
Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

author:Flying crayon Shin-chan

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The interaction between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu in the program "Let's Run" set off a lot of waves. This matter can break the hearts of fans and the audience, and all kinds of discussions are one after another, and they are very lively.

Let's talk about these two first, Fan Chengcheng and Bailu, who are also quite famous figures in the entertainment industry. They have been recording "Let's Run" together for a few days, and some small interactions in the show really made many people itch in their hearts and knock CP. The story is really colorful.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Take some time ago, Fan Chengcheng posted a photo with Bailu in Chaohua. All of a sudden, it was like throwing a big stone in the calm water of a lake, stirring up a thousand waves. Fans exploded and talked about it. Some people think that this Fan Chengcheng is swearing sovereignty, as if to say, "This is my partner, no one should rob it"; But some people feel that this is just part of the effect of the show, just to amuse everyone, and there is nothing special about it. These two points of view are like two parallel lines, each extending and not giving in to each other.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

and the impressive quagmire game, which pushed this controversy to a climax. In that quagmire, Fan Chengcheng pressed Bailu's head into the mud, and Bailu, not to be outdone, covered Fan Chengcheng's face with mud. This is not the end, Fan Chengcheng put his arm around Bailu's shoulders again, and puffed the big ink clay powder on her face. These behaviors, in the eyes of some fans, have changed their flavor and have been directly rumored to be harassment. Oops, that's a lot of trouble. Some people think it's too much, how can you treat a girl like this; Some people think that this is a normal slapstick in the game, and there is no need to go online.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's think about it calmly, from the very beginning, the show "Running Man" was not just to make us big guys happy and relaxed. It's normal for the guests to have a little interaction and joke in the show. After all, if they are all well-behaved and well-behaved, then what else is there to see? Don't we viewers just want to have some fun in our busy lives and see the real and interesting side of the stars. Think about it, if the stars are cautious in the show and don't dare to have the slightest relaxation and bold performance, wouldn't the show become boring and boring, like a pool of stagnant water?

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

But, then again, it's understandable that fans feel uncomfortable when they see these close encounters. After all, everyone has their own scale in their hearts, and they have their own standards for what constitutes moderate interaction and what constitutes excessive behavior. Some fans may think, heck, this is a fight between friends, it's not a big deal; But some fans feel that this is a bit too much, how can I treat my favorite idol like this. It's like someone likes spicy food, and some people can't stand it at all, and the taste is different.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

It's not easy for stars to be on the show. They have to find ways to make the show interesting and enjoyable for the audience. Sometimes, it may be necessary to make some bold moves for the sake of an effect. They weren't trying to upset anyone, they were just trying to do their job. We also have to empathize and give them more understanding and tolerance. It's like when we work and maybe make some risky decisions in order to reach our goals, don't we?

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

I remembered our usual lives. Sometimes, when we make a joke with our friends, some people may feel uncomfortable. This is normal because everyone's personality and level of acceptance is different. However, we can't quarrel and hurt the harmony because of such a trivial matter. We have to learn to communicate and understand so that we can have a better relationship, don't we? For example, if you joke with a friend that his clothes don't look good today, the friend may be upset, and then you have to quickly explain that it was just a joke and that you don't really think it's bad. In this way, misunderstandings can be resolved and friendships can be perpetuated.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

For these interactions between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu, we should really look at them rationally. Don't rush to conclusions and blame anyone as soon as you see a little bit of wind and grass. Perhaps, this is not as complicated as we imagined, it is simply for the effect of the show, in order to bring us joy. If we are red-faced because of this quarrel, wouldn't it be a disappointing of their efforts and a ruin of our good mood to watch the show? Just like watching a magic show, we don't have to explore the secrets behind it, just enjoy the magic and surprises of that moment.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

And ah, we have to respect each other's opinions. It doesn't matter if you think it's an oath of sovereignty and he thinks it's harassment. We can express our opinions, but don't speak ill of each other. After all, everyone is because they like this show and these two stars, so they pay so much attention and have their own ideas. We should communicate with a peaceful and friendly attitude, so as to make our entertainment industry more harmonious and our road to star-chasing more happy. Imagine, if everyone can communicate calmly, will the entertainment industry become better and full of positive energy?

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

The interaction between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu in the "Let's Run" program did cause a lot of heated discussions, but let's not be carried away by these controversies. Let's stay sober, look at it rationally, respect the efforts of the guests, and respect each other's views. In this way, we can really enjoy the fun that this show brings us, right? Let us use a tolerant and understanding heart to face these disturbances in the entertainment industry, and let our star-chasing journey be full of sunshine and laughter!

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's think about it deeply, in fact, this phenomenon does not only exist in the entertainment industry. Similar situations are encountered in all aspects of our lives. For example, in school, students may have different opinions about the same thing; At work, colleagues may have different opinions about a certain solution. At this time, we all need to learn to look rationally, respect other people's opinions, and solve problems through good communication, instead of blindly arguing and blaming.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Returning to the interaction between Fan Chengcheng and Bailu, perhaps we can use it as an opportunity for us to learn to look at things more maturely and rationally. Don't be swayed by emotions, don't blindly follow the trend, and have your own thinking and judgment. At the same time, I also hope that the entertainment industry can have more such thinking and discussion, so that everyone can gain some growth and inspiration while being entertained.

Fan Chengcheng's Bailu variety show "intimacy" caused controversy, netizens: Who moved my sense of proportion?

Let's work together to face all kinds of controversies and differences in life with a rational and inclusive attitude, so as to make our world better and more harmonious!

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