
On the day his father-in-law remarried, Wei Ming stared at his young stepmother with a gloomy face. It's no wonder he is

author:Little Sister Library

On the day his father-in-law remarried, Wei Ming stared at his young stepmother with a gloomy face.

It's no wonder he is.

No one can accept a stepmother who is only one year older than herself, especially since she is still the white lotus who is weak and can't take care of herself.

It wasn't until I saw Wei Ming pushing his stepmother against the basement that I understood.

The emotion surging in Wei Ming's eyes was not resentment, but jealousy.

On the day his father-in-law remarried, Wei Ming stared at his young stepmother with a gloomy face. It's no wonder he is


The newcomers on the stage hugged each other in the blessings of everyone, but I was sitting on pins and needles.

Because the kind old man with a new flower pinned to his chest is my fifty-eight-year-old father-in-law.

And the bride is a young girl who is only one year older than my husband Wei Ming.

My father-in-law has always boasted that he has a deep affection for my mother-in-law who died early, but he actually played with a year-old love, and he couldn't spoil this little wife, and the luxury of the wedding was better than that of Wei Ming and me.

I turned my head to look at Wei Ming, his face was gloomy, and he was staring at his stepmother viciously.

I sympathize with him.

No one can accept that the old father, who has been widowed for his mother for many years, suddenly has a new love, and his stepmother is about the same age as himself.

His expression was so hideous that I had to gently touch his shoulder to remind him to pay attention to his demeanor.

After all, there are many political and business celebrities at this wedding, and we can't let outsiders see the jokes.

Squeezing out a few smiles, we applauded the parents-in-law who completed the ceremony.

I thought that this embarrassing banquet was finally coming to an end, but the waiter suddenly moved two stools to the stage.

Just when everyone was puzzled, my father-in-law suddenly picked up the microphone:

"Please give us a testimony and let my son and daughter-in-law come up and kowtow to me and their mother to make tea, and from now on, Xue Yao will officially be a member of the Su family!"


In public, you want us to kowtow to her for tea?

When I married Wei Ming, I had already kowtowed to my mother-in-law's tablet.

What kind of thing is she, Su Xueyao, who deserves me to give her a big gift?

The guests had recovered from the shock they had just received and were staring at us with a lively expression.

Don't knock it, today's wedding is bound to break up.

Maybe tomorrow's headline will be [The son of the Wei family is angry at the wedding, and the father and son turn against each other], and the company's stock market will also be affected.

Knock it, I feel uncomfortable, Wei Ming and I will become the talking point of others.

On the trade-off, I think the negative impact of knocking is smaller.

I looked at Wei Ming who was standing next to me, his eyes were red, and his clenched fists burst out.

"Bear with me, don't let them see the joke."

Wei Ming had no choice but to hide his emotions and kneel on the futon with me.

Su Xueyao took our tea and took out two red envelopes.

Looking at her calm and composed, I guessed that the tea ceremony was not a whim of my father-in-law, but had been planned for a long time.

Maybe she's the one who started it!

It seems that I underestimated her methods and made her dare to give us a disadvantage as soon as she entered the door!

Wei Ming and I held back our anger and left the venue.

When he got home, Wei Ming smashed the flower pots in the house as if he were venting as soon as he entered the door.


I didn't stop him, and let him finish venting before I asked the servant to clean up.

His hand was scratched by the splashed porcelain, but the servants did not dare to approach him.

As a wife, I had to take out the medicine kit to disinfect and bandage him.

"Why bother, it's a foregone conclusion, you're only hurting yourself by doing it. If Dad finds out, he'll think about it more."

"But I'm not reconciled." Wei Ming's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked extremely fragile.

The father, who loved his deceased mother deeply, suddenly married a young wife, and forced himself to kowtow to her and call her mother.

I just got married, and who knows what my father-in-law will do to hurt his son when he smiles for Pomeranians in the future!

I patted Wei Ming's back distressedly, it seemed that this incident hit him hard.

He leaned limply on my shoulder, and we snuggled up on the couch.

It was a rare quiet time for us, and at this moment I felt like we were a bit of a couple.

After all, we are a business marriage, there is no love, only profit.

Once upon a time, I only cared about my own personal interests.

But now we have a common enemy, and she is most likely to infringe on the common interests of our husband and wife.

I feel like we shouldn't be on the defensives anymore and take steps together to deal with our ambitious stepmoms.

So I proposed to Wei Ming, "We can't sit still, we should find a way to deal with her."

My encouragement cheered up Wei Ming, who had been silent.

"You're right, I should get rid of her."

He was so angry that I threw away the pillow in my hand.

I hurriedly stopped Wei Ming, who was walking out: "You can't just go like this, if something goes wrong with her, you can't escape it!"

Husband and wife are one, and if something happens to him, I can't please him.

Wei Ming stopped: "Then what should I do?"

"Dad is the one who has the right to decide, as long as Dad is biased towards us, Su Xueyao can't threaten us."

Wei Ming nodded thoughtfully.

He began to deliver medicinal food to his father-in-law every day, and he was also very kind to his little stepmother, and everyone got along well on the surface.

It's just one day that I suddenly found that this little mother-in-law seemed to pay special attention to me and Wei Ming.


At the dinner table of the old house, Wei Ming gently fed me a shrimp.

"Wife, open your mouth."

I shyly bit into the shrimp and suddenly felt like someone was watching me.

It's not my father-in-law, he's looking at us with a kind smile.

I turned my head like Wei Ming coquettishly: "Husband, I still want to eat shrimp."

Wei Ming sandwiched another shrimp, I scanned the audience, and finally locked on to Su Xueyao.

It's her again.

She stared straight at Wei Ming's flipped fingers, and finally followed them to me.

After meeting my gaze, she hurriedly lowered her head.

After the meal, Wei Ming and I talked about Su Xueyao's actions, but in exchange for his laughter.

I frowned and asked him, "Don't you think there's something wrong with her?"

Recently, when Wei Ming brought me water, fed me, and swam with me, Su Xueyao would often spy on us.

Wei Ming didn't seem to have the patience to listen to me, and blocked my lips with a kiss: "It's just spying on us, don't take it to heart."

At the moment, I'm putting this question behind me for the time being.

Because it was getting late, my father-in-law left us to stay, and Wei Ming rarely agreed.

In the middle of the night, on the bed in the old mansion, Wei Ming tossed me over and over.

I tried to suppress my voice, "Tap, this is in the old mansion."

"What are you afraid of, the sound insulation of the house is very good. And the old man has long been asleep, and no one will hear it."

He smiled wickedly and suddenly began to speed up.

I couldn't help but reach out and touch his strong arm, his shadow in my mind.

He has a good figure, good physical strength, a good family background, and is handsome, and he has been good to me recently, so we can completely let down our guard and get along well.

Be a loving couple, have one or two children, and live a happy life.

The sound outside the door interrupted my downfall.

Like the sound of something shattering in the doorway.



The door was empty.

Wei Ming didn't care: "It's a cat, Auntie likes to feed the wild cats nearby, it may be which one has strayed."

I don't believe it.

After all, no cat will take the initiative to clean up broken glass and wipe the water off the floor.

And the cat, only wiped the floor, ignoring the water stains on the wall.

I woke up early to investigate last night's events.

No glass shards were found in the garbage, but I heard from the servant's cupboard that a cup was missing.

And everyone knows that Madame has a habit of drinking ice water in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, it was Su Xueyao.

Even sexual intercourse has to be monitored!

I was about to go back to my room to tell Wei Ming, passing by the kitchen, I saw the nanny pouring something into the trash can.

What she was holding in her hand was the tonic soup I had brought with me.

I angrily asked her, "How did you get the soup?"

"Young lady, it was Madame's order. This soup is too greasy for a gentleman."

It's just a human body and deer antlers, where is it greasy?

"Where's the soup from before?" I couldn't help but raise the volume.


I'm so angry!

The soup that Wei Ming had worked hard for all morning was poured out by Su Xueyao, and his father-in-law didn't take a sip.

learned from the nanny that Su Xueyao would make a new soup.

"Madame, speaking bluntly will break your heart and that of the young master."

She's really scheming!

She didn't pour soup, it was Wei Ming's concern for her father!

The reboiled soup is her credit, and it has nothing to do with us, and it is estimated that my father-in-law will praise her for being intimate!

"But Mr. doesn't like to drink ginseng soup, but the young master has loved drinking it since he was a child, and now he will drink a bowl every time he comes."

The nanny's unintentional words made her heart chuckle.

Su Xueyao doesn't do what her husband loves to drink, but what my husband loves to drink?

Thinking of all the things before, I realized that Su Xueyao didn't pay attention to me, it was Wei Ming!

It turns out that what she covets is not my father-in-law's property, but my father-in-law's son!

No, she's a pervert, that's her son!


Such an unbelievable thing, I can only digest it myself.

I didn't dare to tell Wei Ming, he hated his stepmother in the first place, and I was afraid that he would make a big fuss and hurt the relationship between father and son.

I didn't dare to tell my father-in-law, after all, Su Xueyao was so clever that I was afraid that she would beat her up and say that I had framed her.

After thinking about it, I decided to pay the private investigator more money so that he could find out some useful information as quickly as possible.

After a month of observation, I became more and more convinced of my judgment.

Su Xueyao did have a lot of thoughts about Wei Ming.

With all my money thrown at me, the detective finally found something useful.

Su Xueyao entered the box of the hotel with a man, and I happened to know this man.

Zhao Yanbai, a playboy in the circle, Wei Ming's hair is small.

When the two came out of the hotel, Su Xueyao stood beside him with a blushing face, tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, and she couldn't see it innocently.

Not willing to be lonely?

Or is it through Zhao Gongzi's news to inquire about Wei Ming?

It doesn't matter, when the detective sorts out the information and sends it to his father-in-law, he won't spare Su Xueyao.

I fell asleep and was woken up by the rapid ringing of the bell.


I was shocked that my father-in-law died of a heart attack!


At the funeral, Su Xueyao lay on her father-in-law's coffin and cried bitterly, and I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

A few months after she got married, her father-in-law, who had always been in good health, suddenly fell ill, but before I was about to expose her.

Everything was too coincidental.

I suspect she killed her father-in-law.

Wei Ming's eyes were scarlet and emotional, and now tell him my suspicions, he might get out of control, and I plan to tell him after the funeral.

My father-in-law cares most about decency, and this kind of disgraceful thing is better to deal with quietly.

By the time I finished the last call of mourners, it was late at night.

Wei Ming was nowhere to be found, I was not at ease, so I looked for him from floor to floor.

Walking up to the first floor, I heard a small sound coming from the basement.

Following the voice, I saw the black skirt in the crack of the door, and the man's legs were against the woman's knees.

It's Su Xueyao!

She actually dared to mess around at her father-in-law's funeral!

I was about to open the door and grab it, but the man's voice stopped me.

"No one can stop the two of us in the future, you can only be mine."

The words full of possessiveness came from Wei Ming's mouth.

He's an adulterer!

I couldn't hear what Su Xueyao said, but Wei Ming said again: "I will deal with Fang Shutong well, and she won't hinder us."

Dispose...... No one can stop ......

I understand, they have hooked up for a long time, and the father-in-law's accident may have been planned by them together.

So, I'm the next one to have an accident?


The old house was no longer safe, so I packed up my things and went back to my parents' house.

My mom was surprised, "Why did you come home so late?"


My mom looked at me with disgust, "I only saw it during the day! At this time, you should accompany Wei Ming, he just lost his father, he must be uncomfortable, how can you throw him at home by yourself!"

Seeing that I didn't speak, my mom immediately sensed that my emotions were wrong.

"Did something happen to Wei Ming? He's got someone out there?"

is worthy of my mother, with fiery eyes, I can't hide it if I want to.

I sneered: "Wei Ming and his little stepmother have a leg, I suspect that my father-in-law's death has something to do with them, and their next target is me."

My mom took off the mask off her face and called my dad and told him to come home quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, I carefully read Su Xueyao's information again.

In the past, I only knew that she and Wei Ming went to the same university, different departments, and Wei Ming was one year.

When I looked at it this time, I found a lot of unusual things.

Their lodging towers were next to each other, and they had probably seen them.

After all, Wei Ming is a man of the hour, and I easily found his news in the school post bar.

He once pursued a senior sister in the School of Nursing in a high-profile manner, with pictures and truths, and the heroine was Su Xueyao.

No wonder Wei Ming was so out of shape at his father-in-law's wedding, Bai Yueguang got married, or married his old father, who can tolerate it?

I always thought that Wei Ming hated Su Xueyao, but it turned out that the emotion in his eyes was not resentment, but jealousy.

Jealous of his father, he married the woman he loved.

Or maybe the two of them have long been in cahoots and are planning to seize power.

Wei Mingsheng was angry and said that he was not referring to Su Xueyao, but to his father.

After all, my father-in-law is in good health and can still be in charge of the company for many years.

I thought of my father-in-law and Su Xueyao going to Xiangtan for their honeymoon, and when Wei Ming learned about it, he couldn't wait to chase after him.

I stopped him, "You can't go."

He explained in a cold voice, "It's just a business trip."

"What a coincidence? As soon as Dad left, you immediately followed. Do you want to stay in the same hotel and meet at the same scenic spot? You can't even fool me, how can you fool anyone else?"

"Then what should I do?"

He clutched his head in collapse and roared.

I thought he was going to spy on Su Xueyao and swear sovereignty for his mother, but he didn't expect to be jealous of his father.

I squeezed the mouse tightly, and I almost believed him, almost decided on him.

He has been lying to me and using my sympathy to get me to advise on his behalf.

If you dare to take advantage of me, I will make you pay.


My dad is a violent temper, and as soon as he enters the house, he starts scolding, not only Wei Ming, but even my father-in-law, who just died, was not spared.

"This shameless old thing, I persuaded him when he wanted to remarry. The man who is half cut into the ground, the young girl will take a fancy to him? I thought it was a small amount of money, but I didn't expect it to lure a wolf into the house! Wei Ming is also ruthless enough, for a woman to attack Lao Wei, that is a father who pulls him up!"

"Leave, must leave, I don't worry about Shu Tong living by his side, my daughter doesn't need to endure those pickled things!"

I'd love to tell my dad that I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry about it yet.

But my dad was like a machine gun, and I didn't have a chance to speak.

Or did my mom see that I had something to say and gave my dad a punch:

"What are you anxious about, you still have to listen to your daughter's thoughts first."

My dad sat aggrievedly next to my mom and looked up for me to speak.

"I don't plan to divorce for the time being, after all, the property left by my father-in-law has not been divided, and our cooperation with the Wei family has not yet been completed, I plan to wait for everything to be dealt with and divide half of the Wei family's property before divorcing."

Wei Ming cheated in marriage, and half of the family property is what I deserve.

As for the remaining half, I'll leave it to him, the dog jumps over the wall, I don't need to drive him to a dead end.

This half, when staying in the mall to gamble, I want him to offer it with both hands.

My parents understood what I meant, and they said they would give me their full support.

"If you can't solve it, leave it to us, and Mom and Dad will always be your strong backing!"

There was a deep sense of guilt in their distressed eyes, and I knew that they felt that they had hurt me.

But this matter has nothing to do with them, I want to marry Wei Ming myself.


Before I got married, there was a problem with the raw materials of my father's company, and re-procurement required troublesome procedures and a month of transportation, and the goods would definitely not be delivered on time, and my father had to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Add to that the hundreds of tons of unusable materials that were bought, and the company is in high risk of going bankrupt.

My parents had gray hair in sorrow, but they didn't think of using me to marry.

Since I was a child, my parents doted on me and loved me, and they didn't let me suffer a little.

How can I bear to watch the country they fought hard for all their lives to be destroyed like this?

So when my dad was going to sell the house to make money, I offered to get married.

Of all the families in the city who use the same raw materials, only Wei Ming's reputation is better, and I myself am not bad, and my father will give the profits to the Wei family, so they don't have to worry about not being moved.

So I took the initiative to negotiate this marriage, and the company's order was successfully completed.

Even if I have to get divorced now, I don't blame my parents, and I'm still happy that I can help them.

"Don't worry." I put my arm around the shoulders of the old couple and reassured, "Your daughter is neither a fool nor a love brain. I just want to make money now, and when the time comes, I will use this money to make the family's business bigger and stronger, and I will give you a grandchild with good genes, and our family of four will be happy, how good!"

Although my parents' frowning brows gradually relaxed, my hatred for Wei Ming deepened.

It's the fox that always shows its tail, and as long as I keep an eye on you, I can get evidence of your cheating.

Dead scumbag, my parents are scared of me at a young age, don't break you, I don't have the surname Fang!