
92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?

author:Ping'an Bishan

Oil prices are rising

92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?

The majority of car owners and friends

I should have all felt the same way

Every increase in oil prices

Our little heart and little purse

will feel a slight "pain"

But when everyone is still painstakingly studying how to master the fuel-saving technique of "stepping on the accelerator", everyone knows that there are "oil thieves" who use hacking methods to unknowingly complete the one-click "stealing" of fuel when you refuel your car.

The Internet Police Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province cracked it

Cases in which a fuel dispenser was used to "cheat" to commit a crime

Criminal gangs use illegal control methods to use cheating mobile fuel dispensers to make users "spend more money and less fuel", seriously harming the interests of the people and disrupting the order of the market economy.

When they refuel the car owner, they secretly operate the cheating fuel dispenser panel or remote control, and set the amount of fuel reduction they want at will. What you think is "a full tank" is actually "half empty", and the oil thief does whatever he wants, but the consumer doesn't realize it......

Case review

92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?
92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?
92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?

Case investigation

In March 2023, the Cyber Police Branch of the Daqing Public Security Bureau of Heilongjiang Province found in the verification clues that a gas station in the city was suspected of using cheating mobile fuel dispensers to "steal oil", and a fuel dispenser dealer was suspected of selling cheating mobile fuel dispensers.

The network security police found that the cheating mobile fuel dispenser was produced by a company outside the province, and the company colluded with technical personnel to achieve the function of "missing two catties" in the process of producing mobile vehicle refueling machines.

Since 2017, the company has sold more than 40,000 such cheating fuel dispensers to all parts of the country, involving more than 20 provinces.

Carry out arrests

In April 2023, the Internet Police Branch of the Daqing Municipal Public Security Bureau carried out arrest operations across 3 provinces and 4 cities across the country, successively arrested the distributors and users of the fuel dispensers involved in the case, as well as 26 criminal suspects in key links such as the legal person, finance, technology, and sales of the company involved in the case, and seized more than 2,000 motherboards of cheating mobile fuel dispensers.

Case analysis

92# topped up, thank you...... But is the fuel tank really full?

Such crimes are typical

From production to distribution to use

Black and gray industry chain crime

Upstream manufacturers and cheating program authors write cheating program code on their own and burn it into the main board of the fuel dispenser to cheat, which is suspected of providing intrusion and illegal control of computer information system programs and tools.

Midstream dealers and agents who clearly know that the fuel dispenser has a cheating function but still sell mobile fuel dispensers with cheating functions to the outside world are also suspected of providing intrusion and illegal control of computer information system programs and tools.

Downstream cheating refueling machine users, unauthorized modification of mobile refueling machine configuration parameters to achieve the purpose of "stealing oil" when refueling, suspected of fraud, theft and other crimes of embezzlement.

These illegal and criminal acts not only seriously infringe on the interests of consumers, but also undermine the order of market economy operation and the national tax system, which requires the public security organs, tax departments and market supervision departments and other departments to cooperate to carry out comprehensive management of fuel dispenser cheating.

The Internet police have something to say

The majority of consumers and friends should pay more attention to observe the zero device of the fuel dispenser when refueling, and then refuel, pay attention to whether the fuel dispenser is affixed with a unified and effective green compulsory verification mark, and can also observe whether the flow rate of the fuel dispenser is normal.

Gas station merchants should uphold the concept of honest management, do not do "lack of catty and two" cheating, and resolutely not touch the legal red line, otherwise they will not only lose the trust of consumers, but also be punished by the law and smash their own jobs.

The public security cyber security department will continue to crack down on hacking crimes involving people's livelihood such as undermining the order of the operation of the market economy in accordance with the law, and use practical actions to protect the security of the cyber information space, maintain the stability and orderliness of the market economy, and protect the vital interests of the people.

Picture | Screenshots of the network

Material | Heilongjiang Internet Police

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