
Is the Euro Championship cold? 5 reasons revealed: The time difference party is tired, and football is still the king

author:Sporting life

Oh my god, why has the European Cup become an "unpopular"?

The data shows that the popularity of Euro 2024 is 40% lower than the previous edition. What is this concept? It's like your favorite bubble tea shop suddenly becoming crowded. What the hell is going on? Listen to me slowly.

Is the Euro Championship cold? 5 reasons revealed: The time difference party is tired, and football is still the king

The competition system has changed, and the competition has become "water"?

Do you remember the European Championship when 16 teams played to the death? Now 24 teams are participating, and even the third place in the group can qualify. No, this year, there was a strange thing of "three consecutive draws" qualifying. Fans shouted: "This is too watery!" "

It's like a bunch of "scumbags" suddenly came to the original top class, and the overall level was instantly lowered. The fans yawned when they saw it, and the heat naturally dropped. Some fans complained: "This is the European Cup, it's simply the 'European Bowl'!" "

Jet lag party hard life

For us Chinese fans, watching the European Cup is a practice. Watching football in the early morning, going to work the next day like a zombie. Record and watch, spoilers are flying all over the sky. A fan friend said: "It's so hard for me, watching a ball is like playing with my life." The boss said that I looked like a different person recently, and the dark circles under my eyes were almost to my chin. "

The new generation of football stars is too "Buddhist"?

Thinking back to Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and other stars back then, they can really attract fans. What now? Mba wearing a mask became the biggest gimmick, and Haaland was directly absent. Fans sighed: "What is the highlight of this European Cup?" I don't think the stars want to play! "

A veteran fan told me: "When I used to watch the European Cup, it was called a passion. Now, it feels like the players are recuperating, for fear that the injury will affect the club's performance. "

Is the Euro Championship cold? 5 reasons revealed: The time difference party is tired, and football is still the king

There are too many ways to entertain and football is not fragrant?

Why do young people only watch football nowadays? Douyin, Glory of Kings, variety shows...... There are so many options! A post-95 fan said: "In the past, staying up late to watch football was the only entertainment, but now there are too many reasons to stay up late, and football is just one of them." Besides, how can you feel like a king when you watch the European Cup! "

But is football really not working?

Don't rush to give football a death sentence! Although the popularity of the European Cup has decreased, the popularity of the World Cup has not diminished at all. Moreover, if you look at the Premier League and La Liga, the popularity is still unabated.

An industry insider said to me: "Football is still the same football, it's just that the way we watch football is changing. It's like you don't say hot pot is bad just because it's not delicious, right? "

So the question is, how to save yourself in the European Cup?

First of all, the format can be optimized. Instead of pursuing quantity, it is better to ensure quality. Secondly, new media operations can be strengthened to attract young audiences. Finally, it is important to develop the charisma of the next generation of stars.

Some netizens commented: "Football will never die, it just needs to keep pace with the times." The European Cup should learn from variety shows and make some tricks. "

Is the Euro Championship cold? 5 reasons revealed: The time difference party is tired, and football is still the king

In closing, I would like to say that no matter how hot the Euros are, football will never be "cool" as long as you love it. After all, it's the passion of the fans that is the biggest attraction of the sport.

Fans, what do you think of the decline in popularity of the European Championship? Do you think what I said makes sense? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's talk together! Remember to like and collect, and we'll see you next time!

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