
From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

author:An An 5278
From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

Meng Ziyi, a name that has long been labeled as an "Internet celebrity face" in the public eye, has recently re-entered people's attention with a more fluid and natural beauty. In the face of past ridicule and doubts, she successfully subverted her image and established a new reputation in the hearts of the audience through unremitting efforts and special proof methods. This transformation process is not only a replacement of appearance, but also an all-round renewal of the perception of beauty.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

In the past, Mencius was quite controversial in the entertainment industry with his European-style big double eyelids and heavy makeup. However, in the TV series "Who Says Heroes Are Heroes" directed by Li Muge, her appearance completely changed people's perception of her. Not only did she not lose her focus, but she won everyone's attention and curiosity about her changing face with her role Lei Chun in the play.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

The most impressive thing is her self-proof — a series of actions to prove that she didn't have plastic surgery: pulling her nose with clear glue, publishing a photo of herself with her mother, and self-deprecating responses on TV shows. This unique approach showcases her ability to influence and shape herself in the new media age.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

Relatively speaking, the fading of "Internet celebrity feeling" is not an accidental phenomenon; From a small point of view, it is a breakthrough and reform in personal image, and from a large point of view, it is a reflection of the current social aesthetic trend. Today's audience craves to see more of the beauty of simplicity and authenticity than the effects of artificiality.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

In fact, in the traditional media environment, many actors choose to be patient or conform to public evaluation when facing various voices from the outside world; But in the era of self-media, artists like Mencius have learned how to use digital platforms as their voice to confront and refute negative rhetoric.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

Against this backdrop, new achievements are far from within the reach of alone. The family inherited her extraordinary conditional foundation - her mother also has bright eyes, a high nose bridge and other beauty characteristics, which to a certain extent confirms the fact that she is naturally beautiful.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

Of course, in the entertainment industry, "face" is just a pass to success; However, what really moves people's hearts and earns respect are those who are more persevering in their spiritual character and talent. Obviously, Mencius has focused on internal cultivation in the past, constantly improving his acting skills, and at the same time broadening his knowledge boundaries and depth of understanding in the field of literature and art, so that his acting skills have been substantially improved and gradually removed the label of "eating with his face".

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

To sum up, it can be seen that true beauty is not simply a change in appearance, but more importantly, the recognition and sublimation of one's own inner quality. Only the combination of internal and external experience can make an actor mature and finally win people's respect and even love.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

We can see that Meng Zhiyan's story is not only about the change of appearance, but also contains the spiritual core of courage, wisdom and continuous self-challenge. Now she has more excellent works to present in the world - this new image may lead a different cultural and artistic trend.

From "Internet celebrity face" to "eating by face" - Mencius's transformation road

So let's look forward to more wonderful performances from such a progressive and confident female actor!

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