
All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

author:The road to the world

For the word "wake", it is estimated that everyone will immediately think of the deceased's close relatives and descendants, a kind of filial piety and performance to the deceased relatives.


Today there is a thing in Dejiang County that makes people have different opinions! The death of a "mysterious person" actually alarmed all the staff of the local middle school and health center, and asked everyone to go to the vigil one by one under the orderly and organized arrangement.

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

Looking at a video posted by netizens, it shows a wake-up schedule of Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and Health Center, which clearly and clearly lists the wake-up arrangements of various systems and employees from June 22 to June 29.

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

On the schedule, every system in schools and health centers has been sent to wake spirits!

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

This video was posted on the Internet, and it quickly exploded into heated discussions among netizens, and netizens speculated that the mysterious deceased should be a high-ranking person, otherwise how could the local education and health departments spontaneously go to the wake.

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

A reporter called the Education Bureau at the time, and the Education Bureau said that it had called the school and the matter was being handled.

After hearing the reply from the Education Bureau, netizens speculated that this mysterious deceased should not be simple, otherwise would it still need to be dealt with? So I started eating melons in a variety of ways!

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

Thanks to the network, it was really an eye-opener for me! Wake for so long, isn't it all three days, collect a lot of money, if ordinary people don't dare to put it for so many days, it will cost money.

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

Netizens said: If I write condolences on this, I won't say anything, what does the wake mean? Is this the meaning of filial piety on our side, filial sons and grandsons? You must find out, what kind of leaders are his children?

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

Netizens said who died, such a big show, is it the secretary? County magistrate? Or the officials in charge of health and education?

All the staff of Dejiang Middle School and Health Center are holding a vigil for the "mysterious man"! Netizens speculated that the identity was prominent!

Originally, it was normal to arrange a wake, but it was still a school and a health center to arrange so many people! It really opened my eyes! See you in the long life!