
Less than a year after the king of Chu ascended the throne, he personally set out on an expedition and brought back a woman who was pregnant with Liujia during his triumph

author:Little Sister Library

The king of Chu ascended the throne for less than a year.

Raise the strength of the whole country to conquer Beizhou.

He set out on his own expedition and brought back a woman who was pregnant with Rokko in triumph.

Father-in-law Qin said that she was the green plum of His Majesty's distant marriage and relatives.

Since that day, His Majesty has favored Concubine Mei alone.

The queen mother cried, made trouble, and finally committed suicide frequently.

They all failed because they happened to be bumped into by me.

After picking up from the lake, the queen mother fell seriously ill and whispered to me abruptly:

"Qingqiu, I'm going home."

Less than a year after the king of Chu ascended the throne, he personally set out on an expedition and brought back a woman who was pregnant with Liujia during his triumph


"Eight years of yellow sorghum and a dream, it's time for me to wake up."

She coughed so badly that she couldn't even finish her words.

I held the porcelain bowl and was busy calling humanity:

"The queen mother is awake, quickly pass on the imperial doctor."

The guards guarding outside the Fengxi Palace turned a deaf ear:

"There is an order from the saint that the queen mother is narrow-minded and jealous, intending to kill the dragon heir."

"The punishment is seven days of confinement, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."

Nobuguchi Female Huang.

When the queen committed suicide by jumping into the lake, it was obvious that Concubine Mei insisted on pushing and dragging her, and accidentally fell into the water.

Blowing two sentences of pillow wind, Zhu Yuchen really believed Mu Xuan and was jealous of her red-eyed and framed her for falling into the water.

For a while, everyone praised Concubine Mei for her generosity and kindness, but Niangniang became the demon concubine of the harem.

I was dissatisfied, and my tone became more and more low:

"She has a cold, and if she delays healing and falls to the root of the disease, can you afford it?"

The guard snorted coldly:

"The Holy One himself said that the queen is to blame, and it is the will of heaven that she dies of illness."

"I can't blame others."


I clenched my fists suddenly, the mattress and forehead were hot, and my mouth was full of nonsense:

"I'll die, dissipate and travel back to my world."

"By then, Qingqiu, remember to take care of my future."

Her chest rose and fell violently, and her breath was like a gossamer.

It's like there's only one breath left to live.

I couldn't help but redden, took out all the broken silver in the box, and handed it to the guard to plead:

"Okay, even if you summon the imperial doctor to take a look twice, the saint and Niangniang have been friends for many years, and they will not ignore it."

The guard glanced at me impatiently, weighed the weight of the cloth bag, and said:

"I'll help you call the Imperial Doctor to come over and help take a look through the door."

He turned his back and whispered:

"I was looking for death and life, and in the end, I didn't even see the face of the saint."

"It's embarrassing to compete for favor, is she really still Miss Mufu?"

Fengxi Palace has always been deserted.

His whispers were particularly harsh in the dead silence.

I prayed to myself that I would not fall into the ears of Mu Xuan and his ears.

After waiting for half a night, my long-awaited expectations were finally disappointed.

When the guard rushed back to Fengxi Palace, the cloth bag around his waist was shriveled, and when he threw it back to me, there were only a few copper coins left.

"I went to the Tai Hospital to ask, Concubine Mei fell into the water and suffered from cold, cramping in her lower abdomen, and the imperial doctor was on standby in the palace, saying that if Concubine Mei had ...... in case."

He gestured to cut his neck:

"The whole hospital will suffer."

"Who dares to mention the queen mother at this juncture, isn't it rushing to touch the saint's head and mildew, and it is light to take twenty boards."

I clenched my wallet tightly in my hand, and only after a while did I bow my head and say:

"Good work."


Mu Xuan and Youyou woke up, and their voices were hoarse like old women.

She raised her hand to call me to the head of the bed, and her hot palm stroked my cheek:

"Forget it."

"When did he ever believe in me?"

She smiled clearly, but there was no joy between her eyebrows.

I wordlessly held Mu Xuan and my fingers.

Since Niangniang became the queen, the saint has never stayed in Fengxi Palace.

"He hates me, hates me for being the daughter of Mufu, hates my father for sending Liu Yushu into the palace and causing her to marry the king of Beizhou as his wife."

Mu Xuanhe's fingers holding the tea bowl tightened, and said in a low voice:

"But why don't I hate him?"

Soon after Zhu Yuchen ascended the throne, he raided Mufu's house in the name of punishing the remnants of the previous dynasty.

Clear-eyed people know that he is killing chickens and making an example of monkeys, but it is the Mu family who helped him sit on the throne in the past.

That day, Mu Xuanhe knelt for a long time under the stone steps of the temple, kneeling until his knees were covered with bruises.

She doesn't ask for the Mu family to be innocent, she just wants to let her family live.

However, the whole house, even the subordinates were not spared.

Slaughtered all over the house.

The only person who survived, except for the young master Mu Jinyan, who had been exiled to the border.

Only me and Mu Xuan were left trapped within the palace walls.

"In his opinion, it was the Mu family who killed Liu Yushu."

"The whole house is innocent."

Mu Xuanhe smiled sarcastically, but his hand could not hold the tea bowl steadily, and the water splashed.

"If it weren't for the old man's kindness to send Liu Yushu into the palace, she would have starved to death on the streets."

I was indignant:

"Besides, it was His Majesty who asked to marry his mother in the first place......

"The Mu family has a heavy army, and my father is an official of the imperial court."

"He only married me to secure the throne."

Mu Xuanhe sighed and laughed at himself:

"It's the most ruthless emperor's family, it's me who is wrong."

Her eyes were half-closed, and there was another heart-rending cough.

I patted her on the back in a panic to calm her down.

"Qingqiu, I want to go home."

Mu Xuan and whispered, I didn't have any reason to panic, and hurriedly said:

"Don't worry, if you don't want to stay in the palace, we'll leave."

"Go to a township far away from the imperial court to open a jewelry shop, with General Mu's protection, no one dares to trouble us."

Mu Xuanhe listened to my sworn words and suddenly laughed.

After a long time, she pinched my cheek:

"Okay, Qingqiu is the smartest."

"If I had listened sooner, I wouldn't have caused you to suffer."

I shook my head stubbornly:

"Niangniang is right, it is the saint who bears you."

My young lady is just too easy to deceive.

will believe Zhu Yuchen's nonsense.

Fireworks were set off outside the window.

It is said that Zhu Yuchen specially opened a curfew in order to welcome Liu Yushu back to the palace to marry and invite the whole country to the imperial city to enjoy the lanterns.

According to the lantern specifications, the night will be as bright as day on the night of the lantern festival.

"Zhu Yuchen ignored the tight frontline and exhausted the treasury to hold a lantern festival."

"I'm afraid that the excerpts of the minister's advice can be piled up into a mountain."

I couldn't help but complain, and Mu Xuanhe looked out the window:

"He's making up for the ten-mile red makeup he owes Liu Yushu."

Ten miles of red makeup.

It is the oath that Zhu Yuchen once made to his sweetheart.

At that time, Zhu Yuchen was still the unfavored third prince.

And Mu Xuanhe is a famous talented female pianist.


Since I was nine years old, I was sold by my parents to the Mu family as a maid.

I was with Mu Xuanhe.

At that time, she wore pigtails and was always crazy about saying things that others couldn't understand.

When he was drunk with rice, he pulled me up to the eaves and pillowed on the tiles and read:

"Alone in a foreign land, a stranger."

She covered her eyelids with her hands and pulled me by the sleeve:

"Qingqiu, you can look at the moon for me."

"I don't dare to look at it, I'm afraid that if I see it, I'll be very homesick."

I listened to the old man shouting and scolding under the eaves, coaxing Mu Xuanhe on his lips, but muttering in his heart.

Where is the place for her?

Later, Mu Xuanhe amazed the four with a song of phoenixes.

When the emperor heard about it, he specially summoned her to the palace to play, and praised her after the song:

"He is so talented at a young age, and the Mu family teaches well, so he should be rewarded!"

"It just so happens that she and Chen'er are of the same age, and in my opinion, the two are talented and beautiful, and they are just a good match."

Zhu Yuchen's mother died early, and she was frail and sick since she was a child.

Obviously, the talented and intelligent Mu Xuanhe is the best choice.

The emperor's marriage contract, in order to prolong Zhu Yuchen's life, also trapped Mu Xuanhe's future.

I was upset for Mu Xuan and Ming, but she didn't care:

"If you marry a short-lived prince, you may be promoted, rich, and die."

"Straight to the winner in life."

She had a mouth full of osmanthus cakes and read vaguely, but I froze in place.

She followed my line of sight and suddenly choked and coughed.

On his side, the third prince Zhu Yuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and handed over flower tea with his white fingers.

Fang Cai's words fell into his ears word for word, but he was not annoyed:

"Miss Mu, it's okay to get promoted and get rich, can you not kill your husband?"

He plucked the petals between Mu Xuan and his sideburns, and his eyebrows and eyes were picturesque.

Suddenly, Mu Xuanhe's face was red to the root of his ears.

I don't know if it's shame or emotion.

After the first emperor got married, Mu Xuanhe began to go in and out of the palace frequently.

Zhu Yuchen treats people coldly, and only shows tenderness when he is alone with Mu Xuanhe.

He will spend a lot of money to reproduce Mu Xuan and the unheard of dim sum in his mouth, and he will pay attention to the birds and birds in Beizhou for her.

Zhu Yuchen, who used to live, really took every word of Mu Xuanhe to heart.

He even promised:

"On the day I marry you, I will make the streets and alleys full of lanterns, so that the night will shine like day."

"This will be the ten-mile red makeup I promised you."

And he promised.

It's just that the bride is no longer Mu Xuanhe, but Liu Yushu.

He said that he had never believed Mu Xuanhe's ridiculous words.

What kind of crossing, what kind of suicide, is a trick to compete for favor, and it will only be boring.

After the Mu family was raided, Mu Xuanhe completely lost his home.

I also somewhat understand the saying that it is like to be a stranger in a foreign land.

We don't have a home anymore.

The moon is still the same moon, but we are not the same.

Mu Xuanhe said, this is called things are not people.


Relying on the cold compress, Mu Xuanhe lost his high fever in the middle of the night and fell asleep in the mattress.

I couldn't stand my repeated begging, so the guards went to the hospital for me to ask for a prescription.

I stayed up all night to wake up to the bedside before Mu Xuan and Su woke up, and woke her up to wash.

According to the rules, the new concubines who have entered the palace have to come to Fengxi Palace to say goodbye.

Even if Concubine Mei is deeply favored by the emperor, if it is not for His Majesty's personal promise, she must abide by the rules of the harem.

Liu Yushu was two hours late, and it was late after all the concubines returned to the palace first.

"My sister was unwell last night, and I missed the time to say goodbye, so I ask my sister to forgive me."

Speaking of forgiveness, there was no shame on her face, and she sat down to herself:

"Your Majesty has conquered the battle and captured a large number of delicacies from Beizhou, I am tired of eating them, so I simply gave them to my sisters as favors."

"I heard them say that my sister has never appreciated such a rare thing, and I don't think I've tarnished my sister's reputation."

Liu Yushu glanced at the white porridge and side dishes on the table, and saw that there were still medicinal residues at the bottom of the bowl, so she couldn't help but cover her nose and said:

"I don't want my sister to really save, I can swallow a few grains of rice in white porridge, and I can't even eat birds in my palace."

"No wonder Concubine Mei is noisy, it turns out that she is full of food."

I couldn't help but ridicule each other, causing Liu Yushu to overturn the porcelain plate:

"You, presumptuous! Someone will give me a slap."


Mu Xuanhe said softly:

"Whoever dares to strike you, let him fight back and fight to death."

The palace maid who took half a step forward stopped and watched in amazement as I rolled up my sleeves, revealing the strong muscles of my forearms.

When she slaps down, my face will be red for half a day at most, and if I slap down, she will have to lie down for three or five days.

Liu Yushu saw that the palace maid didn't dare to step forward, so she gritted her teeth angrily:

"Okay, you Mu Xuanhe, dare to instigate people to humiliate me, you are not afraid of Your Majesty......

"Come on, you're gossiping about me behind your back, aren't you? Say, though, anyway, the phoenix seal will be in my hands for a day."

"Don't even think about moving my people in Fengxi Palace."

Mu Xuanhe leaned lazily on the phoenix chair, half-squinting:

"Good sister, instead of continuing to sprinkle with me, it is better to ask Your Majesty to let you take charge of the phoenix seal."

"It's just a matter of one sentence anyway, isn't it?"

"Mu Xuanhe, you won't be proud for a few days!"

Liu Yushu pursed her lips and left with a resolute brush.

And Mu Xuanhe tapped on the handrail and asked me:

"Would you like to eat Northstate pastries?"

I saw on her face the evil smile of when she was a child.

On the night of the lifting of the grounding, we got up in a sedan chair and went to Concubine Mei's Linghan Palace.

When he settled, Liu Yushu's sobbing sound was heard in the hall:

"Yuchen, I don't blame you, I volunteered to marry Beizhou and establish diplomatic relations between the two countries."

"I'm satisfied to be by your side, and please forget the promise made by Beizhou."

"I'm not worthy of you."

"Yushu, you deserve the best in the world."

Through the screen, Zhu Yuchen could be seen hugging Liu Yushu's waist and kissing her lips affectionately.

The palace maid looked away in embarrassment, and I received Mu Xuan and hints, and scolded in a low voice:

"The queen mother heard that Concubine Mei was unwell, so she came to condole."

"No one offers tea to entertain?"

The palace maids looked at each other, and the lingering sound behind the screen became more and more intense, and I pressured:

"Or do you dare to fight against people now, and look down on the queen?"

"Yo, it seems that I, the queen, really have no real name."

Mu Xuan and just the right sneer, suddenly made the palace maid kneel down and call the mother for forgiveness.

"Don't prepare the refreshments yet, move lightly, don't miss Your Majesty's important business."

The shadows on the screen made the two of them behave extremely ambiguously.

Liu Yushu sat on Zhu Yuchen's lap, and Zhu Yuchen leaned over to scrape the bridge of her nose:

"I have a thousand words, since I promised to give you the phoenix seal, when you give birth to a dragon heir, Mu Xuanhe will naturally abdicate."

"But Mu Xuanhe is the queen appointed by the emperor, and I ......"

"You are my appointed queen, Yushu, and she caused you to end up like this."

"You don't blame her, but you help her talk."


My thoughts were interrupted, and I realized that my palms hurt from my fingernails.

Mu Xuan and stabbed me in the arm:

"Help me pack it, the pastries in Beizhou have a different flavor."

She was swept away, and most of the pastries were gone.

Seeing her heartless appearance, I breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

Fortunately, Mu Xuan and his heart are wide.

While the maid was serving refreshments, I wrapped all the pastries with a cloth hidden in my sleeve.

During the period, I tasted it, and it was so sweet that it was greasy.

I don't know how Mu Xuanhe can swallow it.

After packing the pastries, we had to leave from the beginning, and the clinker was half a beat slow, and we bumped into Zhu Yuchen pushing open the screen.

His dragon robe was pressed out of the folds, and his cheeks had unerased lip prints.

Mu Xuanhe turned a blind eye and bowed:

"Concubine, please give your majesty a greeting."

「… Arise, you."

Zhu Yuchen restrained his smile, frowned and said:

"The lockdown has just been lifted, and you will visit Ling Han Hall at night."

"Is there any evil plan to frame Concubine Mei?"

"Holy Lord, my sister doesn't have a heart, so don't mention the past."

Liu Yushu was disheveled, and her exposed shoulders were left with tooth marks.

Mu Xuan and wipe the sugar residue from the corners of his mouth, to put it mildly:

"The reason for visiting Ling Han Hall at night is because my sister had let go of cruel words when she came earlier."

"I can't be proud for a while."

Liu Yushu's eyes flashed with an unhappy look, and she sighed lightly:

"When did I say this, I have no intention of competing for the second position, and my sister doesn't have to make it up."

Zhu Yuchen's eyes were calm, and Mu Xuanhe laughed out loud:

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not, but I think it makes sense."

"Anyway, the phoenix seal will change hands sooner or later, so it's better for me to push the boat down the river and fulfill the two."

"Zhu Yuchen, I don't want the phoenix seal, the position of the queen you like to give to whomever you like."

"I will set you free, and you will also let me out of the palace, and from then on we will be separated from each other, so that we will not hate each other."

Mu Xuanhe put the phoenix seal on the table, as if setting aside worthless scrap iron.

Seeing Liu Yushu's ugly face, she didn't forget to tease:

"Sister, this great gift of mine is not inferior to your Beizhou pastry, right?"


Zhu Yuchen's face darkened instantly, and he scolded sharply:

"First suicide, then leaving the palace, Mu Xuanhe, your tricks are really endless."

"For such unscrupulous means to compete for favor, I am afraid that all of you in the Mu Mansion are harboring evil intentions!"

The loud shouts echoed in Ling Han's palace, causing the palace maids and eunuchs to kneel on the ground one after another, kowtowing and shouting:

"Your Majesty is angry!"

Only Mu Xuanhe was still standing, she looked at Zhu Yuchen's angry face, and laughed in a low voice:

"Up and down the Mu Mansion, harboring evil intentions."

"Your Majesty, when it comes to the means of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, I'm afraid there is no one in the world who can compare to you."

She said word by word:

"You wolf-hearted brute."

"Shut up!!"

In an instant, Zhu Yuchen pulled out his sword suddenly.

"Mu Xuanhe, I'm just too indulgent to you."

"That's why you're so blind!"

The tip of the sword pointed directly at Mu Xuan and her throat, she didn't dodge, but instead moved an inch closer.

"Come, kill me."

"Let the generals guarding the border see how His Majesty stepped on their bones and raised his sword to their families when they sacrificed their lives for the country."

"Zhu Yuchen, at midnight, you really have no shame, and you are not afraid of hundreds of people in Mufu."

Mu Xuanhe gritted his teeth, and his tone was extremely hateful:

"Did I come to you for my life?"

The blade of the sword pierced through Mu Xuan and his left shoulder.

Zhu Yuchen was obviously angry, and the blue tendons on his neck flared up.

My breathing was about to stop, but there was no fear in Mu Xuanhe's eyes.

Instead, she's expecting.

Looking forward to dying under Zhu Yuchen's sword.

The atmosphere was at a moment's notice, and Gonggong Qin knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily:

"Your Majesty, the Xuanjia Army broke through Beizhou, and General Mu contributed a lot."

"If you really give death to the queen's mother, the army's heart will be unstable, and the people's will will not be willing."

"I hope Your Majesty will think twice."

Zhu Yuchen and Mu Xuanhe both grew up watching Father-in-law Qin.

Thinking about it, he didn't want to see Mu Xuanhe die under Zhu Yuchen's sword with his own eyes.

"Sister, I can't argue, why do you bother?"

Liu Yushu knelt at Zhu Yuchen's feet, criing precariously:

"Blame me, I should die in Beizhou, if I wasn't pregnant with the dragon heir, I would definitely not interfere in my sister's feelings."

She stroked her abdomen as if unintentionally, and exclaimed abruptly:

"It hurts, my stomach, Your Majesty, the child is kicking me."

There was no cold sweat on her forehead, but she screamed extremely miserably, and her head tilted and fainted in Zhu Yuchen's arms.

"Jade Princess!"

Zhu Yuchen grabbed her in a panic and roared angrily:

"Someone is coming, pass on the Imperial Doctor!"

He stroked away the tears from Liu Yushu's eyes, and then looked at Mu Xuanhe, only his eyes were full of hatred:

"From now on, Mu Xuanhe will no longer be in charge of the phoenix seal, he will be demoted to a commoner, and he will be placed in the cold palace!"

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on Mu Xuanhe.

Mu Xuanhe bowed his head indifferently, and asked before leaving:

"How many hours does it take for the cold palace to go to the palace? I really don't want to be eight early."

"Still to see you."

She muttered in a low voice.

Zhu Yuchen's face changed and changed, so black that it could drip water.

"Get out!"

With this angry rebuke, Mu Xuanhe turned around and left.

Before leaving, Gonggong Qin stopped me:

"Qingqiu, now the queen has changed hands."

"It's time for you to think about where you're going from here."

"Wherever the queen goes, I'll go."

I replied firmly:

"I'm not going anywhere unless she doesn't want me."

"Foolish loyalty, it may not necessarily end well."

Gonggong Qin admonished earnestly, but I only cared about catching up with Mu Xuanhe.

Otherwise, if she falls behind, she will not be able to catch up with Miss, and she will be worried.


All the objects of Fengxi Palace were emptied.

Zhu Yuchen once rewarded Mu Xuanhe with jewelry, and also distributed it to the rest of the concubines in the harem.

Only Mu Xuan and Chang brought the guqin beside him, who was named and begged by Liu Yushu, and immediately moved to Ling Han Palace.