
Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

author:Yan Yan loves to share
Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

Whether it's a stormy night or a sunny day, we can always see the high-voltage transmission towers that stand between city streets, rural fields and high mountains.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

These huge steel frames carry the light and warmth of countless families, they are the crystallization of the hard work of power workers, and they are also the cornerstone of the high development of modern society.

On these high-voltage transmission lines, there is something that seems insignificant, but plays a vital role, and that is the insulated porcelain bottle.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

These porcelain vases may seem fragile, but they are actually extremely tough, and they are like a group of silent guardians, protecting the safe and stable operation of transmission lines.

When the rain pours down, a seemingly simple question often bothers people: since water is electrically conductive, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line leak from the water on a rainy day?

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

We know that water is a good conductive substance, but this conductivity is not absolute, and it can be affected by many factors.

For example, the purity of water, temperature, dissolved substances, etc., all affect its electrical conductivity. In our daily lives, the water we come into contact with often contains various impurities that can increase the conductivity of the water, making it a good conductor of electricity.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

When the water is specially treated to remove impurities, its conductivity will be greatly reduced, and it can even reach the level of insulation.

How to insulate the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line? It turns out that these porcelain vases are not ordinary ceramic products, they are made of special materials and treated with a special process, which has extremely high insulating properties.

The material of the porcelain vase has an extremely high resistivity, which allows it to effectively block the passage of electric current. Even at high voltages, it is difficult for the current to pass through the porcelain bottle, thus ensuring the safety of the line.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

The material of the porcelain vase usually has good corrosion resistance and is able to resist the erosion of corrosive substances such as rain, acid and alkali. This allows the vase to maintain good insulation properties even in harsh environments.

The material of the porcelain vase usually has high strength and toughness, and can withstand large external impact and tensile stress. This makes the porcelain bottle not easy to break or damage during use, thus ensuring the stable operation of the line.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

In addition to the characteristics of the vase itself, the design and installation of high-voltage transmission lines also play an important role. In the design of the transmission line, engineers will fully consider the influence of various factors to ensure that the porcelain vase can withstand the test of natural environments such as rain.

They will choose the right type of vase and installation method, making sure that the distance between the vases is large enough to prevent the electric current from passing through the rain to form a short circuit. Engineers will also coat the surface of the vase with a special insulating material to further improve the insulating properties of the vase.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

Despite the good insulating properties and careful design of the porcelain vase, in extreme cases, there is still a possibility of leakage. For example, when the line is damaged by lightning strikes or other external forces, the porcelain bottle may crack or be damaged, resulting in electricity leakage.

Due to the long-term exposure of the porcelain vase to the natural environment, its surface may be stained with dust, oil and other impurities, which will affect the insulation performance of the porcelain vase. Therefore, the power department will regularly inspect and maintain the transmission line, replace the damaged porcelain bottle in time, clean up the impurities on the surface of the porcelain bottle, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the line.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

Although water is electrically conductive, the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line can effectively prevent the current from passing through, thereby protecting the safe and stable operation of the line. This is because the porcelain vase itself has extremely high insulating properties, and the design and installation of high-voltage transmission lines also play an important role. The power department also regularly inspects and maintains the transmission lines to ensure that they are always in good working order.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

Why can't you take shelter under a tree on a rainy day. This is mainly related to the principles of electricity in physics. When lightning strikes in the sky, the current conducts down the clouds until it finds a path to ground. Whereas, large trees are usually taller than the surrounding objects and are more likely to be targets for electric currents. When an electric current is passed through a large tree, a powerful electromagnetic field is generated, and this electromagnetic field can cause harm to people nearby.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

Electromagnetic fields may affect the body's nervous system, causing symptoms such as muscle twitching and abnormal heartbeat. Electric current may also pass through the air gap around the tree, forming an electric arc, which can cause burns to the human body. Taking shelter under a tree on a rainy day is very dangerous behavior and we should try to avoid it.

Is it dangerous to use an umbrella on a rainy day? In general, using an umbrella does not increase the risk of being struck by lightning. Because the umbrella bone is usually made of metal, and metal has good electrical conductivity, it can direct the current to the ground, thus reducing the harm to the human body. If we are close to a tree or other tall object while playing an umbrella, then we may increase the risk of being struck by lightning.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

To ensure our safety, we should try to avoid being near large trees or other tall objects on rainy days. If we have to be outdoors, we can choose to wear a raincoat and rain boots with good insulation and avoid umbrellas made of metal. In addition, we should also avoid activities near water as water is also a good conductor through which we may receive the conduction of electric current.

Water is conductive, why is it raining, why does the insulated porcelain bottle on the high-voltage line not leak smoothly?

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