
was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?


Lu Xianren, the name sounds a bit mysterious and extraordinary, but do you know that his story actually begins in a very ordinary place. Lu Kaigang, also known as Lu Xianren, was born in an inconspicuous small village in Heng County, Guangxi. The pace of life there is slow and leisurely, and people live a simple and unpretentious life, but in the hearts of Lu Xianren, there is an extraordinary dream hidden.

From a very young age, Lu Xianren was particularly fascinated by the glamorous models on TV. Whenever he saw them dressed in gorgeous clothes, walking with graceful steps, and confidently showing themselves on the catwalk, his heart was full of envy and yearning. He often thinks that it would be great if one day he could stand on such a dazzling stage!

Although Lu Xianren's family was not wealthy, and his parents were ordinary farmers, they gave great support and encouragement to their son's dream. They knew that this dream might be a little out of reach for a rural child, but they still tried their best to provide Lu Xianren with learning opportunities so that he could come into contact with more knowledge and culture.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Lu Xianren also lived up to his parents' expectations, he studied very hard, not only did he get top grades in school, but also used his spare time to teach himself a lot about fashion and modeling. He knows that in order to achieve his dreams, interest and enthusiasm are not enough, but also solid professional knowledge and skills.

With the passage of time, Lu Xianren's height and appearance also gradually showed the potential of models. He is tall and tall, with three-dimensional facial features, and has a natural sense of fashion. These strengths set him apart from his peers and strengthened his determination to become a model.

In order to be able to get closer to his dream, Lu Xianren began to participate in various model auditions and competitions. Although he didn't get any good results at first, he was not discouraged and worked harder to train himself and improve his professional level. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will one day be able to stand on the stage of his dreams.

The story of Lu Xianren is like an inspirational movie, full of struggle and perseverance. He used his actions to tell us that no matter what your background, as long as you have dreams and determination, it is possible to achieve your goals. And his story also inspires more people to pursue their dreams bravely, not afraid of difficulties and challenges.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Now, Lu Xianren has become famous, and his figure has begun to appear in various fashion magazines and advertisements. Although there is still a distance from the big stage in his heart, he believes that as long as he continues to work hard, that day will come. And we are also looking forward to that day, looking forward to seeing Lu Xianren shine on the catwalk and become a real "Lu Xianren".

Lu Xianren, this name is now well-known in the modeling industry, but who would have thought that this bright star on the international catwalk started out on the assembly line of a factory in Guangdong, working in obscurity. 3

It was a place filled with the roar of machines, the same actions repeated every day, and life seemed fixed in a monotonous rhythm. But in the hearts of Lu Immortals, there is a different spark. He looked at the woven bags and discarded plastic sheets on the assembly line, and thought not about their value as industrial materials, but about what kind of demeanor they could show in himself. 3

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

So, he started his own creation. Without professional design knowledge and expensive materials, he used these seemingly useless waste materials to sew his own "fashion" stitch by stitch. His clothes may be tattered in the eyes of ordinary people, but in his eyes, they are the first step towards his dream. 3

The process of shooting a video is not easy. Lu Xianren needs to find colleagues who are willing to help in addition to their heavy work. They may not understand his pursuit, or they may just be curious, but in any case, they pressed the record button and recorded Lu Xianren's attempts to walk the catwalk again and again in the corner of the factory, in the pile of discarded materials. 3

The early videos did not become an instant hit as he dreamed of. On the contrary, they are obscure and even attract ridicule and incomprehension. Colleagues jokingly called him a "crazy model", and netizens left sharp words in the comment section. But Lu Xianren did not give up because of this, he knew that behind every successful person, there was a lonely journey that was not understood. 3

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

He persevered, practicing the catwalk over and over again, shooting videos again and again. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will one day be able to use his own efforts to break the prejudice of others and prove his worth. 3

The story of Lu Xianren is like an inspirational movie, full of challenges and perseverance. He used his actions to tell us that no matter what your background, as long as you have dreams and determination, it is possible to achieve your goals. And his story also inspires more people to pursue their dreams bravely, not afraid of difficulties and challenges. 3

Today, Lu Xianren has grown from an unknown factory worker to a bright star on the international catwalk. He used his own experience to tell us that dreams are never different because of the starting point. As long as you are willing to work hard and fight for it, then one day, you will stand on your own stage and shine the brightest light. 3

The story of Lu Xianren is like an inspirational script full of twists and turns. Despite all the difficulties and doubts he encountered on the assembly line of the Guangdong factory, he did not choose to give up, but returned to his hometown with the persistence of his dream. There, there are the mountains and rivers that he is familiar with, as well as those seemingly ordinary but infinite possibilities of rural daily life.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Lu Xianren, who returned to his hometown, did not stop, and he began to use all the available resources around him to continue his catwalk dream. When there is no flashy catwalk, he uses blankets, leaves, plastic sheets and other common items in the countryside as props on country roads, fields, and even his own yards, making his own costumes and creating unique catwalks.

In his video, you will see an ordinary blanket, which has been transformed into a fashionable cape by his skillful hands; Leaves of trees, under his creativity, turned into a chic headdress. These seemingly simple, even somewhat rough props, under the interpretation of Lu Immortals, show a unique charm and vitality.

Lu Xianren's video began to slowly gain some attention on the Internet. Although it was only sporadic likes and comments at first, it was already a great encouragement for him. He knows that as long as he doesn't give up, he will one day be able to let more people see his efforts and talents.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Finally, the video of the catwalk wrapped in a blanket went viral on Douyin. In the video, although he does not have professional lighting and stage, his calm and confident pace, his love and pursuit of fashion have deeply touched everyone who watches the video. Overnight, the number of likes exceeded one million, and Lu Xianren's name began to be known by more and more people.

The popularity of this video is not only a recognition of Lu Xianren's personal talent, but also an affirmation of his perseverance. He proved with his actions that no matter what his background is, no matter how difficult the conditions are, as long as he has a dream in his heart, it is possible to achieve it.

The story of Lu Xianren has inspired countless people with the same dream. He shows us that in this seemingly ordinary world, everyone has the opportunity to create an extraordinary life through their own efforts. And Lu Xianren is the one who used persistence and courage to light up the road of his dreams.

The story of Lu Xianren is like an unstoppable tide that has moved from the country road to the international stage. His ingenious catwalk video not only caused a sensation in China, but also crossed borders and won high praise from the international fashion industry.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

In the eyes of international netizens, Lu Xianren is not only a model, but also a real designer and genius. He used seemingly inconspicuous rural objects to create stunning fashion pieces. Amazed by his creativity and talent, foreign netizens praised him on social media, calling him a "real designer and supermodel", and his videos have gained a large number of loyal fans on YouTube.

With the improvement of international recognition, Lu Xianren has also become popular in China. His videos have been wildly reposted on major social platforms, and countless netizens have been moved by his talent and persistence. His name began to appear frequently in major fashion magazines and media reports, and he became a popular figure in the fashion industry.

Lu Xianren's success is not only because of his talent and creativity, but also because of his spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and having the courage to pursue his dreams. His story has inspired countless people to see that as long as you have a dream and the courage to pursue it, it is possible to achieve your goals, no matter what your background.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

After becoming popular in China, Lu Xianren did not stop his steps. He began to participate in various fashion events, collaborated with well-known brands at home and abroad, and even walked on the runway of international fashion weeks. His appearance broke people's traditional perception of fashion and let people see the infinite possibilities of fashion.

The story of Lu Xianren, like a wonderful movie, is full of twists and surprises. From an obscure rural youth to a darling of the international fashion industry, he has been firm and powerful in every step of the way. He used his actions to show us that as long as there are dreams, it is possible to create miracles.

Today, Lu Xianren has become a symbol, a symbol that represents dreams and courage. His story continues, and the possibilities for his future are endless. We look forward to the fact that this talented designer from the countryside can continue to shine on the international stage and create more surprises and legends."

Lu Xianren, this name is now more than just a name, it represents a spirit, a legend from a small village to the international stage. After becoming popular, Lu Xianren is no longer a single individual, but has a professional team, including agents and assistants, who work together to contribute to Lu Xianren's career.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Now Lu Xianren can already wear those brand-name clothes that can only be seen from a distance, and appear in front of the camera with a more professional and exquisite image. Every shooting is no longer a simple imitation, but a creation again and again, and every catwalk is an exploration and display of one's own style. His videos are no longer just a simple catwalk, but integrate more elements, such as fashion, travel, life, etc., showing a more diverse and three-dimensional Lu Xianren.

Although some people think that Lu Xianren's popularity is unrepeatable, they think that his success has too much chance and luck. But Lu Xianren himself knew that behind this was countless days and nights of hard work and persistence. He did not become impetuous, but cherished everything he has now. He maintains that casual and free attitude, and maintains a normal heart towards work and life.

For the future, Lu Xianren is full of expectations and dreams. He is not satisfied with the status quo, and is always thinking about how to break through himself and how to bring more surprises to the audience. He hopes to be able to step onto more international stages, cooperate with more designers and brands, and let more people see his talent and charm. He also hopes to bring more innovation and change to the fashion industry through his own efforts.

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?

Lu Xianren's story continues, and his future has infinite possibilities. We have reason to believe that this boy who came out of the country road will continue to write his own legend in his own way. 1011131417

was scolded as a pervert at home, but he was called a genius abroad, what did Lu Xianren experience?