
Watching and helping each other, love gathers - all walks of life help Wuqiangxi flood relief experience

author:Huaihua News Network
Watching and helping each other, love gathers - all walks of life help Wuqiangxi flood relief experience

(Living materials donated by Hunan Runfeng Nonghui Trading Co., Ltd.)

The hearts of the people are united, and its profits are gold. After the disaster in Wuqiangxi in Yuanling, people from various towns, units, enterprises and social caring people in Huaihua and Yuanling County donated money and materials.

At 11 a.m. on June 28, a truck full of daily necessities was parked in the material warehouse of the People's Government of Wuqiangxi Town, Yuanling County, which was donated by Hunan Runfeng Nonghui Trading Co., Ltd., with a total value of more than 60,000 yuan.

"Today the company delivered 5 tons of rice, 110 barrels of rapeseed oil, and 7,200 eggs." Pan Juan, a staff member of the company's warehouse management department who is responsible for donating materials, said: "Wuqiangxi has suffered such a big disaster, we just do our best to give a little love, hoping that the villagers in the disaster area will tide over the difficulties and rebuild their homes as soon as possible." ”

"We will continue to rescue Wuqiangxi until it returns to its former state." On June 28, the caring person Yuan Hui's family was delivering a boxed lunch to the rescuers in the Wuqiangxi disaster area.

Since the disaster in Wuqiangxi, Yuan Hui, a freelancer, has taken the lead in raising donations after discussing with her family and raising love funds from caring people. In order to help more people with limited funds, after buying ingredients at the wholesale market, I brought a family of uncles and brothers to cook a big pot of meals.

In the past few days, they insisted on going from Qinglang Township to Wuqiang River, driving back and forth every day, and sent warm lunches to more than 100 disaster relief personnel in the Wuqiang River disaster area. In addition to delivering boxed lunches, they also cook more than 100 extra corns every day for everyone to make breakfast the next day, so as to ensure that the relief workers have the energy to do so.

The flood is merciless, and people are merciful. The simple and unpretentious people helped the people in the disaster area to tide over the difficulties with sincerity and sincerity, and the small trickle gathered majestic strength, and everyone worked hard to rebuild a beautiful homeland.

At 11 o'clock in the evening on the third day of the Wuqiangxi disaster, all the stores in the market town were closed, and only the "Deyuelou" family was still lit up. Zhang Yongjun said.

Considering that many restaurants on the street have not yet resumed business, and many volunteers who have come to the disaster relief and rescue have not been able to eat in time, Zhang Yongjun immediately decided to provide free meals for the flood relief personnel, and he put up a banner overnight that "all flood relief personnel will be free of charge", and in the early morning of June 27, in only three hours, more than 200 disaster relief personnel such as the Huaihua Fire Brigade, the Yuanling Militia, the County Civil Affairs Bureau, and the County Water Supply Co., Ltd. were provided with free breakfast.

Watching and helping each other, love gathers - all walks of life help Wuqiangxi flood relief experience

(Yuanling Fishery Brigade organized volunteers to send aid materials to Wuqiang River)

"Take out all the stored supplies, count them, and see how many boxed lunches you can make." In the past few days, Yuanling No. 7 Middle School has distributed 1,000 meals to the temporary relief point of the Mayifu Community Party and Mass Service Center in Wuqiangxi Town.

Yuanling No. 7 Middle School is located opposite the market town of Wuqiangxi, since the flood on the 22nd, all 140 teachers of the school have been on duty day and night to take turns to guard the disaster risk points, knowing that some people in the market town lack cooking conditions, under the premise of ensuring the supply of students' meals, the school unanimously decided to "squeeze" out of the only remaining materials in the canteen to support the affected people.

In the face of the disaster, the cadres and the masses worked together to overcome the difficulties, and party members and caring people helped each other and offered love to the people of Wuqiangxi. Among them, including retired veteran party members of the county forest public security.

Watching and helping each other, love gathers - all walks of life help Wuqiangxi flood relief experience

Yuanling No. 7 Middle School distributes free meals in the Mayijun community (photo by Deng Haoran)

"Although we have left our jobs, our hearts have always been closely linked to the party and the people." As of 4 p.m. on the same day, the party branch has received donations from 17 old party members, totaling more than 2,100 yuan, and transferred them to the Yuanling County Charity Association through the old cadre service center for the post-disaster reconstruction of Wuqiangxi.

The Hongshuping Black Boat Dragon Boat Team of Eryou Miao Township donated the Yuanling Traditional Dragon Boat Race Championship Prize of 30,000 yuan and the champion prize of 1 cow to the disaster area, totaling more than 38,000 yuan.

Deng Shiliang, an 80-year-old veteran party member in Qingshuiping Village, Eryou Miao Township, was concerned about the villagers in the disaster area and insisted on donating money to dedicate his meager efforts; Wang Dayun, a veteran party member, gave full play to his residual heat, and insisted on donating 100 yuan despite his illness.

"We are Pinlong Jiahui Supermarket in Yuanling County, and we donated more than 40,000 yuan of living materials to the Wuqiangxi disaster area this time."

"Our Beirong Township People's Government donated 100 bags of rice, 100 barrels of rapeseed oil, 100 pieces of eight-treasure porridge, and 100 beds of spring and autumn quilts to the disaster area, totaling more than 30,000 yuan."


The post-disaster reconstruction work is in full swing, with a steady stream of rescue forces from all sides joining and relief materials donated by all parties.

According to statistics, as of 11 a.m. on June 28, the Yuanling County Charity Association received donations of 2265818 yuan from caring people from all walks of life; The People's Government of Wuqiangxi Town received donations of 401,750 yuan from caring people from all walks of life, and the value of donated materials was 2282406 yuan.

(Huaihua Daily all-media reporter Zhang Zhuo, Li Jiayang, correspondent Qu Yun, Lei Yujie, Deng Jiali)