
The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

author:Beijing-France Internet Affairs

After three days of satisfying the appetite of the pilot film, the TV series "Executive Judge" ushered in its premiere. The scenes such as the hospital, the fire scene, and the person carrying the knife in the pilot film will make people with executive work experience have an inexplicable sense of involvement. The two episodes that aired on June 27 took over the explosive effect of the pilot. The layman looks at the bustle, and the insider looks at the doorway. Today, from the perspective of a film and television layman and a Fa Xuan who knows a little about execution, I will talk about my feelings from the two aspects of liveliness and doorway, and guess the direction of the plot with everyone.

The opening is lively enough

01. Storyline

Judging from the execution scenes one after another in the pilot film, this drama must have a very high "case content". How to build the storyline of the whole drama in the middle of these cases? Judging from the episodes broadcast, the bright line of the story seems to have been explained clearly - with the problem of "routine loans" as the axis.

The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

The protagonist Qi Lin was transferred from a criminal court judge to an executive judge, and before he reported to the Executive Bureau, his family was involved in a criminal case, and his closest relatives became the executors of the criminal defendant's family business. At the beginning, such a complex case set and interpersonal relationship set were released, and the execution of the case may be a bureau for a criminal case, placing Qi Lin at the core of the bureau. It is guessed that the future plot trend will be that Qi Lin found that more and more private lending cases have violated the rules and even violated the law such as forged signatures and transfer of ownership in more and more private lending cases. In the course of enforcement, the person subject to enforcement became the victim, and issues such as "routine loans" and "pension loans" were exposed, which is more in line with the professional experience of the protagonist's criminal trial and enforcement judge. Let's wait and see how the plot develops.

Will there be a dark line in this drama? There should be a dark line, perhaps it can be seen from Chu Yun's attitude towards "law and emotion" in handling cases: from iron-faced selflessness and almost paranoia to accepting flexible handling without crossing the bottom line of the law. At the same time, the attitude towards Qi Lin will gradually change, from seeing Qi Lin as a person who is good at seeking personal gain, and seeing him as a fellow traveler who has a clear bottom line and handles cases with heart and affection. In this process, the "if I am suing" formed has also become the correct solution for the high rate of complaints and the low rate of enforcement in place by the Second Enforcement Division.

02. Highlights of performance and language

Qi Runyu prevents the scene of posting announcements

The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

When you don't know anything, the house is gone, the family's source of income is gone, and you can't accept it on anyone. The contrast between the phrase "I will not live" and the broom she picked up at the same time is so true that I believe that if there was a knife next to her at the time, it was a knife. But would she really use these weapons? No, because she has a family and cares, this is an attitude she has to defend her family, it doesn't matter what she picks up, she is holding a broom but shouting desperately, just right.

Authenticity to the execution of the work

The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".
The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

"I went to the court judge to their mother-in-law and mother-in-law" and was put down. One really dares to say, and the other really dares to fight. When people laugh at people's faces, this is a bit of a low emotional intelligence. Is it really low EQ? The executive judge has three axes, "inquiry, freezing, deduction, sealing, auctioning, and detention", how can there be tons of case files in the criminal court every year, and the 483 crimes in the criminal law have high technical content! This may be the stereotype of enforcement for many years, so the enforcement case in the eyes of a business backbone like Qi Lin is really like this, which is a casual outpouring of subconscious. This is true of peers, not to mention the legal skills of executive judges in the eyes of laymen. What cases are the executive judges handling and what to do, this drama will give everyone a new impression.

The crew touched some doorways

01. The confrontation between Chu Yun and Qi Runyu

Chu Yun executed the effective legal documents and went to the real estate site in the name of the person subject to enforcement to post an announcement, and there was no problem at all. Affixing the seizure ruling and the auction announcement are necessary procedures in judicial auctions. Qi Runyu, as the occupier of the house (because the house was transferred, she is no longer the owner) should cooperate with the enforcement, and obstructing the enforcement will face penalties such as detention and fines. Qi Runyu's most rational approach is to cooperate with the execution, and then find a nephew who understands the law, raise an outsider's objection to the execution, or file a lawsuit to revoke the transfer. But in the face of the sudden execution judge, Qi Runyu broke out. Is there a way to avoid it? Generally, it is mandatory to understand the situation of the house before posting the auction announcement to avoid on-site conflicts. As a result, it is rare for the possessor to make a direct announcement without his knowledge.

The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

In the play, at least Chu Yun in the first two episodes examined the warmth and coldness of the world from the perspective of law, and did everything right, but it seemed that there was a little less "human touch", and it was a bit uncannibalistic. This is true for the person subject to enforcement, when a colleague is related to the case, it is even more common to talk with a gun and a stick. I believe that as the plot progresses, the tenderness in the heart of the iron-masked female judge will be slowly released, and she will return from the "blindfolded goddess Themis" to the reality of the law of reason, and Chu Yun's growth is also likely to be one of the dark lines mentioned above.

02. Can you eat your classmates' meals?

The liveliness and doorway of "The Executive Judge".

The old classmates haven't seen each other for many years, and the hotel introduced Mr. Zhou as soon as they met. Qi Lin didn't eat this meal, and he turned his face with his old classmates. This scene must have been carefully picked up by the director team. If this meal is eaten, whether the old classmate asks Mr. Zhou to be at the dinner table or not, Qi Lin will not have a good time in the future. Even if Qi Lin maintains his righteousness and handles the case impartially, who can say it clearly? What's more, the old classmates who organized the dinner are probably just thinking about being a judicial broker and earning a sum of money. He won't understand how many relevant interest groups are waiting for the distribution of benefits behind Dong Ming during this meal, and they are all under the banner of "I can ask the judge to come out for dinner". Therefore, the judge has the power to make the final decision, because the power is great, and he should be more cautious and independent, so when the dinner is put down, the "ten strict prohibitions of political and legal cadres and police" and the "three regulations" are waved in front of him, which is the shield.

03. Light sentences within statutory sentencing

Dong Ming found Qi Lin and used family affairs to coerce and lure, the most terrible thing is that "I don't ask you to do anything excessive, that is, to sentence you lightly within your power." Dong Ming understands the weight of a judge's discretion. "Favoritism does not bend the law", not only does not bend the law, but also solves a big trouble for himself. There seems to be no loss in this exchange of interests, a win-win situation for all parties, and even the authority of the law has been maintained on the surface.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by ants, and this is the worst thing about favoritism. After years of legal education, the righteousness, sharpness, and arrogance of young judges are all in their prime, and it is difficult to break through the defense line with the clear temptation of money. This kind of procedurally fine, legally flawed, and unpunished behavior will be emboldened. Once you grow this kind of courage, your righteousness, sharpness, and arrogance will gradually disappear. The crew is accurate about this method of exchanging interests.

The plot of the two episodes is written about these, and some speculations have to wait for the development of the episode to confirm, but as far as the plot of the first two episodes is concerned, this drama is realistic, whether it is life or work, or the dark side, it is all close to reality, and the works of art extracted from this reality will take everyone to understand what the "difficulty" of enforcement is and what the work of the enforcement judge is. Let's look forward to the story of Judge Qi Lin after he enters the Executive Board!

Contributed by: Daxing Court

Editor: Zhao Mingxuan Shi Yang

Review: Zhang Zhongtao