
My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

author:Zihan Cottage

It was an ordinary evening, in an old neighborhood in our hometown, the beautiful sunset sun fell quietly on the already mottled courtyard wall, and the air was wafting with the rich aroma of the stewed meat of the old Wangtou's house next door. At this time, my mother-in-law, Zhang Rong, was busy in the kitchen, holding a handful of green vegetables in her hand, and my mother, Li Xiaoxia, was discussing what delicious dishes to prepare for dinner.

"Mom, how about we eat steamed fish and fried bitter gourd tonight?" Zhang Rong suggested with great interest.

"Okay, I'll go to the market and pick out the freshest fish later." Li Xiaoxia responded enthusiastically in the living room.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Such seemingly innocuous conversations may seem like trivial matters to outsiders, but for us as a family, it is a process of mutual acceptance and integration. When she first moved into her new home, she felt very unfamiliar with her surroundings — unfamiliar streets, unfamiliar neighborhoods, and the names and relationships between family members that were complicated for her.

Since marrying my father, the Zhao family, she has been working hard to learn how to be a good daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. In the early days, she was often confused and confused: why did she call her neighbors "uncle"? And how to skillfully deal with the delicate feelings between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

However, over time, Zhang Rong gradually grasped the answers to these questions. She slowly adapted to the pace of life in the city and realized her important place in the family. Although she is well aware that she is still an outsider in many things – for example, my brother Zhao Xiaoming did not fully open up to her and share the personal information and responsibilities of all family members.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

However, she inevitably became a key part of the family's day-to-day life – especially when my father, Zhao Xiaoming, was away from home for work.

After dinner, the family is always in the midst of a complex emotional entanglement: the husband is often silent, the mother-in-law is calm and accustomed to giving silently, and she (i.e., the daughter-in-law) is the only one who wants to break the dull atmosphere and find joy in life and deeper understanding through chatting.

On a Saturday morning, there was a particularly light-hearted atmosphere throughout the house.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

"Xiao Rong, can we put less salt in the next time we stir-fry?" Li Xiaoxia smiled and asked softly, "Although eating lightly is indeed good for health." ”

"Of course! Mom, I'll take notice. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that everyone is now paying attention to healthy eating! Zhang Rong replied with a smile, and at the same time deeply felt the subtle changes in the relationship between them - from the initial strangeness to the natural family members now.

However, no matter how peaceful the days were, it could not hide some of the problems that still existed in the marriage of this family; There are always some topics or emotions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that are difficult to face or express directly; To this day, some vacancies in Zhang Rong's heart have never been filled... It is these questions that have made their 15 years of married life both familiar and tranquil, but also full of an unfamiliar sense of distance.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Zhao Xiaoming's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mom, how is my dad now?" "The situation is not very promising...... Doctors recommend hospitalization for a period of time for observation. Li Xiaoxia replied as calmly as possible.

This unexpected phone call shattered the peace of the home. After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaoxia said to Zhang Rong with a solemn face: "Xiao Rong, your father is sick and hospitalized, and there is no one to take care of you over there...... Your dad's colleagues and I can't leave. ”

Worry and helplessness instantly surged into Zhang Rong's heart, "Mom, then I'll help you take care of it for a few days, right?" ”

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

"You...... Can you really do it? It doesn't seem that you and your husband are so close......" Li Xiaoxia hesitated.

This passage deeply touched Zhang Rong's heart, and after she paused for a moment, she replied firmly: "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely not be an outsider now. ”

As night fell, the air seemed to freeze as heavy. Zhang Rong quietly packed his luggage, making full preparations for going to the hospital early tomorrow morning. But Li Xiaoxia sighed on the side: "This matter is not so simple to solve......"

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Zhang Rong, who was lying on the bed, tossed and turned, his thoughts were chaotic: although he used to be the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, it was not easy to suddenly take on the heavy responsibility of family chores; In addition to being responsible, what else can I do for this family?

The next morning, after sending the vendor of the vegetable stall out of the door, Li Xiaoxia urged her son to hurry home and said, "Xiaogang (referring to Zhao Xiaoming), no matter how busy you are, we must discuss what to do next." ”

The whole family was enveloped in this tense atmosphere, and everyone's hearts were filled with uneasiness and apprehension.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

However, when it was really decided to go to the hospital to take care of his ex-father-in-law, Zhao Xiaoming postponed his return home again for work reasons, which made the situation even more complicated. "I'm going back to work on some urgent matters soon, and it may take two days to get back." He hurriedly explained before leaving his father's hospital bed.

Once again, the huge lack of care is a burden on everyone's shoulders. In a sense, it is the result of their trade-offs between morality, duty, and personal sacrifice.

The ward was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant water, and this was the fourth night that Zhang Rong had taken care of Mr. Zhao. As each night passed, the stress and tension inside her grew thick and thick like a pile of snow.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Early in the morning, when the warm sunlight crept through the open window and sprinkled on the white bed, Zhang Rong met the challenge of the new day, and she politely said to the old lady, "Mother-in-law, good morning!" After Li Xiaoxia got up, she hid her tiredness in her eyes and greeted Zhang Rong with a tired smile: "Are you okay?" How was your night's rest? Zhang Rong replied cautiously: "That's it, I always can't sleep well at night." Then she pointed to her husband who was lying on the hospital bed and said, "Would you like to come and see Daddy?" I'm going to go buy some breakfast and come back. ”

Before Li Xiaoxia could respond, her mobile phone suddenly rang. A stranger's voice came from the phone: "Hello, this is the staff of Kangtai Nursing Home......" After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaoxia's face became a little solemn: "Xiao Rong, I'm really sorry... We may need to discuss other solutions. Zhang Rong asked tentatively: "Is it related to the nursing home?" Li Xiaoxia was silent for a moment, then nodded lightly: "Yes... I really don't want to leave you alone with so much anymore, they already contacted me yesterday..."

Before Li Xiaoxia could finish speaking, Zhang Rong had already made a decision: "Mom, if you really think this will put too much pressure on us... I think we can think about this proposal. At this time, an ambulance sped by outside the window, and the crowd waiting outside the hospital became more nervous.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Although this decision is difficult to make, there is still a choice to be made in the end. After some in-depth conversations, the atmosphere at home seemed to change subtly, and everyone could feel that they were full of understanding and tolerance for each other.

When those days passed, when faced with the problem of survival and care for the elderly in the hospital bed, the idea slowly became clear. "I will definitely respect your decision", on the phone, after Zhao Xiaoming, who was busy, told his husband this sentence, he suddenly fell silent...

In fact, how can there be absolute stability and peace in the world? Whether it's your innermost thoughts or emotions, you will find an outlet for catharsis over time. Now the way home is brighter and brighter for everyone, but it is also inexplicably colorful.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Zhang Rong was alone under the dim street lamp, strolling on the way home. The sky gradually became gloomy, just like her state of mind at the moment: complex and indescribable.

Zhao Xiaoming's voice came from the phone, "Xiaorong, I have rushed back from the company." I went to the hospital just now... I really can't bear to see you go on like this. ”

Zhang Rong was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Xiao Ming, I think we have made the most correct decision. ”

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

"That's right," a heavy, understanding response came from the other end of the line, "I thought so too. What happened today is a wake-up call for us to re-examine our responsibilities and our perceptions of family. ”

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and you can even hear your own footsteps. It's not easy to find a sense of tranquility in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the crowd. But the answer seems to be quietly waiting around a corner.

The next morning, the world outside the window was filled with new hope. In the morning light, Li Xiaoxia's words were extraordinarily calm, "Xiao Rong, I thank you very much for your efforts... And I'm sure we've all found a way that works better for dad. ”

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

Zhang Rong, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, nodded, although it was really difficult to make such a decision, but this was the result of careful consideration by the big guys. The ups and downs of life always go hand in hand, but here's the problem, it's these winds and waves that can provide people with opportunities for growth and progress!

It's time to move to a new house, and after the whole family gathers, the atmosphere feels much more relaxed than usual. With the slow pace and the sound of heavy suitcases, everyone seemed very calm and calmly coped with the challenges ahead.

Watching the car slowly start and drive towards the nursing home, I saw in the rearview mirror that the complicated expression on Li Xiaoxia's face finally calmed down, we are about to embark on a new journey. "Maybe it means a whole new journey is about to begin." Zhao Xiaoming gently held Zhang Rong's hand as he spoke.

My ex-husband's illness is important for me to take care of, and I will send it directly to a nursing home, after all, the 15-year marriage exists in name only!

After the car stopped at the entrance of the nursing home, a group of enthusiastic nurses greeted us with a smile, as if the horn of a new life was about to sound. "Dad, here we are." Xiao Gang walked over, took his father's hand, and walked into that hopeful treatment environment together.

When everything is done, the sun sets, and the sun shines in the living room, and the family sits there quietly, discussing how to spend the next few days and how to adapt to the new rhythm of life; The warm and cozy atmosphere, like being tightly wrapped in clean curtains, exudes a bright light.

At dinner, the family sat around the dining table and shared the delicious food they had made, which once again made everyone deeply understand: no matter what difficulties you encounter, what choices you make, and how much you pay, as long as you are willing to change your lifestyle, there will always be a light that will light your way home on this long road.