
The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

author:The realm of killing gods says entertainment

In the entertainment industry, Wang Wenlan is a dazzling existence, and he is known as "Xiaosheng" and has many fans. However, what few people know is that his growth process is like a bitter drama, full of contradictions and struggles.

Every morning at 4 a.m., when most people are still asleep, Wang Wenlan's mother has already gotten up and started preparing breakfast for her son. This seemingly ordinary move, but in the persistence that has lasted for 10 years, it has gradually become a routine that Wang Wenlan cannot get rid of in his life.

The mother's intentions, which should have been warm, quietly degenerated into an invisible shackle in the repetition of day after day. Wang Wenlan grew up under this strict discipline, and his mother's demands permeated every corner of his life.

From academic performance to daily life, everything has to be reviewed by the mother. This high-pressure education method makes Wang Wenlan's heart full of contradictions. He is grateful for his mother's dedication, but he also longs to break free from this excessive love and pursue his own life.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

However, the mother's strict discipline was not entirely unreasonable. In her eyes, an excellent son should have an excellent life plan. She firmly believes that only her own arrangement can bring her son to the pinnacle of life.

This mindset deeply influenced Wang Wenlan, making it difficult for him to make decisions against his mother's wishes as an adult. Wang Wenlan's childhood and adolescence seemed to be dominated by his mother's expectations.

This strict education method, although to some extent contributed to his career success, also made him seem inadequate in his emotional and personal life. The shadow of his mother has always shrouded him on the road of life and has become an insurmountable mountain for him.

This kind of growth experience has left a deep imprint on Wang Wenlan. It shaped his cautious, self-disciplined character, and at the same time planted the seeds of a desire for freedom and a desire to make independent choices in his heart.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

This contradiction became an important factor affecting his future life, and also laid the groundwork for his later emotional experience. With his mother's strict requirements and his own unremitting efforts, Wang Wenlan's acting career is in full swing.

With his excellent acting skills and handsome appearance, he has become a hot first-line student in the entertainment industry. On the screen, he is radiant, showing the charm of a mature man in his gestures, which makes countless girls fall in love with him.

His career success story has become a role model for newcomers in the circle, and it is also a capital that his mother is proud of. However, Wang Wenlan in reality is very different from the screen image.

At the age of 45 this year, he is still alone. In this entertainment industry, which is known for scandals and scandals, Wang Wenlan maintains a rare single purity, which should be a commendable thing.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

But in the eyes of others, this has become a huge question mark: why is such an excellent man still single? As time went on, there were more and more gossips about Wang Wenlan.

Some say he has a problem with his sexual orientation, others say he has an eccentric and difficult personality. Some people even speculate whether there is some shady secret. These speculations put Wang Wenlan under pressure and deterred those women who originally had a good impression of him.

In such a situation, the saying "no one dares to marry" gradually spread in the circle. Wang Wenlan's seemingly glamorous life is actually full of helplessness and bitterness. His heart longs for sincere affection, but he has never been able to get it.

Whenever he wants to pursue his own happiness, he will be faced with the choice between career and love. Do you follow your mother's arrangement and maintain the stability of your career, or do you follow your heart and take the risk to find true love? This question has been plaguing Wang Wenlan.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

He is afraid of losing his hard-won career achievements, but he also longs for sincere feelings. At this crossroads, he hesitated and was in a dilemma. The success of his career can't hide his emotional frustration, and this contrast makes Wang Wenlan's life shrouded in a faint layer of sadness.

In Wang Wenlan's life, there have been three vigorous romances, each of which can be called a good story in the circle, but they all ended due to his mother's intervention. These three relationships have witnessed Wang Wenlan's transformation from a young boy to a mature man, and also recorded his frustrations and helplessness on the road of love.

The second relationship was with an artist in the circle. Although this girlfriend is called "little transparent" by some people in the circle, she is sincere and moving in Wang Wenlan's eyes. The two have been in love for a long time and their relationship is stable, and Wang Wenlan even had the idea of getting married.

They attended the event together, supported each other, and guarded each other's sincerity in this entertainment industry full of temptation. However, the good times were short-lived. The mother intervened again, believing that the artist was "not good enough" and not worthy of her son.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

She was worried that this relationship would affect Wang Wenlan's career development, and she firmly opposed the two continuing to date. With the intervention of his mother, the relationship eventually ended in a breakup. This breakup made Wang Wenlan feel powerless, and it also made him doubt whether he was capable of protecting a relationship.

The third relationship was the most sensational, and the other party was called Wang Wenlan's "quasi-daughter-in-law" by the media. This girlfriend was personally selected by her mother, and she thought that she could finally achieve positive results. Wang Wenlan is also full of expectations, hoping to get his mother's blessing this time and fulfill his dream of marriage.

However, it backfired. Even the object of the mother's hand-picked was rejected in the end for various reasons. This failed relationship not only hit Wang Wenlan hard, but also made him deeply doubt his feelings.

He began to wonder if there really was a perfect partner who could meet everyone's expectations. Three romances and three failures, Wang Wenlan's heart was tormented. He began to wonder if he was really fit for love and if he was destined to die alone.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

Every failure in love makes him one step closer to happiness. And all of this seems to stem from the mother's seemingly warm but suffocating love. Wang Wenlan fell into deep self-doubt, not knowing whether he would have the courage to pursue his own happiness next time.

Wang Wenlan's mother is undoubtedly a conscientious mother. She gave everything for her son, hoping that he would be the best. She gets up at 4 a.m. every day to prepare breakfast for her son, and her persistence for 10 years reflects her meticulous care for her son.

However, this deep maternal love inadvertently became a stumbling block to her son's happiness. In emotional matters, mother's intervention is everywhere. She is strict with every relationship with her son, as if she is choosing a future daughter-in-law.

In her eyes, a girl worthy of her son must be perfect. This kind of almost harsh standard makes Wang Wenlan's emotional road difficult. From Yang Mi in college, to the artist in the circle who was later called "Little Transparent", and finally to the object of being called a "quasi-daughter-in-law" by the media, every relationship ended because of her mother's opposition.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

However, the mother's intentions were not entirely bad. She hopes that her son can find the most suitable partner and live a happy life. It's just that this kind of love is too tough and self-serving in the way it is expressed.

She firmly believes that only her own arrangement can bring her son to the pinnacle of life. This mode of thinking deeply influenced Wang Wenlan, making it difficult for him to get rid of his mother's shadow as an adult.

In her career, the influence of her mother is equally far-reaching. She has planned a perfect life trajectory for Wang Wenlan, from her studies to her career, no matter how big or small. This kind of high demand and strict discipline really made Wang Wenlan stand out in the entertainment industry and become a hot first-line student.

But at the same time, it also made him lose the opportunity to choose independently and become a step-by-step "perfect son". Is his mother's love an obstacle to Wang Wenlan's happiness or the cornerstone of his success? This question has been bothering him.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

In his career, his mother's strict requirements have indeed helped him avoid many traps in the entertainment industry and cast his brilliant achievements. But emotionally, this excessive protection and intervention has made him unable to find true love, even to the point where he is still single at the age of 45.

This complex mother-son relationship has become the main contradiction in Wang Wenlan's life. It is both a motivator for his success and an obstacle to his happiness. How to pursue his own happiness while respecting his mother has become the biggest challenge that Wang Wenlan needs to face.

However, the price came with a limited love life. Whenever he wants to pursue his own happiness, he will be faced with the choice between career and love. Do you follow your mother's arrangement and maintain the stability of your career, or do you follow your heart and take the risk to find true love? This question has been plaguing Wang Wenlan.

He is afraid of losing his hard-won career achievements, after all, in this rapidly changing entertainment industry, one careless person may fall off the altar. At the same time, he longs for sincere feelings and for someone to understand and support him.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

At this crossroads in life, he hesitated and was in a dilemma. Time flies, and the years are merciless. When Wang Wenlan realized that he was 45 years old and still alone, he began to reflect deeply on his life choices.

The success of his career can't hide his emotional frustration, and this contrast makes Wang Wenlan's life shrouded in a faint layer of sadness. He began to wonder if he should be brave enough to break the status quo and make new choices in his life.

But whenever he wants to take this step, he is reminded of his mother's expectations and his own responsibilities. This inner struggle has become the biggest test on the road of Wang Wenlan's life.

Today's Wang Wenlan is glamorous on the surface, but he is actually lonely inside. He hovers between maternal love and personal happiness, trying to find a balance. At the age of 45, the contradiction between a successful career but a lack of emotion deeply troubled him.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45

He began to try to communicate with his mother, expressing his thoughts and needs. This process is not easy, because the patterns of getting along that have been developed over the years are difficult to change in a short period of time.

At the same time, he is also trying to shape his own independent personality, learning how to respect his mother while also taking responsibility for his own life. Wang Wenlan understands that only by finding this balance can he truly achieve happiness.

He began to re-examine his life and think about how to balance his career and relationships. Although his past three relationships ended with his mother's intervention, he did not give up hope of finding true love.

On this path of finding himself, he is moving forward step by step, looking forward to reaping his own happiness in the near future. Despite the difficulties, Wang Wenlan still believes that one day he will be able to find the perfect balance between career, family and love.

The three girlfriends are all goddess-level, and they were all beaten by their mothers, and now no one dares to marry at the age of 45