
"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated


"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

The eight-sided exquisiteness in "The Executive Judge".

In this ever-changing business society, countless business owners are racing against the test of survival. Some people, with a perseverance and courage, finally work hard to make a career; However, some people, in this cruel competition, ended up with damage to their personal belongings and a worrying future.

As a microcosm of "Executive Judge", Dong Ming's experience can't help but make people sigh. As a small and medium-sized business owner, he has finally made his factory bigger and bigger with years of hard work. However, just as he was about to sell the factory, which he had worked so hard for many years, for a good price, he found himself in an unexpected predicament.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

On the one hand, he had to deal with the workers' strong demands for wages. On the other hand, he also has to do his best to sell the company to the most favorable buyers, so that years of hard work are not wasted. This is undoubtedly a great test for a shrewd and pragmatic businessman.

When Dong Ming lobbied Qilun Group with a price of 30 million, the other party did not respond immediately. Obviously, Qilun Group wants to keep the purchase price as low as possible to achieve the goal of maximizing interests. At the same time, the employees who were begging for wages had surrounded Dong Ming, forcing him to kneel and beg for mercy to alleviate the immediate crisis.

It is not difficult to see that in this chaotic game of interests, both sides are trying to maximize their interests in their own ways. As the executive judge, although Chu Yun was able to resolve the crisis of workers' wage bargaining in the end, she may not have a full insight into the whole picture of the situation, so it is difficult to provide comprehensive protection for Dong Ming.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

In contrast, another executive judge, Qi Lin, was unable to intervene in time for various reasons. However, with his rich work experience and understanding of the personality of the client, he is more able to weigh the pros and cons and take appropriate measures to resolve the crisis.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that while Chu Yun is "eager to solve the problem at hand", Dong Ming may fall into an even more insidious trap. Qilun Group already had a fairly clear understanding of the future prospects of this factory, and is planning to acquire the factory that is about to go bankrupt.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

And all of this stems from Qilun Group's prediction of demolition compensation. They knew that the massive factory would be demolished in the future, and that it would undoubtedly bring them a good profit. That's why they are so eager to buy the factory, even at a lower price.

And for the current salary turmoil, they may even have planned it intentionally. In this way, on the one hand, they can use this to further lower the purchase price, and on the other hand, it can also put Dong Ming in a more difficult situation.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

In the face of such a conspiracy, it may be difficult for Chu Yun alone to completely resolve the puzzle. As a senior enforcement judge, Qi Lin, with his rich experience and deep insight into the personalities of the parties, may be able to gain a better insight into the whole picture of the situation and take more thorough countermeasures.

Only by allowing Chu Yun and Qi Lin to join forces and give full play to their respective advantages can they truly resolve the current crisis for Dong Ming and pave the way for his future. After all, in this cruel business society, even the most intelligent and capable boss needs to have a strong backing and think tank to support and protect himself.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

For multinational companies like Qilun Group, their methods are undoubtedly more insidious and cunning. Not only can they predict the future development of the company, but they can even manipulate the development of the situation through various means. Therefore, for small and medium-sized business owners like Dong Ming, they do need a more professional and strong legal team to defend their interests.

In short, Dong Ming's experience in "Executive Judge" is not only a microcosm, but also reflects the many difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises at present. To resolve these predicaments, it takes not only courage and determination, but also wisdom and vision. Only by making full use of legal means can more entrepreneurs like Dong Ming protect their interests in this cruel business war and create broader development prospects.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

We have seen the difficulties faced by Dong Ming as a small and medium-sized business owner. On the one hand, he has to deal with the demands of workers for wages, and on the other hand, he has to work hard to sell the company to the most suitable buyer so that years of hard work are not in vain. And in the process, he seems to have fallen into the calculations of the Qilun Group.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

Although the Qilun Group ostensibly wants to buy Dong Ming's factory, in fact their purpose may be more complicated. We know that this large factory is likely to be demolished in the future, which will bring huge profits to Qilun Group. That's why they are so desperate to buy the bankrupt factory at a low price.

And they may even deliberately create this salary turmoil, so as to further lower the purchase price, and at the same time put Dong Ming in a more difficult situation. This is undoubtedly a very insidious strategy, and it is very difficult for a small and medium-sized enterprise boss like Dong Ming to completely resolve the puzzle.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

At this time, the role of Executive Judge Qi Lin is particularly important. Compared with Chu Yun, who had just taken over this case, Qi Lin had rich experience in the industry and had an in-depth understanding of the personalities of the parties. He may be better able to see the full picture of the situation and take a more thoughtful response.

It is not difficult for us to imagine that if Chu Yun and Qi Lin can work together and give full play to their respective advantages, they may be able to better protect Dong Ming's interests and pave the way for him to develop in the future. After all, in the cruel business world, even the best entrepreneurs need a strong legal team to support and defend themselves.

"Executive Judge" Until Chu Yun's first love suddenly appeared, Qi Lin didn't know that Dong Ming was miserably calculated

At the same time, this case also highlights the many difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises. Looking at the current business landscape, large multinational enterprises often have more powerful resources and means, while small and medium-sized enterprise owners like Dong Ming can easily fall victim to their monopoly and manipulation.

Therefore, we should not only focus on how to deal with specific cases, but also think about how to provide stronger protection for SMEs from the institutional level. Only by giving full play to the role of the law and allowing more entrepreneurs like Dong Ming to protect their interests in the fierce business war can they sail far away in this complex business ocean and create broader development prospects.

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