
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

author:Chang'an Fang

The class teacher is the vanguard of the implementation of the national education guidelines and policies, the main force in cultivating qualified successors to socialism, and the important tutor on the road of students' growth, shouldering the important responsibility of leading students to correctly understand their own growth in the most critical period of life.

In order to continuously improve the dedication of class teachers, enhance their sense of honor, happiness and responsibility, stimulate their enthusiasm for work, and improve the level of education, Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher day series of activities in mid to late June.

On the morning of June 17, the launching ceremony of the class teacher's day was held in the school playground:

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

Yang Yaping, vice president in charge of moral education, delivered a speech first. He fully affirmed the important role played by all class teachers in the 32 years of development of the school, and promised that the school will continue to escort the work of class teachers and create a superior working environment; At the same time, combined with the actual work, he also put forward ardent expectations for the future professional development of the class teacher.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

Xue Wuchun, director of the office, read out the list of winners of the honorary titles of meritorious class teacher, outstanding class teacher and outstanding class teacher. Vice President Yang Yaping, Secretary of the General Party Branch Zhang Qiang, and Principal Ding Zhongtang issued honorary certificates to outstanding class teachers, outstanding class teachers, and meritorious class teachers.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

Gao Yu, the director of the moral education department and the award-winning class teacher, made a speech. He reviewed his mental journey as a class teacher, and summarized the different growth stages of the class teacher with "three realms", which aroused a strong resonance among the class teachers. On behalf of all the students, Zhuang Huihui, Class 1 of Level 22 Comprehensive 1, sent her high respect and thanks to the class teacher!

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

The student representatives also presented flowers to all the class teachers, and the most heart-warming scene was presented with a full sense of ceremony.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

In the afternoon of the same day, each class held a class meeting with the theme of "We celebrate the festival for the class teacher". Through a variety of creative forms, the students tailored holiday surprises for the class teacher.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

In addition, on the evening of June 18, the department held a joint seminar on moral education on "being a wise and happy class teacher" in pairs, actively sharing their experience and educational wisdom in class management, promoting the development of exchanges and improving the moral cultivation of teachers; On the afternoon of June 19, the Moral Education Department, together with the sports group and various departments, held an interesting sports competition for the class teachers in the playground, which enriched the spare time life of the class teachers and enhanced the team awareness of the department.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities
Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

From June 20th to 26th, the Moral Education Department also held an essay contest with the theme of "The Class Teacher in My Heart" in conjunction with the language group and various departments. The students closely followed the theme and used poetry, prose and other genres to enthusiastically praise the tall image of the head teacher in their minds.

Shenmu Vocational and Technical Education Center held the third class teacher festival series of activities

It is reported that scheduled activities such as the report of well-known moral education experts and the selection of the third moral education leader are still in full swing. (Guo Xiaojun)

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