
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true

author:Extraordinary blue silver grass
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true
10 things you think are "illegal" but are actually legal that sound incredible but are true

Under Murong Bo's guidance, Fengyun, Qingyun, and Zixuan embarked on a journey to the Shadow Valley. The pearl shimmered faintly in their hands, and seemed to have a mysterious resonance with the surrounding nature, guiding them through the mountains and forests, across the rivers, to a hidden place deep in the mountains that almost no one knew.

Shadow Valley, a deep canyon surrounded by high mountains and shrouded in mist. On the way into Shadow Valley, Fengyun and the others encountered various traps and ambushes from the Night Pavilion, but they overcame the difficulties one by one with their wisdom and courage.

In the depths of Shadow Valley, they finally found the headquarters of the Night Pavilion, an ancient and magnificent underground palace. The interior of the palace is filled with complex corridors and secret rooms, and the burning torches on the walls reflect a dark light, and the atmosphere is mysterious and oppressive.

Fengyun and the others cautiously sneaked into the palace, and they found many members of the Night Pavilion busily walking around, obviously preparing for some important ceremony. They hid in a remote corner, intending to observe further.

At this moment, Fengyun noticed that something important was going on in a secret room. He decided to take a risk to find out, and Qingyun and Zixuan stayed outside to answer him.

Fengyun quietly entered the secret room, only to see the Netherworld standing in front of an altar, holding a black scepter in his hand, and muttering words in his mouth. Strange symbols are carved on the altar, and it seems that some kind of ancient ritual is being carried out.

Suddenly, the Netherchild stopped the spell, turned around and looked directly at Fengyun, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Fengyun, you are finally here." Today, I want you to see with your own eyes how your family and the entire rivers and lakes have fallen into my hands. ”

It turns out that the Netherworld is using an ancient evil art to try to control the minds of all martial arts masters, and then rule the entire rivers and lakes. And the "Heavenly Diagram" is the key to this evil art.

Fengyun was furious, drew his sword and rushed towards the Netherworld. A fierce battle unfolds in the Chamber of Secrets. The sword light and black qi are intertwined, and Fengyun's sword technique has reached the transformation realm, and each sword is full of hatred for the Netherworld and dedication to justice.

In the end, in a dangerous duel, Fengyun used the invisible sword qi taught by the nameless old man to pierce the Nether's defenses with a single sword, and directly took his life. The Ghost Son fell to the ground, and his plot collapsed.

With the fall of the Netherworld, the power of the Night Pavilion quickly disintegrated, and those martial arts masters who were controlled gradually regained their consciousness. The strife and grievances on the rivers and lakes seem to have subsided a lot overnight.

Fengyun, Qingyun and Zixuan decided to retire to the rivers and lakes, and they came to a scenic valley and established a small village named "Hidden Wind Village". Here, they live a peaceful and quiet life, far away from the strife of the rivers and lakes.

Fengyun often sits on the stone at the head of the village, looking at the sky, thinking about his experiences over the years. He understands that the real rivers and lakes are not a confrontation between swords and blood, but a contest between justice and evil in his heart. And now, he has finally found his own peace.
