
Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

author:Lao Song said farming


Summary: Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th.
Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

Time flies, can't stand the changes of the years, in the blink of an eye, the year has passed halfway, today is June 30, 2024, the 25th day of May in the year of the dragon, Sunday. It is also the tenth day of the summer solstice. Soon to the small summer solar term, every year before and after the small summer solar term in the eastern part of the mainland China, because often controlled by the subtropical high pressure, all appear sunny and high temperature weather, began to enter the drought period, most of southern China will appear in the east and west of the climate characteristics, but this year's climate is abnormal, so far the weather pattern of south and north drought is still continuing, heavy rain and heavy rain in the south for several days, frequent floods, on the contrary, most places in the north are still scarce rainfall, meteorological drought is still continuing to develop. So when will this "flood in the south and drought in the north" weather be reversed?

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

The old folk people often say: "The first half of the year is not May 25", which means that after the first half of the year after the 25th day of the fifth lunar month, the drought will be alleviated! Why is there going to be more rain? According to folk legend, the 25th day of May of the lunar calendar is the "Dragon King's Mother Visit Day", which means that the 25th day of the 5th lunar month is the day when the Dragon King goes home to visit relatives and reunite. Legend has it that the dragon king shed tears because he saw his mother because of excessive excitement, and the tears of the dragon lord became rain, so it often rained on this day, as the saying goes: "May twenty-five thunder, the green dragon rain all over the field", this is the truth.

Therefore, folk people believe that it will generally rain on the twenty-fifth day of May, when I was a child, I often heard adults say that "the drought is not May 25", it is also a coincidence, remember the drought in the first half of the year, most of the May 13 will often rain on this day, and then the drought in the arid areas will be alleviated by the appearance of rainy days, today is the twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, I hope that God will show the spirit, and a good "happy rain" to relieve the drought. So how much rain will there be in the subsequent summer of the year? Listening to the old man, the weather on the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar can be an omen, let's see what the ancestors' agricultural proverbs say.

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

Agricultural proverb one, "May twenty-five thunder, green dragon rain full of fields."

The old saying means that if there is thunder and lightning on the 25th day of May, it is a good omen, indicating that the following summer will rain more frequently, and because of the heavy rainfall, the fields will be full of flowing water, indicating that there will be a lot of rain in the summer.

Among them, "May 25" refers to the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, "a thunder" appears lightning and thunder weather, the latter sentence "Qinglong Shi rain full of fields", is to use the technique of foiling, to explain the meaning of the rain, "Qinglong Shi Yu" actually refers to the meaning of the rain in the world.

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

Agricultural proverb 2, "May twenty-five drops a little, rainy forty-five." ”

The old saying means that if there is rain on the twenty-fifth day of May, it is a sign that the following weather will rain frequently and abundantly, and this rain will last for a long time, one and a half months. This indicates that there was more rain in the following summer.

Specifically, "May 25 drops a little" in which "May 25" refers to the 25th day of May in the lunar calendar, "drop a little" is the meaning of a rainy day, and the latter sentence "rainy 45" is a foiling technique, implying the meaning of a long time of rain, of which "45" here does not specifically refer to 45 days, it is a figure to illustrate the meaning of a longer period of rain.

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

Agricultural proverb 3, "The great drought is only May 25." ”

As the old saying goes, the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is the time node when the drought situation is reversed, so on the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the weather will often rain, so that the previous drought will be alleviated. Therefore, there is a saying among the people that "the great drought is only the twenty-fifth day of May".

So why does it rain on the 25th day of the 5th lunar month? In addition to the above folklore, the rain on this day is the tears shed by the dragon king when he visited his mother. In addition, the twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar coincides with the summer solstice solar term, and one of the main climatic characteristics of the summer solstice solar term is that the rainfall begins to increase, and there are often rainy weather such as heavy rain and thunderstorms, so the probability of rainy weather around the twenty-fifth day of May every year is relatively large.

On the other hand, if there is no rain on May 25, it is a very bad omen for the subsequent weather to continue to be dry and the crops planted by farmers will be reduced or even dried up due to the drought.

It can be seen from this that from the above agricultural proverb, if there is thunder or rain on the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, it indicates that there will be more rain in the following summer, and the drought in the arid areas will be significantly alleviated or lifted.

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

So if there is a sunny day and few clouds on May 25, what will be the impact on the subsequent trend of drought and flood?

In the fourth day of the agricultural proverb, the field cracked on the twenty-fifth day of May, and the mouth of the frog bled out.

The old saying means that if there is a sunny drought and little rain on the 25th day of May, it indicates that the following summer will continue to be dry, and there will be no rain in the dog days of midsummer, and even the rivers and lakes will dry up to the bottom, and the frogs in there will naturally dry up or die because there is no water source. This indicates that the drought was severe this year.

Among them, "field cracking" refers to the weather of drought and little rain, and the latter sentence "bleeding from the mouth of the frog" is a foiling technique to illustrate the severity of the drought.

It can be seen from the above agricultural proverb that if there is a drought on the 25th day of May, there is little rain or a sunny day, it indicates a severe drought in the summer of this year.

Will 2024 be flooded or drought? As the old saying goes, "If you are waterlogged or not, you will see the twenty-fifth day of May." Today is May 25th

At the end of the day, today is the twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and now we can predict whether there will be more rain in the following summer of this year according to today's local weather conditions? It is a flood or a drought, and finally I hope that God will show his spirit and have a good "happy rain" to relieve the drought today.