
Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

author:Rural four-pot
Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss
Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

Ladies and gentlemen! Did you know? There is a 14-year-old girl's performance in a movie, which is simply jaw-dropping! She is Sophie Marceau's performance in "First Kiss", do you want to know how wonderful it is? Don't worry, let's chat!

1. The young girl in "First Kiss".

In "First Kiss", the little girl named Wei played by Sophie Marceau was like a light that illuminated the entire screen as soon as she appeared. You see, the collagen on that face is full of youthful breath.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

Let's just say that she tried on clothes before going to the prom, good guy, that tossing energy, exactly the same as the little girl next to us. One moment I tried this dress, the next I changed that top, and I still muttered, "Does this look good?" Does that work? "That expression, that action, is a little girl who loves stinky beauty, so real that it makes people feel like they are looking at their own daughter.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

Also, at the noisy dance party, the scene where Matthew put on her headphones, oh my god, it's romantic to the bone. Sophie Marceau's Vi, who smiled slightly, turned around, and hugged Matthew with his eyes closed, my God, the surprise and sweetness in those eyes can sweeten people's hearts like honey.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

Second, the wonderful moment of the bursting acting

Sophie Marceau can't hide her careful thoughts when facing the person she likes. obviously likes it so much, but he still pretends not to care, glances at it secretly, and quickly turns his head over, that little appearance, it really makes people want to laugh.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

When she had a misunderstanding with Matthew, the tears were in her eyes, her mouth was pouting, and her face was full of grievances, which broke people's hearts. How can this little girl grasp this emotion so well?

And when she was playing the guitar and singing alone in the room, that look, that posture, was like a lonely little angel. People want to go in and hug her when they see it, and tell her not to be sad.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

3. A classic picture that is difficult to surpass

There are a lot of unforgettable scenes in "First Kiss". It's like Wei trying on clothes in front of the mirror, the way you look left and right looks like your daughter before going out? And the romantic hug at the ball, the music played, and the whole world was silent, only the two of them were left.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

These images, as if engraved in my mind, can never be forgotten. Every time I think about it, it can make people's hearts warm, as if they have returned to that youthful age.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

Fourth, the eternal memory in the hearts of the audience

If you ask anyone around you who has seen "First Kiss", they will definitely praise Sophie Marceau's performance. Some said, "That little girl is so smart, she acts like the real thing." Some said, "When I saw her, I remembered when I was in love for the first time." ”

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

This is the charm of Sophie Marceau, she can make a movie a memory shared by everyone, and can make a character live in the hearts of the audience and never forget it.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

The editor has something to say

Ladies and gentlemen, Sophie Marceau's performance in "First Kiss" is really amazing! It's like pulling us all back to that adolescence full of ignorance and fantasy. Looking at her, it is like seeing the former self, the simple like, the cautious temptation, and those small emotions that make people cry and laugh.

Her performance is not contrived at all, it is all genuine. This also makes us understand that a good performance does not necessarily require flashy skills, as long as it can move people's hearts, it is a success.

Sophie Marceau's stunning bloom in the > of <'s first kiss

When we watch movies, don't we just want to find our own shadow in it, and find those memories that have gone away but are incomparably precious? Sophie Marceau did it in "First Kiss", and she made us relive that good time of youth.

I hope that there will be more good actors like this in the future to bring us more works that touch our hearts. I also hope that we can all maintain that nostalgia for youth and yearning for beauty.

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