
Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

author:Bright Net

Donate supplies, deal with dangerous situations, sort out transportation ......

In front of the flood situation

The vast number of youth league members stand up and take responsibility

Build a flood control dam with youth

Explain to the people with practical actions

"Don't worry! We're all here! ”

Fujian: Volunteer to take on youth without regrets

Wuping Youth League County Committee and county league organizations at all levels

More than 600 reserve youth volunteers were recruited

More than 400 youth volunteers were mobilized

Participate in road dredging, material handling, and logistics support

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The Silla Youth League District Committee and the League organizations at all levels in the whole district

More than 2,850 youth volunteers were mobilized

Participated in the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of 15 towns and streets

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

There are also quite a few high school graduates

Join the Youth Commando

Actively participate in post-disaster relief

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

Shanghang Youth League County Committee and the county's youth league organizations at all levels

503 youth volunteers were mobilized

Participate in post-disaster reconstruction efforts

Assisted in dredging more than 100 places

Assisted in the handling and distribution of more than 1,800 materials

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

College students and youth volunteers went to Shuanghua Village, Xikou Town, Shanghang County to transport injured villagers

Anhui: Go deep into the mountainous areas to protect the villagers

In Shaolian Township, She County

Volunteers helped clear the collapsed road

Go deep into the high and steep slopes of mountainous areas to carry out dilapidated house investigation

Inspect key areas and geological disaster points

Visit the elderly who are lonely and widowed to check the risk points

Villagers are reminded to keep an eye on weather changes

Take precautions

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

Jiangxi: The youth commando team charged the front line

Gao'an, Jiangxi Province suffered continuous heavy rainfall

In the past few days, the Gao'an Public Security Organization has organized youth members

Ensure road traffic safety

Protect the safety of people's lives and property

Build a safety barrier for flood prevention and disaster relief

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood
Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The police evacuated the residents safely

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The police and village cadres supported the old man and sent him home through stagnant water

"The water on the basement floor downstairs is rising

Colleagues, please

Immediately go to the city investment department

Participate in the transfer of mail and office facilities! ”

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

Young employee of China Post Gao'an Branch

Quickly organize emergency rescue and disaster relief

Wading through the muddy water relay to carry and transfer

Important materials such as mail, documents, equipment, etc

Ensure the safe and orderly production and operation of postal services

Protect the safety of the public and the property of enterprises

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

In Leping City, Zhuyang Street

Community Party members and youth volunteers

Sink into the community

Do a good job in waterlogging inspections and dilapidated house inspections

Guide residents to prevent disasters and avoid dangers

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

Youth volunteers from Sanjiang Town participated in flood control work

Hunan: "Flood Relief, Hope Together"

"Comrade policeman, my family of five is trapped in the car"

"Can you come and save us?"

Changsha Yuelu Special Patrol Police Brigade Lianfeng platform

Received requests for help from the masses

Immediately rushed to the scene to carry out rescue

Evacuate the trapped people to police vehicles and settle down

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The Changsha Municipal Party Committee was established

Changsha Communist Youth League flood prevention and disaster relief work class

Establish a youth volunteer service team directly under the flood prevention and disaster relief

Launched "Flood Relief, Hope Together"

——2024 Changsha Hope Project Disaster Relief Special Operation

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The Youth Volunteer Service Team is on duty for 8 hours a day to carry out river embankment inspections

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

The youth volunteer team members are on duty 24 hours a day, conducting "dragnet scanning" on low-lying areas to assist in the pumping and drainage of stagnant water

Mom! I'm going to fight the flood

880 members of 32 youth commandos and 10 volunteer service teams in Liuyang have devoted themselves to flood prevention and rescue work

Flood control current

The mountains are high and the road is long

There's always someone coming for you

The vast number of youth league members and youth volunteer organizations

Continue to use speed, force, and temperature

Build a "youth dam" for flood control and disaster relief

Source: Oriental Outlook Weekly