
The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

author:Xiao Wang's interesting life

In that era when the wind and clouds were changing and the wheels of history were rumbling, outside Chang'an City, the flag of Jiuyan Mountain was hunting and fluttering in the wind, like the war song of the heroes, playing the overture of the troubled times. As night fell, a group of warriors quietly shuttled through the mountains and forests, shouldering the heavy responsibility of reviving the Tang Dynasty and destroying the Zhou, each of them was a legend, weaving the heroic epic of that turbulent era together.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

In this land, Qin Qiong's descendants, Qin Fang and Qin Wen, like two chess pieces played by fate, embarked on completely different paths. Qin Fang, loyally and unswervingly under Li Dan's command, is like an impregnable fortress; Qin Wen, on the other hand, chose to join Xue Gang's rebel army and defected to Jiuyan Mountain, vowing to fight to restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty. Their choice is not only a turning point in personal fate, but also a manifestation of the fierce collision between family and faith, like two torrents converging and colliding in the long river of history.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

And in Tongguan, the general named Shang Yuanpei faced the rolling Yellow River, and his heart was turbulent. As the general of the Four Treasures, he was originally loyal to Wu Zetian, but after learning about Wu Zetian's brutal rule, he resolutely chose to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. Shang Yuanpei's decision is not only related to his personal fate, but also like a strong wind, blowing the direction of the entire battle situation. His transformation, like a pebble thrown into the surface of a lake, stirred up layers of ripples and changed the course of history.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

In the camp of Nine Flame Mountain, Qin Wen and Shang Yuanpei stood side by side, their eyes flashing with determination and determination. They know that a great war is coming, and they will face a powerful enemy, as well as their own inner struggles and pains. But in any case, they are ready, for the faith and ideals in their hearts, they will move forward bravely, like two phoenixes about to pounce on the flames, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of sacrifice.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

In Chang'an City, Wu Zetian's spy network is dense, and her eyes seem to be everywhere. In this court full of intrigue and intrigue, every action may rewrite the future of the Tang Dynasty. This is an era of suspense and adventure, and the story of the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty is slowly unfolding, and each character is fighting for their beliefs and ideals. Their actions are like adding one stroke after another to the picture scroll of history.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

The tide of resistance was surging, and when Wu Zetian monopolized power and began to frame the loyal and virtuous people, a magnificent historical chapter - the story of the Tang Dynasty and the destruction of the Zhou Dynasty quietly kicked off in this turbulent era. This is an era in which heroes and battles coexist, and many descendants of Sui and Tang heroes have emerged and become the protagonists of this story. They are like bright stars in the long river of history, illuminating that turbulent era.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

The Xue general, as a loyal supporter of the Tang Dynasty, became the core force of the struggle. Xue Gang, as the leader of the Xue family, gathered many heroes to revolt and resist together. They gathered in Jiuyan Mountain, planning rebellion after rebellion, vowing to restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty. Their actions were like an unstoppable torrent, impacting Wu Zetian's rule.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

Qin Qiong's descendants also stood out in this turmoil. Qin Fang and Qin Wen, the two brothers threw themselves into different camps after Wu Zetian's usurpation. Their bravery and determination have become the epitome of this era. Their battle was like a contest of family glory and faith, which was moving.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

In the camp of Nine Flame Mountain, Qiu Qi and his junior brother Bai Wenbao are known for their exquisite double-stick skills. They were invincible on the battlefield and became an important force in the struggle. Their bravery and tacit understanding made the warriors of Jiuyan Mountain more united and resisted foreign enemies together. Their existence is like a strong line of defense, guarding every inch of the Nine Flames Mountain.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

The glory and choice of the Qin family and the Wei Chi family became the most moving chapter of that era. Qin Wen and Wei Chijin fought side by side against Wu Zetian's army. Their bravery and determination became a symbol of resistance to Wu Zetian's tyranny. Their battle is like a contest between the family and the country, which makes people's blood boil.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

The encounter in Jiuyan Mountain and the bravery of the descendants of Luo and Qiu were the most beautiful scenery of that era. Although the two brothers, Luo Chang and Luo Ying, have embarked on completely different paths, their bravery and determination are the same. Qiu Qi and Bai Wenbao's double-stick skills have become the legend of Jiuyan Mountain. Their existence is like an unstoppable force, pushing the warriors of Nine Flame Mountain forward.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

The wisdom and courage of Cheng Biting Jin's descendants also added a touch of bright color to that era. Cheng Wanhu's axe technique was unique, and he demonstrated extraordinary military talent and leadership during the night attack on Chang'an City. This action of his was like a blitzkrieg, which caught the defenders of Chang'an City by surprise.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

Shang Yuanpei's transformation and Tongguan's dedication became the most critical turning point of that era. His decision not only changed the fate of Tongguan, but also affected the direction of the entire battle. His move is like a turning point in history, making the story of the Tang Dynasty and the destruction of the Zhou Dynasty even more magnificent.

The eight descendants of the Sui and Tang Dynasty heroes who destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty: the loyal and brave descendants of Qin Qiong, and the four treasure generals who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light

In this era of suspense and adventure, every character is fighting for their beliefs and ideals. How will their choices affect the course of this era? This question hangs like an unsolved mystery in everyone's mind. But whatever the outcome, their stories will be a part of history and will be told forever for future generations.

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