes, before Guo Aiming gets off work, he will buy good vegetables and obediently wait for his wife to come home. These subtle actions all reflect Liu Qingyun's love for his wife. In 2015, Liu Qingyun won the Golden Statue actor crown again with "Eavesdropping 3".

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

On the podium, he affectionately said to his wife: "Every time I fly to the universe with a spaceship, you always have a way to get me back to Earth safely, thank you."

This poetic confession not only moved Guo Aiming to tears, but also touched the hearts of countless audiences. At this moment, Liu Qingyun used the most romantic way to tell the world about his love for his wife.

In the past 25 years, there have never been any scandals in their marriage. In the complicated entertainment industry, such feelings are rare. Although they chose not to have children, this did not affect the happiness of their marriage.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

They enjoy the world of two people, and they accompany each other like partners who depend on each other. Liu Qingyun once said: "I finished everything I wanted to say to her alone." This phrase speaks to the true meaning of their marriage – that each other is the most loyal listener and supporter of the other.

To outsiders, their marriage may not be perfect, but for them, it is the ideal state of life. The story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming makes us rethink the true meaning of love.

It tells us that true love is not about appearance, regardless of background, but from mutual appreciation and understanding. Although their marriage may not seem perfect to outsiders - no children, unbalanced career development, but they interpret what happiness is in their own way.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why

They cherish each other and have always maintained each other's original intentions in the chaotic city. The reason why this relationship is precious is precisely because it is pure and firm and can stand the test of time.

It tells us that the essence of love is not vigorous, but a long stream; It's not you and me, but supporting each other. The story of Liu Qingyun and Guo Aiming is not only a fairy tale of an "ugly duckling" marrying a "white swan", but also a realistic legend about perseverance, trust and mutual achievement.

It makes us believe that as long as we manage with heart, ordinary love can also bloom with extraordinary brilliance. In them, we see the preciousness of love. If you don't believe in love, you can also understand from them that it's not that there is no love, but that you haven't met it or can't have it.

After graduating from middle school, he was ugly and poor, but he married a Hong Kong sister with a double master's degree, why