
"Millions" look at Guangxin

author:Southern News Network

At the end of June, Yangjiang Yangchun ushered in precious daylight in the rainy days. The farmers in the Xiangyun Yarn Drying Farm in Heshui Town seized the time to spread the deep and light brown cloth that had just been soaked and dyed on the lawn to speed up the steaming of the moisture in the horses.

Three years ago, Heshui Town was just a traditional sericulture town, but in 2021, the team of Guangxin Group came here with funds, technology and talents, opened the Xiangyun yarn processing industry, and moved the fate of this town.

In just three years, gratifying changes have taken place in the town: the 130-acre sericulture fragrant cloud yarn industry ecological agriculture demonstration park has been completed, more than 150 jobs have been created, and the villagers and village collectives have increased their income...... The villagers of Heshui Town weaved a happy day with fragrant cloud yarn.

Heshui Town is a typical case of provincial enterprises represented by Guangxin Group to promote the concentration of advantageous assets in towns and villages and help the "Millions and Thousands of Projects". In recent years, Guangxin Group has explored a new path for provincial enterprises to leverage rural development levers with industry as the fulcrum from the aspects of industrial assistance, capital investment, and environmental construction.

"Millions" look at Guangxin

Heshui Town Xiangyun Yarn Drying Field. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Industry first: Sang Mali weaves a way to get rich

Like many towns with a tradition of growing mulberry and silkworms, mulberry planting, silkworm raising, cocoon boiling, and silk reeling used to be the work of local silkworm farmers in Heshui Township year after year. At its peak, there were 40,000 acres of sericulture planting area in Heshui Town, but with a large number of mulberry farmers going out to work, the area dropped to several thousand mu year by year.

This situation began to be reversed in 2021. In 2021, Guangxin Group will make full use of the advantages of sericulture and silk industry, and arrange for its subordinate enterprise Silk Spinning Group to sign a strategic cooperation agreement on sericulture industry with Heshui Town in accordance with the strategy of "one team in front and one enterprise in the rear". The Silk Source Group, a subsidiary of the Silk Spinning Group, has started to build a sericulture industry revitalization base from the aspects of improving the quality of mulberry seedlings and optimizing silkworm seeds, and further encouraged mulberry farmers to expand mulberry gardens, build or renovate silkworm houses through industrial incentives and subsidies, so as to incorporate more farmers into the industrial chain and promote the development of sericulture in the direction of standardization, standardization and industrialization; And the transformation and upgrading of the sericulture industry and the orderly transfer of the Pearl River Delta industry, the protection, inheritance, development and utilization of intangible cultural heritage are organically combined, and the deep processing industry of Xiangyun yarn has begun to take root in Heshui Town.

"Millions" look at Guangxin

Guangxin Group invested in the construction of sericulture fragrant cloud yarn industry ecological agriculture demonstration park. Huang Chengshuang/photo

The production process of Xiangyun yarn has to go through complex dyeing and finishing techniques, and the white silk fabric needs to be repeatedly impregnated and dried more than 20 times with pure natural potato juice, covered with river mud "over Wu", and impregnated and dyed "Fuwu" in order to obtain a handmade Xiangyun yarn.

"Millions" look at Guangxin

Xiangyun gauze fabric. Provided by the interviewee

"Three years ago, this process was not available locally, so we started from a blank slate." Deng Jinpeng, a member of the Guangxin Group's working team in Heshui Town, Yangchun City, told reporters, "We have introduced industrial equipment and operators, and the operators have brought technical masters, and the villagers have followed the masters to learn and do." ”

Deng Jinpeng once went to Kenya, Africa to promote mulberry planting and sericulture, and he has been dealing with the sericulture industry for many years, and after returning to China, he took root in Heshui Town, "When I first came, I was not familiar with the place, and in the first half of the year, I went to the village every day to communicate with the villagers to dispel their doubts about the new industry. ”

Guangxin Group has invested more than 20 million yuan in Heshui Town, of which industrial assistance accounts for 60%. According to Deng Jinpeng, after the Xiangyun yarn deep processing industry is implemented, the villagers can achieve employment at their doorstep, which can increase the collective income of the village by nearly 500,000 yuan every year.

Expanding Investment: "Blood Transfusion" Becomes "Hematopoiesis"

Behind the "cocoon into a butterfly" in Heshui Town, the provincial state-owned enterprises have injected "living water from the source" into the development of the region by building a cooperation project that combines "what the enterprise can do" and "what the local needs".

Guangxin Group through capital investment, revitalize the abandoned land in Heshui Town, the formation of Xiangyun yarn deep processing industry, Xiangyun yarn in Heshui Town after being shipped to Shunde for sale, completed the regional Xiangyun yarn front, middle and back end of the closed loop, through the stability of the industrial chain, play the role of the "Millions of Projects" in promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.

Up to now, Guangxin Group has successively promoted the implementation of 16 projects, including the sericulture industry revitalization demonstration base in Heshui Town and the sericulture fragrant cloud yarn industry ecological demonstration park in Chahe Village. "Our investment is mainly distributed in industrial assistance, people's livelihood security, infrastructure improvement, beautiful rural construction, etc., such as the construction of a party and mass service center for Tanzhen Village, Heshui Town, and at the same time, we have also invested in the improvement of town and village landscape, scholarship and education, and improvement of medical conditions." The reporter interviewed Wu Weiwen, the first secretary of Guangxin Group stationed in Tanzhen Village, Heshui Town, and he said.

In Zijin County, Heyuan, another counterpart assistance, Guangxin Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zijin County, and the two sides will jointly carry out six major actions: investment and energy improvement, industrial quality improvement, brand empowerment, pair assistance, consumption assistance, and green beauty and greening, so as to promote the implementation of the "Millions and Millions Project" in an all-round way.

Among them, the Shichubao Gold Zijin Cooperative Production Base is a high-standard pig breeding base project jointly built by Guangxin Group, Zijin County Shuntai Planting and Breeding Farmers Professional Cooperative, and Zijin County Chenhui Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., with a total investment of 40 million yuan, covering an area of 110 acres, and an annual output value of about 151 million yuan after being put into operation.

"Millions" look at Guangxin

Shichu Bao gold purple gold production base. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Guangxin Group makes a fuss on the word "special", transforms the advantages of rural resources into local development advantages, so that rural development has both resources to rely on and reliable capital, so as to achieve the goal of making rural beauty, agriculture strong and farmers rich, and achieve a win-win situation among the government, enterprises and farmers, and change "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis".

At present, in various parts of Guangdong, provincial enterprises represented by Guangxin Group are actively exploring the government-enterprise cooperation model, focusing on characteristic agriculture, pastoral cultural tourism and other fields, giving villages stronger hematopoietic ability and innovation ability.

Harmony Village: Painting a "Green and Beautiful Background" for Village Life

In the eastern part of Heshui Town, there is the only entertainment and leisure center in Heshui Town, Heshui Cultural Square, the entertainment facilities on the square are slightly outdated, and the surrounding woodland may not have been taken care of for a long time. But in the next year, it will undergo a "transformation", with a total area of about 21,000 square meters of Yangchun Guangxin Lvmei Plaza will be built here.

Yangchun Guangxin Lvmei Plaza is invested and built by Guangxin Group, which is based on the theme of green beauty ecological space and the construction of local cultural elements in Yangchun with the technique of landscaping, and will create a comprehensive square integrating leisure and entertainment, sports and fitness, green beauty space and pastoral scenery.

"Millions" look at Guangxin

Yangchun Guangxin Lvmei Plaza has entered the planning and design stage. Huang Chengshuang/photo

Lin Yuanwen, assistant general manager of Guangdong Guangxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., is the person in charge of the planning and design of the renovation, and she formulated a construction plan according to the preliminary research. "We have reorganized the various functional areas of the square, such as the children's activity area to be closer to the residential area, and built some corridors for the villagers to rest." Lin Yuanwen told reporters. Pointing to the existing retaining wall near the square, she said, "It's a place where you can do some creative graffiti and intersperse the gray bricks with bright colors." ”

For the surrounding farmland, Lin Yuanwen said that it will be built into a farmland landscape on the basis of retaining the original ecology. "We adopted a low-intervention design strategy to make the local villagers feel as new and modern as possible without changing the original rural landscape."

At the same time, in Zijin County, Heyuan City, the Zijin Guangxin Park, donated by Guangxin Group, has completed the preliminary design and planning, which will focus on the hilly landform and build it in the form of a mountain park, adding a "green business card" to Zijin County.

At present, Guangxin Group is actively participating in the "Millions of Projects" in a variety of modes around industrial empowerment, investment and development, green beauty construction, etc., and the road of rural revitalization is getting wider and wider, and the vast Lingnan fields have unlimited hope.

Southern Net, Guangdong Learning Reporter Yang Wanxin