
Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

author:Lala takes you to see the world

Recently, a video exploded on social media, and the protagonist is the legendary "Peking University Wei God" - Wei Dongyi.

In the video, his cousin comes to Beijing with their two children to spend some quality family time with the math genius.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Such a scene is in stark contrast to his cold image in the academic world, which has aroused heated discussions and curiosity among netizens.

It is understood that the location of this family gathering was chosen at the Spoon Garden Hotel of Peking University, and Wei Dongyi not only received the family in person, but also intimately prepared breakfast for his sister and children.

What's even more surprising is that he also personally sent 8 big meat buns from Peking University to his sister.

This move not only made netizens sigh at Wei Shen's carefulness and thoughtfulness, but also made people see his warm side as an ordinary person.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Netizens eat melons, and there are constant heated discussions

The video soared like a rocket on social media, quickly igniting the enthusiasm of netizens.

In the comment area, all kinds of ridicule and exclamations emerge in endlessly, and it is very lively.

Someone joked: "After eating Wei Shen's big meat bun, will you be able to become a scholar in seconds and go straight to Peking University?" It made everyone laugh.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Immediately afterwards, someone sincerely admired: "Wei Shen, he is obviously a peak figure in the academic field, but he is so simple in life, which is really admirable!" Some netizens humorously said: "With such an uncle as a 'learning artifact', wouldn't the juniors in the family have to 'hang up' academically?" The unexpected exposure of this family gathering not only made Wei Shen the focus of public opinion again, but also provided netizens with a unique "melon-eating" feast.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Reveal the daily life of Wei Shen

With the wide spread of the video, netizens' curiosity became more and more vigorous, and they dug deep into Wei Shen's daily life.

They discovered that Wei Shen was not only a brilliant mathematician, but also a healthy eater who adhered to vegetarianism.

He has a preference for pasta, and he is particularly focused on every meal, as if he can taste the flavor of it in every bite.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

And the large bottle of mineral water he loves is an indispensable companion in his daily life.

Wei Shen, who is rigorous and focused in academics, shows a completely different low-key temperament in life.

He doesn't like to communicate too much with strangers, but when he gets along with his family, he can exude rare warmth and kindness.

This simple and low-key lifestyle not only makes people admire his talent and quality more, but also makes people full of curiosity and concern about the family and affection behind him.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Wei Shen, the mathematical genius, is attracting more and more people's attention with his real and down-to-earth image.

The story behind the family reunion

As the attention of the Wei Shen family gathering soared, the heartwarming story behind it slowly unfolded like a long stream of water.

Wei Dongyi's cousin has always been a solid backing for him on the way to study.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

When Wei Dongyi faced academic challenges and life choices, his cousin was always the first to stand up and give him meticulous care and encouragement.

This family gathering is a family feast carefully planned by my cousin, aiming to make Wei Dongyi feel the warmth of home and the power of family affection in addition to his busy academics.

In the video, Wei Dongyi sat around with his cousin and children, laughing and laughing.

They tasted food, shared interesting facts about life, and talked about their dreams and plans for the future.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

Wei Dongyi's face was filled with a smile of happiness and satisfaction, and his eyes revealed a deep attachment and gratitude to his family.

Such a scene makes people feel that even a brilliant mathematical genius has the same warmth and softness as ordinary people.


With the increasing exposure of the Wei Shen family gathering, various voices and opinions have also come in, forming a wave of heated discussions.

Some netizens began to worry about whether such public attention would cause unnecessary distress and interference to Wei Shen's originally peaceful life.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

They are worried that Wei Shen may lose valuable time to focus on academic research as a result, and may even be subjected to some unnecessary pressure.

In the face of these controversies and reflections, we should look at them with a more rational and tolerant attitude.

On the one hand, we must respect Wei Shen's personal privacy and rights, and avoid excessive excavation and exposure of his private life.

On the other hand, we also need to understand the curiosity and admiration of netizens for this outstanding mathematician.

Wei Dongyi also understands the sophistication of human feelings! My cousin brought the child to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 large meat buns in the morning

After all, Wei Shen's outstanding achievements and unique personality in the academic field have made him an admirable and concerned public figure.

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