
Han Ping | Leading cadres must do it themselves

author:Handan release
Han Ping | Leading cadres must do it themselves

Leading cadres must do it themselves

Han Ping's leading cadres should personally do things and solve difficult problems, and this is the most effective way of work. In terms of optimizing the business environment, leading cadres at all levels, especially the main leading cadres, should work in person, on the front line, keep an eye on it, implement it at the end, and solve problems for enterprises face-to-face. Hands-on, based on strengthening problem-orientation. In order to speed up development and catch up with development, Handan must improve the business environment and strive to cultivate fertile soil for enterprise development. It should be noted that compared with the advanced regions, there is still quite a small gap between us and the advanced areas, and there is still room for improvement in some of our work. No matter how big or small an enterprise is, no matter how big or small the problem is, no matter how big or small, leading cadres at all levels must attach great importance to it and grasp it with their own hands. For the immediate and long-term issues related to the development of the enterprise, personality and commonality, specific and general, we must not only be keenly perceived, but also focus on it. Let enterprises act as wealth creators and economic mainstays, and enterprises cannot be uncomfortable because of big or small problems. Doing it yourself is reflected in solving problems with real work. Whether the business environment is good or not depends not on how many meetings are held or how many documents are issued, but whether the problem is solved. No matter how difficult a problem is, there is a solution, and no matter how difficult the problem is, it cannot be let go. "It's hard for the boss, it's not difficult for the boss to get out." In this regard, the higher the level of a leading cadre, the more unshirkable his or her responsibility becomes. To solve problems for enterprises is to look at real work, and it is never allowed to "supervise" and "ask" instead of doing it yourself. It is necessary to have the real ability to solve problems, whether it is a difficult problem left over from history or a new problem, leading cadres at all levels must study policies, make good use of policies, exhaust all methods, find the right "channel" to solve problems, and want to do the service to the end and send it to the heart of the enterprise before the entrepreneur thinks about it and does it before the entrepreneur says it. Do it yourself, and implement it in the same direction as you clench your fingers into a fist. Optimizing the business environment is a system project, not a matter of any department, nor is it a matter of any county (city, district), and a joint force must be formed in order to solve the problem with half the effort and better serve the main body of business. For example, financial support, recruitment and talent attraction and other issues, relevant departments should work together to study and solve them, and work together across departments and industries to solve them. It is necessary to overcome the malaise of "each railway police is in charge of a section", gather enough strength and twist into a rope, remove the stumbling blocks that affect the business environment with the minimum cost and the highest efficiency, and let enterprises boldly break through and let go of their work in Handan, and seek development wholeheartedly.

Han Ping | Leading cadres must do it themselves

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Source: Handan Daily

Han Ping | Leading cadres must do it themselves