
The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

author:First Humanities

01 Awakening in the morning light

"The sunrise river flowers are redder than fire", the first rays of sunshine in the early morning, like a filament, gently brushed through this small courtyard.

In the hustle and bustle of the city, this quiet place full of greenery is like Tao Yuanming's paradise.

Although the yard is small, it contains the endless poetry and vitality of nature.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

When the golden sunlight filled the courtyard, the rose in the corner seemed to hear the call and poked her head out shyly.

The delicate fragrance drifted away in the wind, causing butterflies to dance and bees to buzz.

The neighbors were attracted by the fragrance of the flowers, stopped and admired, as if they were in the poetic conception of the ancients.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave
The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

02 Laughter in the afternoon

"The children rushed to chase the yellow butterflies, flew into the cauliflower and were nowhere to be found." In the afternoon, the courtyard became a paradise for children.

The swings swayed gently in the air, accompanied by the laughter of the children, as if playing a cheerful music.

Neighbors brought their children to play here, and for a while, the small courtyard was full of innocence and joy.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

On the grass, children run and play, chasing each other's figures; The adults gossip in the shade of the trees and enjoy a rare leisure time.

At this moment, the small courtyard seems to have become a moving pastoral picture, which makes people indulge in it and forget the troubles of the world.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave
The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

03 Warm time in the sunset

In this small courtyard, the afterglow of the setting sun brings a different kind of warmth and tranquility here.

A small table, a pot of fragrant tea, sit quietly in the courtyard, feel the quiet years.

Neighbors came one after another, either with hometown specialties or freshly baked snacks, sitting around to share each other's stories and feelings.

These simple and sincere exchanges make people feel the beauty of life and the warmth of the neighborhood. Here, everyone puts down the busyness and fatigue of their daily lives and enjoys this rare tranquility and comfort.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave
The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

04 reluctant parting

Night falls, and the stars shine. The neighbors said goodbye one after another, but there was always a trace of reluctance.

They agreed to meet again next time and look forward to the next time together.

In this small courtyard, people find the poetry and warmth of life, and also find the deep friendship between neighbors.

This small courtyard, although not big, carries too much beauty and memories.

The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave
The courtyard is so beautiful, the neighbors don't want to leave

It is a witness to the laughter and growth of children, as well as the mutual help and deep friendship between neighbors.

Here, we feel the true meaning and warmth of life; Here we find our spiritual home and peace.

Whenever I think of this small courtyard, there is always a warm current in my heart. It is not only the sustenance of our spirit, but also the most valuable wealth in our lives.

May we all cherish this beauty and jointly protect the tranquility and poetry of this small courtyard.

Image source丨Thing of the pool