
People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

author:Huaihua News Network
People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

("Niu Bangbang" Employment Station Job Fair)

The "Xu Teli Teaching Science and Education Building" project has increased the number of degrees, and the "Employment Help" service station has solved the problem of stable employment, so that the elderly can eat the "taste of happiness" at their doorstep, and the old community has a new look..... The implementation of key livelihood facts has made the people's sense of gain more fulfilling, their sense of happiness more sustainable, and their sense of security more secure.

The people are thinking, and I am moving; If the people have a wish, I will do something.

In recent years, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, always practiced the development concept of "people-centered", and insisted on doing a good job in key people's livelihood as the starting point and foothold for realizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and constantly consolidating the cornerstone of people's livelihood, alleviating people's livelihood problems, and improving people's livelihood and well-being.

Strong guarantee, compact work responsibility

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Legal Aid)

At the beginning of each year, the Xinhuang County Party Committee Office and the County Government Office will jointly issue an implementation plan for handling key livelihood matters, decompose the target tasks in detail, and clarify the work requirements and work measures. And set up a special work team to ensure the smooth progress of key livelihood projects.

Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. Implement the working mechanism of "one task index, one responsible county leader, one leading unit, one set of work plan, and one grasp to the end" for all key livelihood projects, and form an organizational system of "joint management, clear division of labor, and combination of points, lines, and areas" to ensure that the work is carried out in an orderly manner.

Strengthen dispatch supervision. Strengthen the supervision and supervision of practical projects for people's livelihood, and adhere to the dispatch of one week, one report per month, and one summary per quarter. Implement "work reminders", special inspections, and "red and yellow card" early warnings for the units responsible for shortcomings and weaknesses. Establish a high-standard, quantifiable and easy-to-operate assessment mechanism, and the assessment results are linked to the year-end evaluation of the unit.

It is understood that Xinhuang won the title of "Advanced County for Key People's Livelihood Practical Work in 2023" in the province. In 2024, the county party committee and county government will take the implementation of the people's livelihood action as an important measure and content to implement the spirit of the provincial government's implementation. The county undertakes 10 provincial key livelihood projects and 21 projects, 5 municipal key livelihood projects, and 4 people's livelihood projects voted by county people's congress deputies.

Strengthen the foundation and make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Construction site of "Xu Teli Teaching Science and Education Building")

Xinhuang regards the continuous improvement of infrastructure construction as an important measure to make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood and improve the production and living conditions of the masses, lay a solid foundation for people's livelihood, and "add weight" to the people's happy life.

In order to improve the safety factor of rural roads and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, Xinhuang has taken "three grasps and three guarantees" measures such as "grasping ideological understanding and ensuring responsibility", "grasping project supervision and ensuring project progress", "grasping the whole process of supervision and ensuring first-class quality", and promoted the implementation of rural road security facilities construction projects. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the county has implemented 87.64 kilometers of rural road security projects, all of which have reached high-quality projects and have been well received by the masses. More than half of this year's 26.56-kilometre mission has been completed.

Vigorously promote the action of green protection, green expansion and greening, scientifically carry out afforestation and greening, and constantly plant a beautiful new "green home", and the county's forest coverage rate and forest stock have increased steadily. Since 2023, a total of 800 hectares of afforestation and greening projects have been implemented, 333.3 hectares of urban and rural afforestation have been implemented, and 684 native tree species such as dipterocarp, zhennan and red maple have been used as the main landscaping. This year, the greening of 313.3 hectares has been completed.

With a total investment of 119 million yuan, covering an area of about 0.55 hectares, the project will increase 600 high-quality public high school places after the completion of the project, further improve the school-running conditions of Xinhuang No. 1 Middle School, expand the enrollment scale, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the school, so as to promote the rational distribution of Xinhuang educational resources and the balanced development of basic education. The construction of the project is being intensified, and the main structure will be completed in July.

Approaching the telecom company's community, the original dilapidated community gate and mottled walls are dressed in bright and bright "new" clothes, and the new look is pleasing to the eye. "In the past, the roof of our community often leaked and the walls were dilapidated. Last year, the government renovated our community, which has brought tangible benefits to the residents. Residents said happily.

The renovation of old residential areas is linked to people's livelihood and well-being on the one hand, and urban development on the other. Xinhuang has always taken the renovation of old communities as a major livelihood project, and eliminated the potential safety hazards of old residences, purified the community environment, and increased the happiness of the masses by updating the damaged infrastructure. This year, 18 old residential areas such as the dormitory of the former teaching ceremony factory and the dormitory of the Health Bureau will be renovated, with a construction area of 32,200 square meters and benefiting 326 residents.

Innovation promotes "water for small farmers" and benefits agriculture and people's livelihood. In order to realize the transformation of small-scale agricultural water conservancy construction from "reconstruction of light pipes" to "equal emphasis on construction and management", Xinhuang focuses on the four links of "fund raising, project implementation, post-construction management and protection, and efficiency play", and takes "three-capital linkage, three-system co-construction, tripartite co-management, and three-level supervision" as the starting point, and establishes a "tripartite co-management" service system of "township + base + farmers' water cooperation organization", and vigorously promotes the methods of "one thing and one discussion, direct management of association operation, joint management of unemployed party members, and self-management of business entities" to ensure the integrity of agricultural water conservancy facilities. The utilization rate is 100%. This year, the task of building the capacity of 940,000 cubic meters of new water storage is about to be completed.

Stabilize employment and build a solid foundation for people's livelihood

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Renovation site of old community)

The establishment of the human resources and social security station is an important measure to open up the "last mile" of public services, so as to promote the sinking of the focus of public services, covering urban and rural areas, so that the people can feel it.

Last year, Xinhuang successfully founded the brand of "Niubang Gang Social Security Station", which was well received by leaders at all levels and the broad masses of the people. "Right at the doorstep, say that the help really helps" allows the masses to find employment at the doorstep, and successfully realizes the employment convenience service circle of "15 minutes walk in the city and 5 kilometers in the countryside".

At present, in addition to handling the job recommendation business, the Xinhuang "Niu Bangbang" Human Resources and Social Security Station also takes into account the functions of the "convenient window" of the human resources and social security department, including employment and unemployment registration, employment skills training and entrepreneurship training information promotion services, training demand information collection services, job collection, employment services, social security payment inquiry, unemployment insurance application, living status certification services, labor dispute coordination, policy and regulation publicity, etc.

Since the establishment of the station, Xinhuang "Niu Bangbang" Human Resources and Social Security Station has carried out more than 120 lectures on human resources and social security policies, visited the masses 13,800 times, solved 1,176 problems of employment, social security and labor rights protection, more than 500 real-name employment registration enterprises, sent more than 50,000 job push messages, and more than 70 online and offline job fairs.

"In 2024, Xinhuang will further optimize the service means and expand the service functions of the 'Niu Bangbang' Human Resources and Social Security Station, so that the post station can serve the people's livelihood more conveniently and efficiently." Yang Tianyou, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Xinhuang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said.

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Family Education Guidance Service "Sunflower" Action)

Strengthen sinking services. Promote the construction of a grassroots service system that is connected from top to bottom, business connectivity, and data integration, and enhance the balance and accessibility of public services. We will further sink the business of human resources and social security for the convenience of the people, increase the service content of the "Niu Bangbang" human resources and social security station, and improve the utilization rate of the station.

Increase awareness. On the original basis, we will further strengthen publicity, carry out precise propaganda and targeted interpretation around the hot and difficult issues that the masses are concerned about, and earnestly fulfill the promise of "just at the doorstep, say help really help". Innovate publicity methods to make the "Niu Bangbang" human resources and social security station a household name, expand the scope of service to the masses, and improve the use efficiency.

Enhance digital services. Adhere to intelligent and online service methods as an important starting point for improving the quality and efficiency of human resources and social security work, and further promote the digital transformation and intelligent services of human resources and social security work. Real-time sharing of business data of social security, labor relations, and human resources, and promoting in-depth coordination between high-frequency businesses such as unemployment registration, employment shadowing, and social security subsidy application and other human resources and social security businesses, so that the masses can enjoy various human resources and social security services at their doorsteps.

Excellent service, weaving a dense "bottom of the net" for people's livelihood

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Construction of high-standard farmland machine farming road)

Where the voice of the masses is, the "target" of people's livelihood work will be pointed. Xinhuang firmly grasps the most concerning, direct and realistic interests of the masses, insists on "embroidery kung fu", directly hits the people's livelihood blockages, solves the difficulties of people's livelihood, and weaves a dense and solid people's livelihood security network.

At noon, in the meal center for the elderly in the Zhongshanmen community, the elderly happily ate healthy and delicious meals, and their joy was overflowing. "My wife has passed away for many years, my children have gone out to work, I am at home all the year round, and my cooking has not been delicious, and the community meal service for the elderly has solved my big problem of eating." 74-year-old Kai-Fu Lee said happily.

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Repair and reinforcement of sick reservoirs)

Small canteen, big livelihood. In order to solve the problem of "difficulty in eating" for the elderly, Xinhuang follows the principle of "government-led, market-operated, and social participation", relying on the community home-based elderly care service center, and reasonably planning and building 3 meal service points in the urban area; Relying on the township comprehensive elderly care service center, one meal service point will be built in the rural area. At the same time, the introduction of a professional team to provide professional meal assistance services for the dining needs of the elderly, and the integration of local Chinese medicinal materials such as Xinhuang Huangjing and borneol into the ingredients, so that the elderly can eat high-quality and inexpensive "heart-warming rice" at the door of their homes, and build a happy "food" light for the elderly.

The county adheres to the concept of serving the people, and has done a solid job in legal aid and people's livelihood projects through the "three strengthening" work measures such as strengthening organizational safeguards, strengthening strength reserves, and strengthening departmental linkages. From January to June this year, a total of 146 legal aid cases were handled, 73 percent of the annual tasks were completed, and 100 percent of the case files were completed and filed.

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Barrier-free renovation of disabled homes)

Family is the first school of life, parents are the first teachers of children, and family education guidance is of great significance. This year, Xinhuang took the implementation of the people's livelihood touchable action as an opportunity to solidly promote the "Sunflower" action of family education guidance services, and actively organized propaganda teams to enter organs, communities, and townships, widely disseminate scientific family education concepts and methods, and effectively improve parents' ability to bring up children in accordance with the law and raise children scientifically. By the end of June, more than 10 online and offline guidance services had been carried out, benefiting nearly 10,000 people, exceeding the annual target and task.

"Since the renovation, it is much more convenient to go to the toilet and daily movements, and individuals have not spent a penny, or the party's policy is good!" Wu Youhuahu, a disabled person in Pingdi Village, Fuluo Town, said with heartfelt emotion.

People's livelihood rain and dew moisten the heart - Xinhuang solidly promotes the people's livelihood practical work documentary

(Xinhuang Employment Gang Service Station)

Barrier-free renovation facilities are an important livelihood project to help people with disabilities improve their living environment and quality of life, and they are also the most basic conditions for people with disabilities to integrate into society. Xinhuang accurately locates the needs of all kinds of disabled people, and in accordance with the renovation principle of "one household, one plan", focuses on the transformation and upgrading of toilets, kitchens, entrance roads and other places, and configures barrier-free auxiliary tools to solve various life problems such as difficulty in going to the toilet, bathing, and going out.

In order to promote "doing one thing efficiently", Xinhuang implements the work of improving the quality and efficiency of digital government affairs to benefit the people, promotes the convergence and application of electronic licenses, strengthens the digital empowerment of government services, and effectively improves the efficiency of government services. Up to now, a total of 61,700 electronic licenses in 33 categories have been gathered to the Hunan electronic license database, such as real estate personal file inquiry, individual industrial and commercial household registration, power account opening, water supply account opening, housing provident fund file inquiry, etc. Since the beginning of this year, more than 1,300 people have been facilitated by electronic licenses.

Since last year, Xinhuang has completed a total of 11,000 free examinations for "two cancers" for women of appropriate age, renovated 49 old communities, built 50,700 acres of high-standard farmland, and completed the "three roads" in rural areas 9.45 kilometers of quality improvement and renovation have been completed, more than 140 mountain ponds (reservoirs) have been reinforced, 1,277,500 cubic meters of water storage capacity have been added, 8.67 square kilometers of soil erosion control have been completed, 124 households with severe disabilities have been renovated without barriers, 238 households with elderly people with family difficulties have been renovated for the elderly, and 2,803 rural toilets have been renovated...... Turning over the report card of Xinhuang's implementation of key livelihood facts, one by one people's livelihood facts, and a series of people's livelihood data, let the masses feel the people's livelihood heat of happy Dong Township.

New goals have been set and new trumpets have been sounded. Xinhuang continues to adhere to the feelings of sincerity for the people, guided by the needs of people's livelihood, with more powerful work measures and more pragmatic work style, and takes multiple measures to promote people's livelihood and sensible actions, resolutely fulfill the solemn commitment to the people, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and play the strongest voice of happiness in Dong Township.

(Huaihua Daily all-media reporter Qiu Cheng, correspondent Zhou Zhihong, Yang Shizhong)

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