
Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

author:Forest Talks Business

Young people must stop doing live broadcasts to bring goods, but seize the next trillion-level outlet: At present, Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi and other bigwigs have entered the game.

1. Problems with live broadcast e-commerce

2. New needs and new tracks

3, Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!


Why do you say that you must no longer do live broadcasts?

The streets are now full of closed brick-and-mortar stores, and the vacancy rate of office buildings is also rising. One of the important reasons for the collapse of self-employed individuals and small, medium and micro enterprises is the impact of live streaming.

This is also one of the most important reasons for the loss of a large number of people. You must know that although live streaming can sell tens of billions of goods a day, it does not bring additional employment.

For example, in traditional business operations, a large number of physical stores, hypermarkets or traditional sales are needed to sell goods, and a large number of wholesalers and middlemen are also needed to connect upstream and downstream, which will provide employment and entrepreneurial space for countless people.

But now that an Internet celebrity can reach hundreds of physical stores and more than 10 hypermarkets, then people who used to do physical business and work in physical stores have no jobs to do.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

However, the above problems have also been seen by the high-level, and now they have begun to make controls, began to suppress Internet celebrities, and controlled logistics and express delivery, for example, now e-commerce platforms have introduced a lot of promotion policies such as refunds, and have also canceled express cabinets, etc., The ultimate goal is to curb the development of live broadcast e-commerce.

Seeing this, some people may ask: Since e-commerce and live streaming have been controlled, why is it still so difficult to do physical business?

You have to remember that even if there is no live streaming, the physical business will not be able to recover. The current market is not something that e-commerce, live streaming or physical stores can recover.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!


Anyone who knows anything about business knows that the market is driven by demand, and where there is demand, there is an opportunity to make money.

However, now people no longer need material products such as goods and products, so whether you are short videos, live broadcasts, e-commerce or physical stores to sell products, it will not help.

You must know that at the beginning, that is, 40 years ago, there was a shortage of materials in the market, and people wanted to make money and then meet their personal needs for food and clothing, that is, to buy clothing and food, so Wahaha and other products came into being.

Later, people made some money and began to buy all kinds of electrical appliances, which belonged to family consumption, and also drove Gree Electric Appliances and later channel merchants Gome and Suning.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

In the last 20 years, urbanization has been realized, and people have begun to make money to buy real estate, cars, and now new energy.

You will find that in the end, after people have cars, houses, clothes, and shoes, people are not too interested in materials, and the market has begun to homogenize and saturate.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

Because what we are pursuing now is the spiritual demand, so we should start a business now to do the content industry.

Just like many bloggers who write articles and make videos now, they come to make money relatively quickly, and sometimes a person can earn tens of thousands or tens of millions a year, which is to seize people's new needs, and make jokes, sing, dance, and write articles every day can be realized.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!


Everyone knows about content entrepreneurship, but not everyone makes money. Why?

In the past 10 years, content entrepreneurship has relied on the logic of UGC, that is, every user can post their own videos, articles, and jokes on the platform to achieve fan circle and monetization.

At the same time, many entrepreneurs can also sign up with Internet celebrities and bloggers to build MCN companies to obtain more benefits.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

But today we have entered the era of AI artificial intelligence, and if you want to make money, you must not only understand content and monetization, but also need to understand AIGC.

Because content entrepreneurship has begun to operate as a team and as a company, if you go it alone, there is no room for development, but you don't have the money to recruit talents, so you need to use the logic of AIGC to do content entrepreneurship at this time.

What is AIGC? To put it simply, AIGC is to use artificial intelligence to automatically and batch generate videos, articles, music, pictures and other content, which means that in the past, you needed to use your own brain to do content entrepreneurship, but now you can use AI to automatically generate various content.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

This is equivalent to the fact that you can reduce the team capacity of dozens of people by one or two or three people, which is the best time for ordinary people to do content entrepreneurship, and it is also the best way to use AI empowerment to make money.

And by 2030, it will exceed the scale of trillions, and every ordinary person will have the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

Not only ordinary entrepreneurs, but now even bigwigs like Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi are also building their own AI models, because in the era of artificial intelligence, all businesses can be done again with AI, and at the same time, all industries will also be subverted by AI.

Replace live streaming? The next trillion-level dividend is coming: Zhang Yiming and Zhou Hongyi have entered the game!

If you want to know more about the entrepreneurial opportunities behind AI, you can click on the training camp below to learn, and I have a more systematic explanation in the training camp!

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