
A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

author:Open-minded Maple Leaf eRt

"Song of the Goose" is one of the representative works of the Tang Dynasty poet Luo Bingwang,

"Song of the Goose" is one of the representative works of the Tang Dynasty poet Luo Bingwang, the birth of this poem, not only marks that Luo Bingwang's literary talent has been recognized by the society, but also adds a bright pearl to Chinese classical poetry. Luo Bing Wang wrote this poem at the age of seven, and his genius is breathtaking. The universal influence of this poem lies not only in the fact that it transcends the boundaries of time, but also in the fact that it transcends the boundaries of age and culture, and has become a classic that people of different eras and backgrounds appreciate and praise together.

First of all, from a literary point of view, "Song of the Goose" presents a vivid picture of geese frolicking in the water with its concise and crisp language and vivid depictions. The poem "Goose Goose Goose, Song to the Sky" not only vividly depicts the form of the goose, but also conveys a positive and free-spirited spirit through the metaphor of "Song to the Sky". This spirit is in line with the open and inclusive social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, and also echoes people's desire to pursue freedom and yearn for a better life, so it is deeply loved by people.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

Secondly, from the perspective of education, "Song of the Goose" has become an important teaching material for children's enlightenment education because of its easy-to-understand language and vivid description. In ancient China, children's enlightenment education often used poetry as a carrier to cultivate children's language expression ability and aesthetic taste through poetry. With its concise language and vivid description, "Song of the Goose" is easy for children to understand and remember, and has become a classic in enlightenment education. The influence of this poem can be seen in the fact that many children are able to recite the poem while they are babbling.

Moreover, from the perspective of cultural communication, the influence of "Song of the Goose" is not limited to China, but also crosses national borders and has become one of the most well-known classical Chinese poems in the world. With the spread and exchange of Chinese culture, more and more foreign readers have begun to come into contact with and appreciate Chinese classical poetry, and "Song of the Goose" has become a window for foreign readers to understand Chinese classical poetry with its concise language and vivid description. Many foreign sinologists and literature lovers have praised this poem as a treasure of classical Chinese poetry.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

In addition, from the perspective of social impact, the influence of "Song of the Goose" is also reflected in its impact on people's lives. In daily life, people often quote this poem to express their emotions and thoughts. For example, when enjoying the beautiful scenery, people will use the phrase "song to the sky" to describe their happy mood; In the face of difficulties, people will use "goose goose goose" to express their indomitable spirit. The influence of this poem has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives and has become an important carrier for people's emotional expression and exchange of ideas.

In general, the universal influence of "Song of the Goose" is reflected not only in its literary value, but also in its educational significance, and more importantly, in its cultural transmission and social influence. With its unique charm, this poem transcends the boundaries of time and space, and has become a classic work that people appreciate and praise together. With the creation of this poem, Luo Bingwang not only left a strong mark in the history of literature, but also left a deep impression in people's hearts. His name and the poem "Song of the Goose" will always be remembered and praised by people.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

The advent of "Song of the Chicken" is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples. This poem, written by a 70-year-old farmer Wei Yong imitating "Song of the Goose", won a national literary award for its concise form of 18 words, which sparked widespread discussion and different reactions from netizens.

On the one hand, some netizens questioned Wei Yong's creative level, believing that "Yongji" is just a simple imitation of "Yong Goose", lacking innovation and depth, and some even pointed out that his works are not worthy of awards. This part of netizens believes that literary works should have unique artistic value and profound ideological connotation, and "Yongji" does not seem to meet such standards. They were skeptical of the selection criteria for the awards, believing that there might be subjective preferences or other unknown factors on the part of the judges.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

On the other hand, more netizens showed a positive spirit of participation and rich creativity. Inspired by the creative form of "Song of the Chicken", they spontaneously created various imitation poems, such as "Song of the Dog" and "Song of the Cat", forming a boom in online literary creation. These works are either humorous or profound, which not only shows the literary talents of netizens, but also reflects the tolerance and encouragement of cultural diversity and innovative expression in modern society.

The emergence of this phenomenon is actually a modern interpretation and recreation of traditional culture. In the fast-paced modern life, people crave to express their emotions and opinions in a simple and direct way. With its concise form and easy-to-imitate structure, "Chicken Song" meets this need. By creating imitation poems, netizens not only entertain themselves, but also invisibly inherit and promote the culture of classical Chinese poetry.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

In addition, this phenomenon also reflects the trend of democratization of literature and art in modern society. In the age of the Internet, everyone has the opportunity to show their talents and express their thoughts. No longer limited to the traditional mode of literary creation and the criteria of authoritative review, the spontaneous creation of netizens is an exploration and practice of literary and artistic diversity.

However, this widespread participation and creative expression has also brought with it some problems and controversies. Some parody works may pursue formal imitation too much, and ignore the artistic and ideological nature that literary works should have. To a certain extent, this phenomenon reflects the impetuousness and superficiality of the current Internet culture.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

In general, the different reactions of netizens to "Yongji" are not only a modern interpretation of traditional culture, but also a manifestation of the freedom of literary and artistic creation. It stimulates people's enthusiasm for creation and promotes the popularization and development of literature and art. But at the same time, we should also pay attention to the problems existing in the Internet culture, guide and encourage more high-quality and in-depth literary creation, so that traditional culture can radiate new vitality in modern society.

Poetry occupies a pivotal position in Chinese culture, and it is not only a treasure of literature and art, but also an important carrier of national emotions and cultural inheritance. Since ancient times, poetry has been closely related to the life of Chinese, it carries people's emotions, reflects social changes, and records the context of history.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

In China's long cultural history, poetry, with its unique artistic charm, has become an important way to express emotions and aspirations. From the "Book of Songs" "Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent", to Qu Yuan's "The road is long, I will go up and down and seek", and then to Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine" and "Lushan Ballad", the poetry expresses people's yearning for a better life and the pursuit of ideals with its refined language and profound connotation.

The status of poetry in Chinese culture is not only reflected in its artistic value, but also in the cultural inheritance it carries. In China, poetry education is an important part of children's enlightenment, and many children begin to learn to memorize Tang and Song poems from an early age, which not only enriches children's language skills, but also sows the seeds of Chinese culture in their hearts.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

Although poems such as "Song of the Goose" and "Song of the Chicken" are simple in form, the positive spirit they contain can inspire people's love and inheritance of poetry. "Song of the Goose" shows the grace of the goose with its vivid description, while "Song of the Goose" depicts the industriousness and bravery of the chicken with its simple language. Although these two poems come from different eras, the love of life and the pursuit of beauty that they convey are the same.

Positive poetry can stimulate people's positive energy and guide people to face life with a positive attitude. In modern society, people are facing various pressures and challenges, and poetry, as a kind of spiritual food, can give people spiritual comfort and strength. By reading and writing poetry, people can express their emotions and find meaning in life, thus gaining spiritual satisfaction and pleasure.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan

At the same time, poetry is also a bridge between the past and the future. In poetry, we can feel the wisdom and emotion of the ancients, and we can also draw strength from it and inspire thinking. The inheritance and development of poetry not only requires our respect and inheritance of traditional culture, but also requires us to keep pace with the times and continue to innovate. In the context of the new era, poetry creation should pay more attention to reflecting real life and expressing the thoughts and emotions of modern people, so as to make it an important force to promote social progress and cultural development.

In short, poetry has an irreplaceable position in Chinese culture, as it is not only a carrier of emotional expression, but also a link of cultural inheritance. Whether it is "Song of the Goose" or "Song of the Chicken", these positive poems can inspire people's love for poetry and promote the inheritance and development of poetry. We should cherish this precious cultural heritage, let poetry continue to play its unique role in modern society, and add more color to people's spiritual life.

A 70-year-old farmer turned poet? imitated "Song of the Goose" and wrote a "Song of the Chicken", and only 18 words won a bonus of 10,000 yuan