
Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

author:Top biscuit PM718x

Hey, readers, let's talk about an interesting topic today - should the husband and wife belong to the same zodiac sign? This question is not simple, there is a lot of knowledge in it!

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

First of all, we have to figure out first, what is going on with these zodiac signs?

1. The origin of the 12 zodiac signs

Speaking of which, these zodiac signs have been around for a long time. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors began to ponder this. They observed the heavens, studied geography, and came up with the idea of using 12 animals to represent different years.

The 12 animals are: rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs. Each animal has its own unique personality and characteristics, such as:

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

- Rat people are smart and smart, but a bit stingy;

- Ox people are down-to-earth and hardworking, but a bit stubborn;

- Tiger people are majestic, but a little impatient;

- Rabbit people are gentle and cute, but a bit indecisive;

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

... And so on.

These animals are not chosen randomly, and each one has its own meaning. For example, the dragon is a mythical beast in Chinese culture, symbolizing power and dignity. As for pigs, in ancient times, they were a symbol of wealth, because raising pigs could make money!

2. The relationship between the zodiac and marriage

So, what does this have to do with marriage? This is going to talk about the wisdom of our ancestors.

In ancient times, it was believed that there was a special relationship between different genera. Some genera complement each other together, while others can be in conflict. Therefore, when choosing a marriage partner, people will refer to the zodiac signs.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

For example, there is a saying called "triad":

- Rats, dragons, and monkeys are a group;

- Cows, snakes, and chickens are a group;

- Tigers, horses, and dogs are a group;

- Rabbits, sheep, and pigs are a group.

Together, these genera are said to be able to support each other and live in harmony and beauty.

There is also a kind called "Liuhe":

- rats and cows;

- tigers and pigs;

- rabbits and dogs;

- Dragons and chickens;

- snakes and monkeys;

- Horses and sheep.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

These genera are also considered a good choice when paired together.

However, there are some combinations of genus that are considered unlucky, such as:

- "Dragon and Tiger fight": When the dragon and the tiger are together, they may often quarrel because they are too strong;

- "Sheep and rat punishment": Sheep and rat people can get along together because their personalities are too different.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the same husband and wife

So, the husband and wife are the same, is it good? That's a really different question!

Let's talk about the benefits first:

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

a) Similar personalities and easier to understand each other

Since the genera are the same, there will be some similarities in the personalities. This way, it may be easier for two people to understand each other's thoughts and behaviors when they are together. For example, if two Tiger people are together, they may both like adventure and excitement, then they can find common fun in life.

b) Interests may be similar

Due to similar personalities, the interests and hobbies of the two people may also be relatively close. This way, it's much easier to find common topics. If both of you are rabbits, you probably like to be quiet and like art, so wouldn't it be nice to go to exhibitions and concerts together?

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

c) The pace of life may be more coordinated

It may be easier for two people of the same phase to agree on their living habits. For example, two dog people may be more family-oriented and like to stay at home, so they are less likely to have conflicts over how to arrange their weekends.

However, there are two sides to everything, and couples who belong to the same phase may also encounter some problems:

a) There may be a lack of complementarity

As the saying goes, "three stinkers, one Zhuge Liang". If two people are too similar, they may both have the same shortcomings in some aspects. For example, two sheep people may be relatively gentle together, and they are not willing to take the initiative to solve problems when encountered.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

b) There may be the same drawbacks

Each genus has its advantages and disadvantages. If the husband and wife are of the same genus, then they may have the same disadvantages. For example, if both people are snakes and may be suspicious, they may have double the trouble when dealing with relationships.

c) The sense of competition may be stronger

Some people are born with a strong sense of competition. If both husband and wife are in this direction, then there may be frequent rivalries and even conflicts in family life. For example, if two dragon people are together, they may both want to be the "dragon head" of the family, so they will have to fight.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

4. How should modern people view the marriage of the genus?

Having said all this, what should we modern people think about this problem?

First of all, we have to admit that this physiognomy culture is indeed a treasure of our Chinese nation. It contains the wisdom of our ancestors and is part of our culture. Find out how much it adds a little bit of joy to life, right?

However, we must not be too superstitious. After all, this was a statement thousands of years ago, and it may not be 100% applicable today. Nowadays, the social environment and lifestyle have undergone great changes, and the formation of people's character is also affected by more factors.

So, my advice is:

a) Make the genus quite an interesting topic

When going on a blind date, asking the other person's affiliation can be used as a light-hearted opening statement. Even if you find that the genus is incompatible, don't take it too seriously, just treat it as a joke.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

b) More focus on practical personality matching

Instead of dwelling on the zodiac signs, it is better to spend more time to understand the true character of the other person. Prefer quiet or lively? Is he an idealist or a realist? These are the keys that really affect whether two people can get along harmoniously.

c) Emphasis on communication and understanding

Regardless of whether the genus is the same or not, whether they can get along for a long time, the key is whether the two people are willing to understand each other and whether they are willing to change for each other. More communication and tolerance are the best ways to maintain relationships.

d) Cherish culture, but don't be tied down

Understanding the physiognomy culture can give us a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture. But don't let these old sayings limit our options. Love is free and should not be bound by any rules.

Is it good for husband and wife to be "the same genus"? There is some truth in the experience of our ancestors

e) Learn to appreciate differences

Even if there are differences in genera and personality, it can be seen as a complementarity. Isn't it nice to "your strengths are exactly my weaknesses"? Learning to appreciate each other's differences can make the relationship more colorful.

In general, whether a husband and wife belong to the same phase is not actually a key factor in determining marital happiness. The important thing is whether two people can understand each other and grow together. Physiognomy culture is interesting, but it should be seen as a way to enhance relationships rather than as a criterion for choosing a partner.

Finally, I would like to give you a word: feelings are a matter of two people, and the opinions of others can be heard, but in the end, you have to make your own decisions. It doesn't matter if you belong to the same phase or not, as long as you truly love each other, be brave together! I wish all lovers in the world will eventually become married, happy and happy!