
My husband brought back a woman of unknown origin, and even wanted to marry her as a wife, and asked me to survive in the back house

author:Little Sister Library

My husband brought back a woman of unknown origin.

He co-founded a firm with a woman, praised her for her whimsy, and laughed at me for not understanding his ambitions.

even wants to marry her as a flat wife, and wants me to survive in the back house.

Later, the husband's wife, "Gu", died in a fire.

And I, five years later, became a powerful upstart in the court.

I met my husband in prison who had committed a capital crime.

But he didn't beg me to save him, but looked at me with a sad look in his eyes and asked:

"Qingqing, do you still hate me?"

My husband brought back a woman of unknown origin, and even wanted to marry her as a wife, and asked me to survive in the back house


In the sixteenth year of Xuande, my husband Li Chang was ordered to go down to Jiangnan to count a case of corruption.

When he returned to Beijing, he brought back a girl.

He personally helped her out of the carriage.

That girl's name is Yu Shuang, her eyebrows and eyes are beautiful, and her posture is graceful, which is really pitiful for me.

My heart was quite sour, and when I was about to ask, my husband stepped forward and took my hand with a smile.

"Qingqing, I'm back, let me tell you, our Li clan has finally ushered in the day of revival!"

On that day, Li Chang arranged for Yu Shuang to live in the best courtyard in the house, and then talked to me about what a "strange woman" she was.

"Yu Shuang can actually make such fine sugar!"

I tasted the snow-white and delicate sugar in Li Chang's hand, it was indeed very sweet.

"Not only that, but she also has a skill that can be made into bath objects with different scents, and the skin is clean and delicate after use, and there is also a fragrance, which is called soap."

Li Chang said that he wanted to open a business house with Yu Shuang.

He is now working in the household department and has a lot of connections that can be used as a dot.

With money in hand, presumably official luck will also be accessible.

A hundred years ago, the Li family was a prominent family in Beijing.

It's a pity that the family fell later, and my grandfather and father-in-law didn't want to revive the family.

It's a pity that the road to becoming an official was bumpy, and it didn't work out in the end.

My husband is a young talent, and I know that he has the same ambitions as his ancestors.

It's rare to see him so energetic, so I naturally support him.

Li Chang said: "I saved Miss Yu Shuang's life, her identity is unknown, I have arranged everything for her, and she is willing to share this secret recipe with me."

"I see." After listening to Li Chang's words, I breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was not what I thought.

Seeing my sighing appearance, Li Chang smiled and asked, "Didn't Qingqing misunderstand her husband?"

I was full of shyness, and I blamed myself for being a villain.

Li Chang hurriedly hugged me: "Qingqing, you and I have no guesses, and we said that we want to return together, how can I bear you?"

I snuggled into his arms, and a warm current welled up in my heart.


Li Chang is not high, the Li family has already fallen, and he does not have much savings.

In the end, I took two thousand taels from my dowry, pawned some valuable ornaments and books, and handed them to Li Chang, so that he could open a business with Miss Yu Shuang.

"If I have a wife like this, what more could I ask for!"

Li Chang was extremely moved at that time and vowed to return it to me tenfold in the future.

From that day on, he went out early and returned late.

I want to take care of the inner house at home, and I hope to do more for it.

I picked some alert and clever girls and sent them to the frost courtyard, and I paid attention to her daily preferences, but I was afraid that I would neglect her.

Who knew that Yu Shuang kicked out all the girls I sent out on the same day, and questioned loudly in the house.

"These girls are still supposed to study...... At the age of learning things, how can you drink people like this? Isn't it true that if there is no one to serve, I will not be able to get by?"

The girls didn't know what they had done wrong, so they had to kneel outside the hospital and cry.

She went and pulled them up one by one: "Don't kneel, if you want to stay by my side, you can't be my master and maid, you can only be sisters."

The girls cried even harder.

The incident was very troublesome, and when I arrived, Yu Shuang was still asking the housekeeper why he wanted these young girls to serve people, and what he said about "squeezing".

"Miss Yushuang, these girls are all born in the house, they grew up in the house with food, clothing, housing and transportation, if you drive them away now, they have nowhere to go, and they are all slaves."

"If Miss Yushuang likes to be quiet, just tell me, and I'll transfer them away. Girl, these girls think they have done something wrong and are going to be kicked out."

After I said this, Yu Shuang raised her eyes and looked at me, she raised her head proudly and muttered in a low voice, "Feudal."

I was afraid that she would still be unhappy, so I said, "If Miss Yushuang feels sorry for these girls, I will give them the deeds of these girls, and when the girl's business bank makes a profit in the future, I will give them a denaturalization."

"They were also born to their own parents, so how can they buy and sell at will? When my firm is profitable, I'll give you money, and you can let them all go." She said.

I answered, and hurriedly waved my hand to let the butler take everyone down.

At this time, Yu Shuang stopped me again: "I heard that you and Li Gongzi are married by the belly."

I wondered why she had asked this, but I didn't want to say anything about private affairs with her, so I said yes.

"Aren't you suppressing your loving nature, don't you think life is boring?" Yu Shuang stared straight at me, as if she wanted to see me through.

"As a wife, she should love her husband, honor her aunt, and take care of her family." I smiled in response.

"So you don't understand him at all." Yu Shuang muttered softly, and I heard it vaguely.

When she had asked me nonsensical, she went back to her room, leaving me alone to be strange.

Just now Yu Shuang talked about me and my husband's marriage, but it was just a joke between the two adults at the beginning.

Although his father-in-law is not in a high official position, he is a man of clear wind and moon, and his father has always been good friends with him.

When my mother was pregnant with me, my husband was more than three years old, and my father joked to my father-in-law, "If you have a daughter in this birth, I would like to marry your son."

But my Gu family is the family of Zhongming Dingshi and the wang family in Beijing, how can I marry so casually?

It's just that Li Chang grew older and his talent was revealed, and his father felt that he had potential and wanted to come to the pool.

When a family marries a daughter, they don't care about the level or the level, they only look at the talent and character.

After all, who can know that it is not dangerous to rise in the sky, and the carp is not a dragon?

If the bet is right, the married daughter can also support an impermeable network of relationships for the family.

Although the family has this calculation, I really have a friendship with Li Chang since childhood.

Before the matchmaking was the first time, I exchanged tokens with him to settle this situation.

I gave Li Chang a jade pendant, which was engraved with the words "Eternal Tie with One Heart".

Li Chang gave me a jade ring, which means that they are interlocking and will never be abandoned.

The eldest sister in my family married into the high gate of the Hou Mansion, and she and her husband raised their eyebrows every day, but after all, they were only interested in interests.

And I have always felt that I am different from Li Chang.

But in just over a month, this "friendship" gave me a blow to the head.


Yu Shuang opened a "Yu's Trading House" in the city, and at this time, the first batch of white sugar and soap were also produced in the workshop.

She also made a beautiful outer packaging for the soap, each scent is different, and the paper packaging is inscribed with different verses.

Those poems are extremely beautiful, with excellent rhyme, which can not only point to the topic, but also have artistic conception, which is unheard of.

After reading it, the husband praised it greatly, and sighed that Shuang was not only a "strange woman", but also a "talented woman".

It's just that I feel a little strange in my heart.

Yu Shuang has been in Beijing for two months, and he often observes his etiquette and words, which is quite "casual".

Li Changyan said that he no longer had parents alive, so I thought that Yu Shuang was just born in the countryside, lacked education, and it was common for him not to understand.

But with such literary brilliance, it really doesn't make sense to say that no one teaches.

But she does have some skills, and within ten years, Yu's firm became famous in Beijing.

The families of the powerful take pride in the use of refined sugar and soap.

Princess Huayang in the palace did not hesitate to buy all the flavors of soap with her daughter.

As a result, more and more people rushed to buy, and the prices rose higher and higher, and the business house made a lot of money just after it opened.

And Yu Shuang, as the proprietor behind the firm, is also famous because of the inscription on the paper poem.

I don't know how many people in Beijing want to see this lady in the face.

It was May, the peony in the princess's mansion was blooming just right, and Princess Huayang held a banquet to entertain her wife and ladies.

The princess specially posted to the firm, after all, Yu Niangzi is a celebrity in Beijing at the moment.

Yu Shuang is still living in our house, and since she was invited, I should also take care of her.

After dinner, I went to the frost courtyard with some fashionable ingredients and asked her to pick them out.

As soon as I walked through the verandah and passed the weeping flower gate, I heard the voice of my husband Li Chang from the other side of the door.

"Is it really going to be so limited?"

"Of course." It was Yu Shuang who responded, "So that those people understand the preciousness of this thing."

"As you say, your ideas are always good." It was rare for me to hear Li Chang's praising tone.

But I didn't want to eavesdrop, so I thought I'd wait for them to finish.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard Yu Shuang say, "Zisheng, it's not good for me to live in your house anymore, if you just want to go with the world, then we can only miss it."

Zisheng is the word of Li Chang.

"No, Shuang'er, you are the most special woman I have ever met, I don't want to ......" Li Chang was emotional when he heard this.

"You're married, but I don't mind. Because I know that you are forced by the world to make your own choices."

"But if you love me too, now you should make a choice!"

Yu Shuang was also emotional, and the two seemed to be a little tugging when they heard the voice.

"However, I have knot with the Gu boy, so I can't just abandon ......" Li Chang struggled.

"You are also forced to be helpless by the world!" Yu Shuang said again.

"If you are not accused of marrying and are free to choose, then you can not marry her until you meet me."

"Do you remember what I told you? When two people are together, they have to be like-minded, she is a woman in the boudoir who can only command her subordinates, embroider flowers and drink tea, how can she understand your ambition?"

"Of course she's not as good as you!" Li Chang said this sentence categorically, and my heart was cold.

"Only you understand that I am struggling in Beijing, and I am shouldering the heavy responsibilities of my family, as well as my ambition, only you, Shuang'er."

"Frost, give me a little more time."

I saw Li Chang hugging the frost, and the two hugged each other closely.


I don't remember how I got back to my room.

My self-righteous friendship between the two little ones and many years of friendship turned out to be so frivolous.

In the past, he called me "Qingqing", but today, he thinks that I am just a "Gu family" who will command people and embroider flowers in the inner house.

He didn't say a word about our past.

What a "forced to do so"!

Seeing my angry and heartbroken appearance, my bride-in-law Wang Yu persuaded me, "Which family doesn't have a concubine's room? But when you enter the inner house of the Li Mansion, you still have the final say, girl."

I listened to Wang Fei's words, my mind was messy, and I rushed to the doctor when I was sick.

I went to my mother-in-law's house and asked her to let her husband take over the house and show her business.

"So, she does have some skills. If you can stay in our Li family, it will naturally be very helpful."

My mother-in-law listened to my words, nodded after contemplation, and said to me, "You are a virtuous and sensible person, and you know how to take the initiative to think about Chang'er."

After Li Chang returned home, his mother-in-law sent someone to summon him to the courtyard and mentioned that he would be included in the family of Shuang's house.

"How can he be a concubine!" Who knew that Li Chang was furious when he heard this, and argued with his mother-in-law.

"Why not? Our Li family generations, although not as brilliant as a hundred years ago, are also considered scholarly, and you are also a serious Jinshi. And although the Yu family has some ability, the way of the merchant is ...... after all."

"Mother, I know Shuang'er, she will never be a concubine! If you mention this again, I am afraid you will drive her away from our house!"

Li Chang turned his face away, and looked like he had to mention the matter again.

"She doesn't want to be a concubine, is it possible that you want to divorce your wife and marry another?" The mother-in-law scoffed.

Of course, she doesn't blame her son, but she just thinks that this Yu Shuang doesn't know how thick the sky is.

"Nope." Li Chang was silent for a long time before he denied it.

That's when he noticed me standing in the corner without making a sound.

He seemed to want to say something to me, but he didn't say anything.

"I've thought about it, I'll advise Frost. Marry her as an equal wife." After speaking, Li Chang breathed a long sigh of relief, and seemed to have made up some kind of determination.

Hearing him say this, my heart was even colder: "What the husband said is ridiculous, my Gu family is a hairpin family, but you want to raise an unidentified merchant woman as a flat wife?"

"When you said that you wanted to open a business with Miss Yu Shuang, I took out my dowry to support it. Since marrying into the Lee family for more than three years, I have a clear conscience."

"Now you are stepping on my face like this, how do the people of the house and the women of Kyoto think of me?"

"It's really inappropriate to raise your wife, Chang'er, don't be willful." Hearing me say this, my mother-in-law was still sensible and waved her hand.

"Mother, son is not willful!"

Li Chang didn't seem to expect that I, who was usually gentle and gentle, would speak so hard today, but instead became rebellious.

He looked at me and said, "Qingqing, don't look at Shuang'er with the eyes of your boudoir back house. She's not like you. She has a vision and is like-minded with me."

"And even if I marry Shuang'er, the house is still the same as before, and you are in charge, so why bother with it......

"Since my husband has this true affection and determination, if the two of us are reconciled, I will go home tomorrow and inform my parents."

I interrupted Li Chang's speech with a frosty face, turned around and left.

I'm really naïve, Li Chang now feels that I am inferior to Yu Shuang everywhere, but I am a short-sighted woman in the back house, and there is a difference between Yu Shuang, who is "like-minded" with him.

He really married Yu Shuang, can I really be the head of the house as Wang Yu said?

The next day, I went back to my mother's house early in the morning.

As soon as he entered the door, the housekeeper's mother-in-law came up: "The second girl came back just in time, and the master and the lady are sending slaves to the Li Mansion to invite you."

My eyebrows jumped, and I walked quickly through the verandah, and I saw that my parents and sisters were all in the hall, and even the eldest sister had returned home, and the room was full of solemn faces.

As soon as I showed up, my father got up and slapped me hard.

"You're nineteen, why are you still so ignorant? Heli, this kind of thing can also be mentioned lightly?"

"Regardless of the fact that you still have two younger sisters to marry in the family, even the clan will never let this matter go. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"


I covered my face and asked in a cold voice, "Then do I deserve to spend my life in the Li family?"

"The family gave birth to you and raised you, not to shame the sisters of the clan!"

"If you insist on this, you might as well find a white silk by yourself!"

My father's eyes widened, and the look made me think that I had done something to disgrace the Nine Clans.

The mother and eldest sister hurriedly got up to comfort their father.

The eldest sister tapped my stomach with a fan and said, "The second sister is too fussy, who doesn't accept concubines. Second sister, do you really want your brother-in-law to guard you alone?"

"The most important thing is that you have a belly, give birth to a son-in-law as soon as possible, and the people in the house are not at your disposal."

I weakly explained, "It's not a concubine, he's going to take a wife."

"Flat wife?" The eldest sister frowned, and immediately glanced at her mother, "Could it be that it is a powerful lady?"

"No, that person's origin is unknown, or Li Chang took great pains to naturalize her."

"Then what are you afraid of, you still listen to your sister, your stomach is ......" The eldest sister frowned and shook her fan.

"But she's the lady of the Yu firm, which has recently become famous in Kyoto."

I looked at my father, mother, and eldest sister and asked, "She has a unique skill, and Li Chang said that the two are like-minded, so how should I settle in the Li family in the future?"

I will tell my family all about the frost, and I just hope that any of them can understand my state of mind.

Unexpectedly, after I finished speaking, the eldest sister asked, "Since that trading house has Li Chang's share, do you still have a stock of soap in your house?"

"My mother-in-law bought a piece of osmanthus scented soap at a high price a few days ago, and she loves it very much. Next month is her birthday, and if I have this to celebrate my birthday, she will rejoice."

Even his father, who was already angry, sank his face and asked, "The trading house recently said that it would produce refined carbon, but is it true?"

When I heard these words, I turned my face away: "I have no right to meddle in the affairs of the business, and I don't know anything about it."

"Second sister, you are confused." The sister-in-law, who had been listening quietly by her mother's side, spoke at this time.

"Since Li Chang insists on marrying this Yu Niangzi, you will be a family in the future, the family will be in the same spirit, and the Li family will be rich and strong, which is also a good thing for you."

"Yes," my father also said quietly, "Although the way of a merchant is lowly, the Yu family is unique in the world for such skills. How many people in Beijing want to befriend her but can't meet her, you don't know the depths of it."

The room was full of people saying the same thing, and my heart grew desperate.

In the end, my parents asked my eldest sister to send me back to Li's house, and Yan Ming asked me to "live a good life".

Passing by the river, I said I wanted to walk by myself.

The eldest sister saw that I was upset, but finally agreed.

"I know you've had a relationship with your brother-in-law since you were a child, and now you've been hit. But you can't drink enough water if you have affection, second sister, think about it again." Before getting out of the carriage, the eldest sister said this to me.

She still couldn't understand my real situation and thought I was trapped in love.

Everyone worships the high and the low, the Yu clan is powerful, and Li Chang has already separated from me.

The mother's family can only see the benefits, do I still have to do any magnificent dream of being the head of the house!

I endure this today, but how can Yu Shuang really allow me to survive in the Li Mansion in the future?

Thinking of this, my whole body stiffened, like falling into an ice cellar, and it seemed that I could see my life at a glance.

Can I only survive the rest of my life in the Li Mansion, or am I really going to find a white silk and hang myself?


I sat on the stone steps by the river with my knees folded until night.

"Are you crying?" A cold male voice sounded from the pavilion overhead, "Look at you wearing gold and silver beads on your head, and silk and silk on your head, why are you so sad?"

I looked up from my knees and saw a man in white in a silver mask in the pavilion above, carrying a lamp and fluttering in his robe.

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you?" I was already desperate, and when I heard the hint of mockery in the man's mouth, I asked sharply.

"Since you already have things that ordinary people can't get, if you are murdered, you should act yourself, why do you keep complaining about yourself here?"

Listening to his tone, it seems that he has been looking at me for a long time.

I opened my mouth to refute, but the man said, "I have returned to Beijing all the way from Jiangnan, and you know that there has been a great drought in Jiangnan recently.

When I heard this, I looked up at the man, but I didn't say anything for a long time.

I probably knew the meaning of the man in white's words, but the reactions of everyone in my mother's family today really stimulated me.

I couldn't hold back my tears: "What's wrong with me? Why do they all accuse me?"

I cried and talked about Li Chang and Yu Shuang, and said that they laughed at me for being short-sighted.

Speaking of the indifference of the mother's family.

Naturally, I didn't expect the mysterious man who suddenly appeared here to understand me.

I decided to get up and go back to the Li Mansion, maybe this is my fate.

As I turned my back, I thought of the great drought in Jiangnan that the man had just mentioned.

I turned my head and asked, "The catastrophe is sudden, and the imperial court has not received any news, so the local officials should do something to open a warehouse for disaster relief?"

Hearing this, the man smiled contemptuously: "Such good officials are only sporadic and sporadic people, and most of them regard the local granary as their own private property."

I knew that those people were probably going to go to the imperial court for disaster relief.

But after the DPRK and the Bank of China and the grain have been decentralized, how many of those things can reach the people?

I looked down and could see the delicate embroidery on my dress, and just now the man mentioned that there is a matter of Yizi eating in Quzhou, and more Li people must be unclothed.

"I have a plan to avoid local corruption and disaster relief, and to make the local gentry respond to the government."

I took two steps forward, clenched the hem of my skirt with my hand, and said to the man.

The man in white looked at me suspiciously and motioned for me to continue.

"If the DPRK and China can issue short-term bonds for disaster relief, in the name of borrowing, the local gentry will buy them and provide disaster relief on their own. Everyone has the same name, and the DPRK and China have added fuel to the fire, and the businessmen are now in a low position, and they are more willing to contribute to disaster relief."

"Since the local officials have their own granaries, they must hide their grain reserves in front of the chincha, but seeing that the bond is so strong, and there are many people who have gained fame and profit, will they not be greedy?"

When I said this, the man in white already understood, he pondered for a moment, and then nodded: "When they want to mix, they will catch all the corrupt officials and find the hidden gold, silver and grain."

I put my ideas in front of him, and I didn't expect myself to really help.

I just want to leave something else behind before the heavens kill me.

After listening to my words, he nodded approvingly: "It is indeed a good idea to lead to trouble."

Immediately, he frowned and asked puzzledly, "You have the talent of the temple, but you are sad to die in the back house?"

"Is there any other path I can take?" I spoke in a mournful tone.

The man in white smiled, "The method you said is extremely labor-intensive, and it only takes a high-ranking person to carry it out."

"Didn't you mention this method to me precisely because you saw that my identity was unusual and wanted to borrow my hand?"

I looked at the silver mask that shone on his face and didn't speak.

I have indeed heard rumors that when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was thirteen or fourteen years old, he used a silver mask to cover his face and serve the people.

But it had been rumored for years, and I really didn't think about it at first.

Seeing that I was silent, the man in white said, "You can have another way."


I looked up at him, and there was a sparkle in my eyes.

Then the man in white measured my knowledge.

I answered them one by one, and I couldn't help but sigh in my chest.

The children of the Gu family are all enlightened at the same age, and the husband teaches, regardless of gender.

It's just that although they read the same books, they don't have so many requirements for women at home.

For example, the eldest sister often wanders in her husband's class, and when she is in the year of marriage, she asks herself not to go to the clan school.

But I really got married in ethnography.

Once upon a time, I was proud of Gu's adopted daughter, not only teaching the affairs of the inner house, but also not falling behind in knowledge.

Now I understand that the family just hopes that the married daughter can always seek benefits for the family and be used by the family.

"I'm willing to help you, just to thank you for the idea."

"It's just that you need to give up all of your past in Kyochu."

Finally, the man in white said.

"If Gongzi really has a way, I am willing to give up the past in Beijing." I replied firmly.

The world is vast, and I don't want to live by others in the back house, nor do I want to be constrained by the interests of my mother's family.

Everything in Beijing no longer means anything to me.

I returned to Li's house that night, but Li Chang did not come to my hospital again.

In those days, everyone in Li Fuzhong heard about me and Li Chang, and they were no longer enthusiastic about me, but wanted to stammer with frost.

One night I received a secret letter from the man in white, informing me of his plan.

In order to keep things secret, I didn't even reveal half of the grandmother and maid I married.

On the day of departure, when I thought that this was my last day in the Li Mansion, I couldn't help but feel comfortable, and I drank two more cups of tea.

I didn't expect that there would be uninvited guests visiting at this time.

This is the first time Yu Shuang has entered my courtyard in March when she came to Beijing.


I invited her in and asked, "What is the matter with Miss Yushuang coming to me?"

"I've heard about the separation you mentioned a few days ago."

"Why hasn't there been any movement these days, are you just trying to threaten Zisheng?"

She sat down and looked at me with a strange look.

"Threat?" I don't understand why Yu Shuang thinks this.

"Miss Yushuang, how dare I announce such a big thing."

"It's just that the matter is very big, involving both the Li Mansion and my mother's family, and it is difficult for me to make a decision alone, so I dare not talk about this matter again."

Hearing this, Yu Shuang stood up excitedly: "How can you give up like this!"

"Zisheng and I are truly in love, and we both share the same ambition and will carry forward the name of our firm to the world."

"Your marriage to Zisheng is just a decision of other people's will, not free will. If you continue to stay in the Li Mansion, you won't be happy!"

Some of Yu Shuang's words are very strange, I have never heard of them, but I agree with her words.

I really won't be happy if I stay here.

"Then you go and persuade Li Chang to reconcile with me, why bother to talk to the defenseless me about this."

Yu Shuang's face turned pale when she heard this: "Zisheng talked about a bunch of laws and etiquette, I don't understand."

"In short, he said that he could not give up, nor could he be reconciled."

"Miss Yushuang, you have great talent, and you will definitely rise to the top in the future, so why should you care about me in the back house?" I asked, picking up the teacup.

"Because I said to Zisheng that we would have a couple for the rest of our lives. Even if I know Zisheng doesn't love you, I can't rub a little sand in my eyes." After that, Yu Shuang stared at me.

"The one who is not loved in the relationship is the junior, you can ask yourself and leave." She fluttered with a commanding word, and turned away.

I clutched the teacup and didn't say anything for a while.

Seeing that my face was gloomy, Wang Yu came over and patted me on the back.

"Girl, don't think too much, the girl and her uncle have been in love for many years, even if the Yu family marries in the future, you won't suffer a big loss, girl."

Wang Yu said this with a weak heart, I don't know if she is comforting me or herself.

At night, the sound of beating the watch sounded.

"It's dry, watch out for the candles."

It rang three times, and I knew that the hour had come.

The clothes and satin in the cabinet had already been drenched with hair oil by me, and then I sent Wang Yu to make a bowl of soothing soup for me on the grounds that I could not sleep peacefully.

That night, a raging fire broke out in Li's house, and the east courtyard where I was staying was burned to the point of charcoal.

Li Chang's wife, "Gu's Daughter", died in the fire.


When the east showed the white belly of the fish, I saw the man in white outside the city.

He was still dressed in white, wearing a glittering silver mask.

But since he didn't say his identity, I won't debunk it, and just call him "Childe".

"The disaster relief method you once told me, I have slightly improved it, and it has been put into practice, which must be able to solve the disaster in Jiangnan and eliminate the great danger of corruption in the imperial court."

"You do have the talent of the world, and you should use it for the world."

His affirmation calmed my originally apprehensive mood a lot.

Then he mentioned my death, saying that when he went out of the city, he saw that a white banner had been hung at the gate of the Li Mansion.

And the longevity lock and jade ring that I left behind are just right, and no one suspects that it was not me who burned them.

"Only your father came to the door, thinking that there was a matter of reconciliation and separation, saying that you died a strange death, so as to ask Li Chang for benefits."

When he told him such a cruel reality, I was not surprised at all.

"When a person dies, the net of interests formed is broken, and he is naturally reluctant to let go of the last bit of benefit." I calmly commented on my father's behavior.

"It is said that Li Chang is willing to return all the dowry." The man in white continued.

This is also within my expectations, after all, Yu's firm has made a lot of money, and Li Chang naturally won't hold on to my things, lest any other rumors affect him and Yu Shuang.

And the Gu family has always paid attention to women's dowries, and among my dowries, the precious ones are not only rare treasures, but also those literary and calligraphy paintings.

My father wanted to take advantage of the power of the Li Mansion and the Yu Firm, but now that my death plan has failed, he must have made this trouble, presumably to get these things back.

"The Gu family girl is dead, and from today onwards, you are Jiang Shu." The man in white took out the road and handed it to me, "The carriage will take you to Huashan Academy."

I opened the guide, and it stated my new identity.

"Luozhou Jiang." I raised my eyes in surprise and asked, "But the head of the four great clans that used to be famous in the world, the Luozhou Jiang clan? Childe, is it inappropriate to have such a valuable identity?"

"You have read the book of the sages, don't you want to participate in the imperial examination and help the world in the future?" The man didn't answer, but asked.

"Imperial Examination...... Can I really?" I muttered.

"Now that you've been given a new life, why should you be afraid? The identity of the Luozhou Jiang family will be more helpful for your future studies and scientific research."

After that, he explained, "Don't worry, it's not a branch of the Yan family, it's just a side branch of the Jiang family. And for me, only Jiang's identity is more convenient to help you create such a person and experience out of thin air."

I suddenly thought that the current queen mother is the daughter of the Jiang family in Luozhou, and the man in white is not taboo to mention his true identity to me.

"Childe's grace, Gu ...... Jiang repaid the strings." I bowed goodbye to the man.

"If you can enter the court one day, do not forget the way you came, set your heart for heaven and earth, and make a name for the people, you will repay my kindness." He patted me on the shoulder and put me in the carriage.

The carriage contained books, bags, silver tickets, etc., as well as a letter.

Among them is the life of my "Jiang Shu".

I leaned out of the car window and said, "Take care, Childe."

He nodded, and I seemed to feel him laughing.

"You also take care, I hope that you can be seen in the scientific examination room in a certain year."


The carriage and horse set off, and saw the figure in white clothes and the gate of the capital together, gradually becoming farther and smaller.

Then I read the letters he left behind and remembered my life.

Jiang Shu, nineteen years old, has never married a wife.

From the Luozhou Jiang family, it was separated from the branch thirty years ago.

The family is rich and noble, he is an only son, and his father is in any idle position in Luozhou Mansion.

And I have been smart since I was a child, quite good at Confucianism, and have been studying in the Jiang clan.

It wasn't until last year that he went out to study and stayed in Beijing for more than half a year, and then went to Huashan Academy to study.

I took it all to heart, and was about to put the paper back in my sleeve when another piece of paper fell out of the envelope.

The handwriting on it is completely different from the handwriting that Fang Cai wrote about his life, and it is more and more swaggering.

It reads: "The saint said, Forgiveness is a word that can be practiced for life." Life is like wading through mountains and streams, forgiving others and forgiving oneself, the past is gone, and only the future is remembered."

I smiled when I read it, then closed the note and tucked it to my chest.

This is when Eun Gong explained to me why he chose this name, and I think it was also his consolation after learning the whole story of Li Chang and me.

That's it, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and Huashan Academy is on the road ahead.

Belongs to me - Jiang Shu's life has begun.


As one of the four famous academies in the world, Huashan Academy has countless scholars from all over the world every year to study.

The identity of the Luozhou Jiang family has indeed given me a lot of convenience.

I am humble and studious, and I come from a famous family, which naturally attracts gentlemen to take the initiative to make friends with me.

After coming and going, I also let go of my hands and feet, and I can discuss knowledge with my classmates on weekdays, and I can also take the initiative to serve the teacher and help me with doubts.

It has been three months since I came to Huashan, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

"Have you heard, that famous lady Yu in the capital is married to Li Chang, the head of the household branch."

In my spare time, I heard some classmates gossiping in the pavilion.

This was the first time I had heard the names of those people since I left Beijing.

Classmates talked about all the things in the capital, and some people said that everyone in Beijing now knows that Li Chang was saved from frost in danger, and it was also the business name that Li Chang helped her open, and the fate of the two was destined.

I just bowed my head and silently drank the hot tea in my cup.

I expected that Li Chang would marry Yu Shuang soon.

But I didn't expect to be so impatient, and my "death date" has not yet passed the day of July 7.

The two will build momentum for themselves, using some gimmicks of "heroes save beauty" and "nobles help each other" to teach the world to only notice the "fate" between each other.

At the beginning of the spring of the next year, I heard about the deeds of Yu Shuang and Li Chang again.

Li Chang received the post of governor of Huzhou and sent him to Beijing.

And Yu Shuang also took this opportunity to expand the firm to Jiangnan.

Yu Shuang opened a Treasure Pavilion in Huzhou, she is very good at building momentum, the things in the Treasure Pavilion are unique, and they will not be sold in the trading house.

And there is a limit of 30 customers per day, and each product is only sold for 5 per day.

It is said that before the Treasure Pavilion opened, there were people guarding to enter.

Not only that, Yu Shuang also opened a restaurant in Huzhou, called "Zhen Yu Lou", selling new dishes that the world has never seen.

A few days ago, a scholar came to Huashan Academy from Jiangnan, and when he passed through Huzhou, he went to the delicacies to try it.

According to him, the dishes are novel, not only make good use of spices, but also are full of pot gas dishes, full of flavor.

Yu Shuang's mind is novel, and Li Chang is a party to Zhizhou, thinking that the two of them are in the limelight in Jiangnan.

But I have some doubts.

Yu Shuang acted flamboyantly and collected money everywhere, such as the refined sugar and refined carbon made by him, which are all daily boutiques.

If there is no one behind her, isn't she afraid of arousing the jealousy of the saints?

Or is there someone else behind Yu Shuang's firm?

I thought of this, and the students in the academy naturally thought of it too.

The Holy Brothers and Sisters did not dare to act like this, and His Majesty's heirs were scarce, and only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was born in the Middle Palace, was the most valuable.

Some people in the academy speculated that Yu's firm was actually collecting money for the prince.

I know no.

Some people also speculate that the Yu family often has dealings with powerful ladies in the capital, maybe which nobleman is behind the harem.

This kind of speculation is also strange, no matter who is behind it, they must not dare to show off the talents of the world so much, unless it is the saint himself.

Yu Shuang's origin is strange, and I wouldn't be surprised if she really belonged to the Holy Lord.

But just after the summer this year, news came from the fast horse in the capital that the saint had died.

All of a sudden, the city was full of white.

The crown prince prayed for the enthronement, and the world was amnesty.

All the students in the academy guessed that next autumn, the new emperor would issue an edict to promote the imperial examination, and they were all ready to try.

Since I was admitted to the National Academy last year, I have not entered the government academy and have been studying in the college.

My classmates and I made an appointment to prepare for next year's autumn exam, and after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to refer to it.

I still remember the words of "Engong" on that day: "If you can enter the court one day, never forget the way you came, set your heart for heaven and earth, and make a name for the people, you will repay my kindness."

Now, the new emperor has ascended to the throne, and it is in the prime of life.

I have devoted myself to studying for many years, but if I don't enter the world at this time, when will I stay?


In the autumn of the first year of Youxing, I went to Fucheng to participate in the township test and won the name of Xie Yuan in one fell swoop.

Before the winter, my classmates and I rushed to the capital.

I was worried that my appearance would be recognized by the Gu family in the future.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived in Beijing, I learned that my father was implicated in other things the year before last, and he was released from Beijing and went to Yizhou.

There is also a vacant house in the capital, and all the friends in the academy who are friends with me live in my house for next spring.

In the spring of the second year of Youxing, I participated in the examination, and although I did not get the Huiyuan, I was also among the best.

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of visitors to my house, and even the "home" in Luozhou received the news and sent a carriage of gold and silver.

Although this is an exchange of interests, I am also grateful to the Jiang family for enabling me to have something to rely on after the golden cicada comes out of its shell.

And now I realize that there is no stronger relationship of interest.

Back then, I was worried that my eldest sister would marry the prince of the Hou Mansion as his wife, and the son of the world had many confidants, how could the eldest sister be happy?