
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot

author:Extraordinary blue silver grass
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot
The 10 tricks that are scary to recognize people, the fate of husband and wife, after reading these knowledge, I really benefited a lot

At the end of the rivers and lakes, there is a place that has been forgotten by the world, called the Forgotten Realm. This is the destination of Jianghu people, and it is also their starting point. Here, there is no bustling city, no hustle and bustle of people, just a tranquil landscape and an ancient temple.

In the temple lived an old man named Nameless. He is a martial arts master, who used to be famous in the rivers and lakes, but now he lives in seclusion here, living an indifferent life of fame and fortune. The nameless old man was tall and kind-faced, and his white hair was draped down, shining like silver threads. There was a deep wisdom in his eyes, as if he could see everything in the world.

On this day, the Forgotten Realm welcomed a young swordsman named Fengyun. He was wearing a green shirt with a long sword hanging from his waist, and the word "Fengyun" was engraved on the scabbard. Fengyun and his eyebrows revealed a heroic spirit, and his eyes were blazing, giving people a sense of indomitability.

Fengyun came to the temple and knocked on the temple door. The nameless old man walked out slowly, looked at the young man in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Young man, what are you doing here?" ”

Fengyun bowed respectfully and replied, "Senior, I heard that this is the destination of the people of the rivers and lakes, and I also want to find a peace here. ”

The nameless old man nodded, motioning for Fengyun to enter the temple. The two sat down on a stone bench and began to talk. The nameless old man asked about Fengyun's origin and experience, and Fengyun told the truth. It turned out that Fengyun was once a chivalrous man on the rivers and lakes, who was forced to leave his hometown and wander around because of a misunderstanding. He hopes to find a quiet place, away from the strife and grievances of the rivers and lakes.

The nameless old man listened to Fengyun's story, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Young man, your experience is indeed emotional. But do you really think you can find peace away from the rivers and lakes? ”

Fengyun was stunned, he didn't expect the nameless old man to ask like this. He pondered for a moment and replied, "I don't know, but I'm willing to try." ”

The nameless old man smiled slightly and said, "Then, you can stay here." I will teach you some martial arts to better protect yourself. ”

Fengyun looked at the nameless old man gratefully, he knew that this was a rare opportunity. He decided to stay in the Forgotten Realm and learn the way of martial arts from the nameless old man.

Since then, Fengyun has started a new life. Every morning, he would follow the nameless old man to the stream at the foot of the mountain to practice swordsmanship and internal strength. The nameless old man taught him a unique and subtle swordsmanship, and each move contained profound martial arts principles. Although Fengyun is talented, it also took a lot of time to gradually grasp the mystery.

In addition to the cultivation of swordsmanship and internal strength, Fengyun also learned some knowledge of medical skills and poison arts. The nameless old man told him that this knowledge was just as important in the rivers and lakes, and sometimes it could even save lives. Fengyun was humbly taught, and kept this knowledge in his heart.

In the days of oblivion, Fengyun gradually forgot the disputes and grievances in the rivers and lakes, and his heart became more peaceful and peaceful. He learned how to live in harmony with nature, how to appreciate the beauty of mountains and rivers, and how to savor the joy of life. He found that the true tranquility is not to stay away from the rivers and lakes, but to be at peace of mind.
