
On my 18th birthday, my dad adopted his son, and he let the boy take my bedroom

author:Little Sister Library

On my 18th birthday, my dad adopted his subordinate's son.

He allowed the boy to snatch my bedroom, shred up my homework, and indulged him unconditionally.

I suspect the boy is his illegitimate child outside.

I secretly did a paternity test, and the results came out, and the two had nothing to do with each other.

I'm ashamed that I wronged my father.

Unexpectedly, my dad was completely devastated.

"That slut!"

On my 18th birthday, my dad adopted his son, and he let the boy take my bedroom


After celebrating my birthday with my classmates, I returned home with a cake and found that the living room was a mess, and my mother was sitting on the sofa with red eyes and wiping her tears.

My dad gasped and walked around the living room like an angry trapped beast.

"I've already decided on this matter, and I don't have to discuss it."

"You go and clean up Jiang Yi's room now."

My mom was so angry that she crumpled the tissue in her hand and smashed it hard at my dad.

"You're crazy!"

"Xiaoyi will take the college entrance examination next month, and you still let her change rooms, what should I do if she is uncomfortable and affects the exam?"

"It's just a room, and the bed can be moved over, what's uncomfortable! I think she's spoiled by you, I work hard outside every day, and I'm not even qualified to decide a room in this home?"

My dad yelled with his neck stalked, and his eyes swept to me standing at the door with a cake, and he was stunned.

"Jiang Yi, you came back just in time."

"Dad, what's the matter, what are you two arguing about?"

I put the cake on the table, walked over with some nervousness, sat down next to my mom, and pulled out a few pieces of paper to wipe her tears.

"Mom, you two talk well, why move the room, what's going on?"

At this time, there was a sudden sound of toilet flushing in the toilet, and a little boy with a tiger's head opened the door and walked out.

He was about eight or nine years old, and his eyes were gurgling everywhere, and he looked quite clever.

"Wow, cake!"

The little boy rushed to the table, climbed onto the stool with a quick movement, opened the cake box, and reached out to pick a large ball of cream down.

Every time I celebrate my birthday with my classmates, I would buy a six-inch cake alone and go home to celebrate it with my parents, but this boy didn't ask a question and directly destroyed my cake. The look of being familiar with no one else made me uncomfortable for a while.

Which of these relatives and friends' children is too uneducated, right?

"Dad, who is this?"

"This is your younger brother, Jiang Haoze, Xiao Ze, called sister."

Jiang Haoze ignored me and continued to gobble up the cake, and my dad patted him on the back of the head dotingly.

"This kid, eat slowly, like a starving ghost reincarnated, you like cakes so much?"


I was stunned, I was an only child, my father's side had a cousin, six years older than me, and my mother's relatives only had two cousins, where did I get my younger brother?

My mom was huffing, sobbing and scolding.

"Your father adopted, this child is the son of his driver Jiang Fu, Jiang Fu died in a car accident, and he rushed to raise his son!"

"Clean your mouth for me, you know a fart!"

My dad had a black face and slammed the table with a "pop".

"You women, even if you have long hair and short knowledge, is it easy for me to manage such a big company? Jiang Fu was in a car accident in order to deliver materials to the company. He has been following me for more than ten years, and I can ignore what happens to him?"

"So many pairs of eyes staring! If I don't take good care of his children, what reputation do I have in society? Do I want to do business in my company, who is willing to talk to me about business? You play mahjong at home all day, you know what!"

My dad roared hoarsely and angrily a few times, and talked about business matters, but my mother didn't dare to squeak for a moment, only continued to cover her face and cry, smoking one napkin after another.

Because I was not in good health since I was a child, my mother couldn't rest assured of me, and she has been working as a full-time housewife at home, bringing me meals to school three times a day. Every time my dad talks about making money, my mom feels wrong, and she only cries aggrievedly, unable to say a word of rebuttal.

My dad was angry and scolded a few more words, I finally understood, this little boy named Jiang Haoze is really pitiful.

His grandparents are in poor health, they were gone a few years ago, and last year, the boy's mother divorced Jiang Fu again, changed his mobile phone number and cut off contact with Jiang Fu, and never came back to see the child.

Now that Jiang Fu is gone, if my father doesn't care, this child can only be sent to a welfare home.

Jiang Fu has been my father's driver for more than ten years, and he is a very honest and loyal man, every time he comes to my house, he rushes to work, sweeps the floor, weeds and cleans up the yard, and he can't be idle for a moment.

Our family had a good impression of him.

My mom has always been soft-hearted, and after listening to what my dad said, her attitude is not as tough as before.

"I don't object to you adopting him, but this kid can't occupy Xiaoyi's room as soon as he comes."


"What do you mean by hegemony, don't you say so ugly? The parents are gone, and Xiaoyi is such a big person, can't he let his younger brother go?"

"Jiang Yi, come on, you are good at studying, you are more reasonable than your mother."

My dad had a black face, clenched his fists, and the green tendons on his forehead jumped and jumped, and I had never seen him like this, as if I wanted to beat me up if I refused.

My dad was tall, and I was a little scared, but I still mustered up the courage to shake my head.

"Dad, there is a separate bathroom in my room on the second floor, I basically have to read at night until one o'clock, and it is more convenient to go to the toilet."

When I talked about reading, my dad's face softened.

"It's going to be a college entrance examination soon, it's not bad for a day or two, don't look at it."

"Brother, he was just stimulated, he said that your room is safe, and Dad promised you that in a week, the two of you will change back."

Having said that, I can't refuse again, so I can only reluctantly nod and agree. My mom went upstairs with red eyes to clean up my things, complaining as she made the bed.

"Your dad just wants to save face, and he will always be better to others than his own family!"

"Hey, but speaking of which, Jiang Fu is also pitiful, others are really good. When you were a child, your father worked overtime and was always not at home at night, and when you were sick several times, Jiang Fu rushed to take you to the hospital."

When my mother mentioned it, I had a vague impression in my mind, as if when I was a child, Jiang Fu often ran around the hospital behind my back.

Thinking about it like this, the qi just now dispersed a lot.

I slept in my guest room, and not long after I fell asleep, I heard the sound of a slapping ball from the next room.


Jiang Haoze seemed to deliberately smash the ball against the wall, and the whole wall behind me vibrate.

I covered my head with a pillow and tossed and turned on the bed, but the sound didn't stop, but it got louder and louder, and I was so angry that I slammed the wall hard.

"It's noisy, it's endless!"

The next door was silent for a few seconds, and there was a sharp cry.

"Wow-Daddy, I want Daddy, Daddy-Daddy-"

My dad rushed down the stairs with a quick movement and pushed the door open.

"Ozawa, what's wrong, you're having a nightmare?"

Jiang Haoze cried and shook his head.

"I'm scared, Daddy sleeps with me."

"Okay, don't be afraid, Dad will accompany you."


The next day, I got up to school in a dizzy state because I had just moved out of my room, and I forgot that the homework I had written yesterday was still on the desk in my old bedroom.

At school, I was naturally scolded by the teacher, but fortunately, I usually study very hard, and my grades are good, and the teacher's tone is not too strict.

"I heard that I had a birthday with a few classmates yesterday?"

"Birthdays can be celebrated every year, and the college entrance examination is such a critical moment to determine the fate of your life. Don't just think about playing, and get distracted."

"Remember to bring your homework tomorrow."

Today, Sunday, after only half a day of class, as soon as I got home at noon, I went straight upstairs to my bedroom to find my homework book.

But as soon as I opened the door, I was completely stunned.

I saw that my neatly packed desk was full of crumpled waste paper, and my homework, notebooks, and tutorial books were all messy and fell to the ground, and most of them were torn, which was miserable.

Jiang Haoze was holding a pink fluffy thing in his hand, bouncing around on the bed, and white cotton and flying flakes kept floating out.

Seeing what was in his hand clearly, my heart suddenly rose to my throat, and my whole body trembled irrepressibly.

"What are you doing, what did you do with my toots!"

Jiang Haoze glanced at the thing in his hand, and then at the pink rabbit doll on the bed that was broken in two, and shouted angrily: "This is not called Dudu, it is called Pink Powder, it is dead, I will treat it!"

"You let me go!"

I was so angry that I rushed over and pushed Jiang Haoze, with red eyes, trying to put together the broken Dudu.

But I couldn't put it together, the cotton filled in it was half empty, and my heart was also half empty, and big tears rolled down my cheeks.

Dudu is a doll that my mother bought for me when I was a child, and I have been with me for more than ten years. I used to sleep with it every night, a habit that I didn't get rid of until a few years ago.

Because Dudu was about to be held bald by me, my mother laughed at me, saying that if you want Dudu to live a few more years, you can't hug it anymore.

I cherished her on the bookshelf and covered it with a glass cover. Unexpectedly, it was completely ruined by Jiang Haoze in just one night.


Jiang Haoze was pushed to the ground by me, crying and rushing over to beat me.

"You big villain, I'm Ultraman, I'm going to kill you!"

Don't look at his young age, but the flesh on his body is very strong, and a punch on his body hurts very much, I was already angry, and I didn't spare my hand, I directly grabbed his shoulder and threw him away.

This scene happened to be seen by the father who came in a hurry.


My dad was so stunned that he couldn't help but say something, and rushed over and slapped me hard.

There was a crisp sound of "pop", half of my face was numb, and there was a buzzing sound in my ears, only to see my father excitedly hugging Jiang Haoze, his mouth was closed on that side, and the spit was splashing.

"How can you beat your brother!"

"He's so young, you're so vicious, your books are all in the dog's belly!"

"You uneducated thing, if you dare to touch him again, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

This is the first time I have been beaten since I was a child.

My heart was angry, shaken, aggrieved, and I couldn't believe it.

Obviously, Jiang Haoze destroyed my things first, how could my father be indiscriminate, even if he wanted to take care of Jiang Fu's son, he wouldn't do his part, right?

I covered my face and cried, my dad didn't even look at me, and hurriedly went downstairs with Jiang Chenze in his arms, saying that he would take him to the hospital.

My mom put ice cubes on my face, angrily scolded my dad for not taking it seriously, and comforted me not to worry about children.

"He's not too young, he's very sensible at the age of nine, and he did it on purpose."

I packed up all the homework books on the floor, piled them together, looked at the destroyed room, and a crazy thought flashed through my mind.

"Our family was kind enough to adopt Jiang Haoze, why is he so hostile to me?"

"And Dad, he's been too good to Jiang Haoze."

"You say, is it possible that he is Dad's illegitimate child?"


My mom poked my finger the door of my head.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you kid!"

"Your dad wasn't that kind of person."

My dad didn't have as much education as my mom, my mom was a college student, but he didn't even finish high school. The idea of starting a business was also mentioned by my mother, and after giving birth to me, my mother retired and handed over the company to my father.

Although my dad didn't say it, he was grateful to my mom in his heart. They were conservative in their time, even if my grandmother cried with him many times and asked my mother to have another son, my father didn't agree.

"Huijuan is not in good health, and the doctor said that getting pregnant again will hurt her a lot."

My dad withstood the pressure of my grandmother and insisted on not letting my mother have a second child, and I was an only daughter in the family, and I was pampered. But overnight, all the things changed.

I cried and shook my head.

"That Jiang Haoze, he changed his name to his father too quickly, it's only been a few days since his own father died?"

"You forgot, Daddy used to recognize him as his godson."

It seems that there is such a thing, when Jiang Haoze was only two or three years old, he came to my house a few times, and my father praised him for his cuteness and teased him.

"You call me Daddy, too, and I'll give you this toy car."

Jiang Haoze immediately snatched the toy and shouted loudly to his father, my father laughed happily and recognized him as his godson, but this recognition was just a casual joke, and no one took it too seriously.

Later, Jiang Haoze went to kindergarten, and I heard that Jiang Fu enrolled him in a lot of tutoring classes, which were full on weekends, and he slowly didn't have time to come to my house to play.

"You also know Dad's character, quick temper, he regards Jiang Fu as his own brother in his heart, and pity Jiang Haoze, don't be angry with Dad."


I cried all night, thinking that the next day my dad would apologize to me.

Unexpectedly, my dad began to have a cold war with me, and when he came back from self-study at night, he would bring a cup of hot milk to my room and tell me to go to bed early.

Now, he is basically playing with Jiang Haoze, and he doesn't even give me a look. For several days, I went out early and returned late, and I didn't say a word to him.

My heart was cold.

I just feel that the father-daughter relationship of the past 18 years is simply a joke.

I really don't understand why a little boy who is not related by blood can take away all my dad's love.

Or is his previous affection for me just an illusory castle in the air?

I couldn't figure it out, and my heart hurt like someone had dug a big hole, and I went to school every night with tears in my eyes and red eyes.

My mother saw it in her eyes, and she was so angry that she ran to quarrel with my dad all day long, but the quarrel came and went, and nothing came of it.

Another Sunday, after lunch, my dad hugged Jiang Haoze and kissed his face affectionately.

"Ozawa is the most well-behaved, sleepy or not, do you want to go upstairs and take a nap?"

Jiang Haoze slipped out of his arms with a cigarette, ran to me, raised his head, and carefully grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"I don't want to sleep, my sister plays with me?"

My dad looked at Jiang Haoze in surprise and showed a relieved smile.

"Ozawa, don't you blame my sister for beating you last time?"

"I've forgiven my sister!"

Jiang Haoze said loudly, shaking the hand that was holding my clothes vigorously.

"Sister, go play with me, let's go build blocks, okay?"


"I'm not going, I'm going to take a nap."

I shook off Jiang Haoze's hand, with a cold face, got up from the dining table, and prepared to go upstairs.

I was in a state of extreme lack of sleep throughout my senior year of high school, and my eyes were so sleepy that I couldn't open them as soon as I finished lunch.

Every week, and only on Sunday, I can only take half a day, and half a day here is a luxury for me, and I will sleep hard for three hours to have the energy to cope with the next week's study.

Jiang Haoze cried loudly with a "wow".

"My sister hates me, and my sister doesn't play with me!"

"Jiang Yi! Stop!"

My dad had a black face and slapped the table angrily.

"How can you be a sister, you can't even compare to a nine-year-old child!"

"Ozawa has taken the initiative to please you, what else do you want? You're an adult, and your heart is so small?"

I was already disheartened with him, and I didn't bother to quarrel with him, so I pressed my hand to my temple, and said indifferently:

"It's only two weeks until the college entrance exam."

"Our teacher said that we should adjust the schedule to be consistent with the timetable for the college entrance examination."

"It's my lunch break now, I can sleep well at noon so that I can have the energy to study for exams in the afternoon."

"Or do you think playing with him is more important than my college entrance examination?"

My dad sneered and scolded:

"You don't use the college entrance examination as an excuse, let me say a word, you have so many sentences, will you die if you don't take a nap for a day, I don't think you have this brother in your eyes!"

Hearing this, I couldn't hold back any longer, picked up the bowl on the table, and smashed it my dad.

"Why do I have him in my eyes, what is he!"

"Deliberately smashing the wall with a ball every night and tearing up my homework, he's a bad guy, a fool! You like him so much, he's your own son!"



My dad was so angry that he raised his hand and tried to hit me again, but this time I wouldn't be stupid and get beaten on the spot, so I turned around and ran and rushed out of the house.

My dad roared behind him.

"If you have the ability, don't come back!"

My mother heard movement in the kitchen and hurriedly chased it out, not even taking off her apron.

"Xiaoyi, what's going on, why are you arguing again."

I cried and told me what had just happened, and my mother listened, and her face turned pale with anger and her lips trembled.

"Crazy, I think he's really crazy!"

"I don't care about my daughter in the third year of high school, he owed that child in his last life, what the hell is this doing!"

My mom turned around and tried to fight with my dad again.

I grabbed her arm.

"Mom, take me out to stay in a hotel, I really can't stay at home anymore."