
Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?

author:Rookie youth

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the winter of the second year of the first peace of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty (191), Gongsun Zan was in the Panhe River, and Yuan Shao fought at the boundary bridge.

This battle was a key battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan in order to fight for control of Jizhou, and it was also the climax of the struggle between the two sides.

Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?

The ancient battlefield of the Battle of Jieqiao is located in the east of Dongfangjiaying, Wei County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, south of Dagezhai Village, about 11.5 kilometers away from the county seat.

1. Background of the war: Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan were originally local forces in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and at first the two sides had a background of joint confrontation against Dong Zhuo, but as the situation changed, the two turned against each other due to conflicts of interest, especially in the control of Jizhou, and the confrontation between the two sides was inevitable.

Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?

2. Comparison of troops: Gongsun Chan has 30,000 infantry and more than 10,000 cavalry as the main force, which is the most powerful cavalry corps at that time, divided into left and right wings, and has the advantage of mobility and impact. Yuan Shao mainly relied on infantry, and although he had more troops than Gongsun Zhan, he lacked cavalry and was inferior in troops.

Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?

3. Battle process: Yuan Shao used the command ability of his general Li Yi and the experience of fighting the minority cavalry, at the beginning of the battle, Ling Lu Yi led 800 death squads to resist Gongsun Zhan's cavalry, successfully broke the cavalry formation of Gongsun Zhan, and made up for the huge disadvantage of Yuan Shaofang's lack of cavalry. Although Gongsun Chan himself was brave and good at fighting, his elite cavalry units suffered heavy losses due to his light enemies and tactical mistakes.

Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?

4. Post-war influence: Yuan Shao won the battle and successfully contained Gongsun Zhan's offensive and consolidated his dominance in Jizhou. This victory was crucial for Yuan Shao, as the battle marked a turning point in the balance of power between the two sides, establishing not only his powerful position in the north, but also laying the foundation for his future emergence as one of the most powerful warlords in the north.

Where does the battle of Yuan Shaogong Sun Zhan's boundary bridge, a classic example of foot-to-foot riding, take place now?