
The dispute over the establishment of Guangqingyong high-speed railway: the glory and contradiction of the city of Lingling and Ningyuan!

author:Handsome needle Yu fun

The construction of the Guangqing-Yongzhou high-speed railway was originally supposed to be a feast connecting Guangzhou, Qingyuan and Yongzhou to promote economic exchanges and development. However, with the gradual advancement of high-speed rail planning, the controversy over the location of the station has gradually surfaced. Among them, the most intense is the issue of site setting in the Yongzhou area, and the two places of Lingling and Ningyuan have become the focus of controversy.

The dispute over the establishment of Guangqingyong high-speed railway: the glory and contradiction of the city of Lingling and Ningyuan!

Lingling, a city with a long history and cultural heritage, is even more famous for its "Eight Records of Yongzhou" by the great writer Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty. The beautiful scenery of Xiangxiaoping Island has attracted countless tourists to visit. Therefore, there are voices calling for the Guangqingyong high-speed railway to set up a station in Lingling to promote the development of local tourism.

However, another school of thought advocates the establishment of a station in Ningyuan. Although Ningyuan County started as a poor county, it has made remarkable achievements in urban construction in recent years, ranking among the best among the six southern counties. Ningyuan people believe that the high-speed rail station in Ningyuan can not only promote local economic development, but also further enhance Ningyuan's urban image.

The dispute over the establishment of Guangqingyong high-speed railway: the glory and contradiction of the city of Lingling and Ningyuan!

These two schools of thought seem to have their own reasonableness, but in fact, there are complex entanglements of interests and regional emotions behind them. Lingling people hope that with the help of the east wind of the high-speed railway, Liu Zongyuan's hometown will shine again; The people of Ningyuan hope that through the drive of high-speed rail, this once poor county town will achieve a gorgeous turnaround.

However, the planning of high-speed rail routes and stations is not child's play, but requires rigorous scientific demonstration and field investigations. The lines and stations of the Guangqingyong high-speed railway have long been planned, and any tampering needs to be fully discussed and demonstrated. Therefore, this dispute over the establishment of a station is not simply a matter of right to speak, but requires the joint efforts of all parties to find the best solution.

In this controversy, we should not forget the original purpose of the construction of high-speed rail - to promote economic development and exchanges and cooperation. Whether it is Lingling or Ningyuan, they are an indispensable part of the land of Yongzhou. We should work together to promote the construction and development of the Guangqingyong high-speed railway with an open mind and an inclusive mind.

The dispute over the establishment of Guangqingyong high-speed railway: the glory and contradiction of the city of Lingling and Ningyuan!

Finally, let's take a look at the recent GDP and population of the city of Yongzhou. As one of the important cities in Hunan Province, Yongzhou has a strong economic development momentum and a steady increase in population. The construction of the high-speed railway will bring more opportunities and challenges to Yongzhou, let us look forward to the early opening of the Guangqing-Yongzhou high-speed railway, and inject new vitality into the future development of Yongzhou.