
It's like making a movie! One second of despair and loneliness, the next second of celebration, Foden played the passion of football

author:Sideways volley

England's 2-1 win over Slovakia was a number of classic images, one of which took place before and after Bellingham's barb equaliser. Let's take a look at what happened!

It's like making a movie! One second of despair and loneliness, the next second of celebration, Foden played the passion of football

Less than 5 minutes into the 4-minute stoppage time, the England team made substitution adjustments at this time, Southgate made a last-ditch fight, replacing Foden with Ivan Toney, this is a counterpoint substitution, striker for striker, Southgate did not give up at the last moment, he was pressing Ivan Toney's luck. Foden walked straight back to the bench from outside the baseline after being replaced, and at this time England won a corner kick on the right side, Foden was very disappointed and desperate after being replaced, and he probably felt that the game was over. But as he walked back, he looked back at his team-mates and wiped his nose and mouth with his hands, Foden was serious and lonely at this time, after all, he was replaced before the game was over, which was enough to prove that he was not good enough.

It's like making a movie! One second of despair and loneliness, the next second of celebration, Foden played the passion of football

Just after Foden took a few steps back in disappointment, England's corner kick came to the goal, Bellingham hit an upside-down golden hook to complete the equalizer, and Foden had not fully walked back to the bench at this time, England's players had already begun to celebrate, at this time after seeing Bellingham's equalisation, Foden turned from loss to ecstasy, when his teammates flocked to celebrate, Foden soared from behind and joined the crowd of celebrations, and finally Foden also high-fived Kane to celebrate.

It's like making a movie! One second of despair and loneliness, the next second of celebration, Foden played the passion of football

This picture is like making a movie, a god-like script! Foden's picture is also a reflection of the passion of football, and I really don't know what the result will be until the last second!

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