
Zhang Xianliang | My "grandfather" Yu Pingbo

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Zhang Xianliang | My "grandfather" Yu Pingbo

Source | Web Author | Zhang Xianliang shared | Shuyi Commune (ID: shufaorg)

I knew that Pingbogong died because I read the newspaper in the countryside. hurried back to the city to hang up a long-distance call to his aunt Yu Cheng, but the conversation was also very calm. The month before, in September, I went to Wuhan, passed through Beijing, and visited his old man's home. Seeing that his soul has left the world, he is completely unfamiliar with the world and his relatives, and only a withered body remains, which can be carried from bed to sofa and then from sofa to bed, I can't help but be gloomy. A generation of coquettish, a group of red masters, and finally became so demented. I had silently flashed the thought that I might as well let him die. The Greek philosopher said that death is not the misfortune of the dead, but the misfortune of the living. And his death, I think, can be said to be a relief for him, his family, including me. 91 years old, after all, enjoying the age of heaven and dying is something that everyone expected, so it did not cause us the living to feel unlucky. My "grandfather" Uncle Ping can be said to have lived and died very freely, and he has no debts. I haven't seen my grandfather, Chen Gongshu, or I've ever seen it. An issue of the newspaper Solidarity featured some of his deeds. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he served as the chief copywriter of the Yamen, the governor of Jiangxia County and Huguang. In that article, it was said that he had done something good. After the Xinhai Revolution, he spent time in Shanghai. One day, he suddenly had the interest to go to see a civilized drama, which happened to be the Wuchang Uprising. When he saw the uprising break out, he was so frightened that he drilled out of the dog hole in the yamen, and he suffered a stroke on the spot in the theater, and died shortly after being carried home. Once, he talked to me about the scene of rubbing straw ropes with his grandmother when he was sent to the countryside of Henan, and he was quite happy. In fact, at a certain time, the dog hole can also be drilled. The so-called "dragon gate can jump, dog hole can drill" is also, my grandfather is as clear as Ping Bogong, maybe he can see me born! I call Pingbo Gong "grandfather" because of the close relationship between my mother and my aunt Yu Cheng, and I am ranked from the generation of my friends. During my stay in Ningxia, my mother was sent back to Beijing from Ningxia and has been living with my aunt in Pingbogong's house. Ping Bogong regarded my mother as his own, and took care of him for more than ten years. When Pingbogong lived in Laojuntang, I often went. At that time, I was young and stubborn, and I was terrified when I saw Uncle Ping, and I didn't dare to speak. After more than 20 years, every time I go to Beijing, of course, I always have to visit my aunt and Uncle Ping. For nearly ten years, I have been going there several times a year. By this time, they had already moved to Nanshagou. I'm older, but he's old. Every time I went, he brought some snacks and snacks, and he leaned against the wall and walked to the living room to smoke and drink tea with me. He was relieved to know that I could actually dance and write. But he was deaf and struggled to speak, and could only say phrases and gossip. I came out with my first book, gave him a copy, and he flipped through it and put it aside. I knew he wouldn't see it, and I wouldn't give it to him again. He took a cigarette and smoked one cigarette after another, and the ash kept falling on the placket of his clothes. I didn't think it was a bounchy literati look, and at that time, he was in his 80s. I asked him how to live a long life. He smiled and said that if you love you live, you will live a long life. He never paid attention to diet in his life, and he ate fatty meat when he was old; If you don't exercise, you don't practice qigong, and your daily life is impermanent. When he talked about "Dream of Red Mansions" by chance, he just said that it was just a novel, and the novel should be read as a novel. Although the words are short, I think this is the return to the roots of "Dream of Red Mansions". You have to look at it as a "textbook", as a real history book, and it can only be up to you. But it must be a non-literary review, and it will come up with a lot of sociological tricks. The excitement is lively, but it has nothing to do with the study of literature itself. Because he is old, there is a saying that "one old and one young", when he is old, he is like a child, so every time I go, I can only bring some food to make him happy, or rent a car to find a special restaurant to have a meal. I have never had a serious discussion with Ping Bogong, and I have never been able to please the teachings of a generation of Wenzong who are so close. Looking back now, I don't regret it, but I think I'm still a little considerate of the old man's filial piety. It is selfish to ask a dying old man to talk to you about his creative experience, and he has gained a lot, but the old man is exhausted. A good friend laughed at me, saying that I had a grandfather who was once rich and had such a "grandfather" who was a writer, but he had never received a penny of inheritance or experience in creation, and it seemed that I was really a hard-working person. If it's fate, there's nothing it can do. My grandmother passed away in 1984, and since then he has been even less energetic. If I don't stay in a hotel in Beijing, I will sleep in the room next to him. In the middle of the night, I always heard him calling my grandmother's name loudly, saying words I didn't understand, sometimes almost to the point of roaring. I didn't feel a sense of forest, but felt the nostalgia and loneliness of an old man. Thinking of myself, maybe one day in the future I will roar like him in the middle of the night, and I can't help but feel sad and lose sleep. Reading Ping Bogong's past articles, he was chic and vigorous, but later he was worn out like an ordinary old man. Alack! Grandpa, everyone is not so willing to leave the world. To be worthy of your admiration is enough for our descendants to remember and emulate.

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Zhang Xianliang | My "grandfather" Yu Pingbo


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Zhang Xianliang | My "grandfather" Yu Pingbo
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