
To improve relations with China and Russia, Trump pointed out that America's enemies are internal

author:Song Zhongping

The first round of televised debates in the U.S. domestic election is over, and this round of televised debates has opened the eyes of many people. As Trump is really directing the rhythm of the whole debate, and the media will even comment that "a liar is fooling a fool", perhaps this is the result of this debate.

To improve relations with China and Russia, Trump pointed out that America's enemies are internal

So according to the results of the debate, we can see that Biden's poll approval rating has fallen to 33%, and as Trump in this TV debate, he has 67% support, so some people think that maybe the Democratic Party will change candidates. After all, the Democratic Party convention was only held in August, so this so-called debate held by CNN is a dress rehearsal for the Democratic Party, so since Trump can defeat Biden, Biden does not seem to be the right person.

To improve relations with China and Russia, Trump pointed out that America's enemies are internal

We need to emphasize that after the televised debate, Trump issued a declaration in which he said that the United States does not have to be an enemy of China, Russia, and North Korea. So why did Trump say this? They say that the United States has external enemies, and the external enemies are China, Russia, North Korea, and other countries. But the truth is that if these citizens of the United States had a sane president, they would not be your enemies. What does that mean? If there is a sane president, he will not regard these countries as enemies, and he will get along well with them.

On the other hand, Trump has constantly emphasized that the United States will not be respected by other countries during Biden's tenure, and if he becomes president, he will be respected by other countries. Moreover, it is emphasized that the biggest enemy of the United States is not from the outside, not from China or Russia, but from within. So when Trump said these things, he actually wanted to emphasize that if he became president of the United States, he would change the foreign policy of the United States. Trump is a businessman, and we have repeatedly emphasized that he can maximize his value in exchange for benefits.

To improve relations with China and Russia, Trump pointed out that America's enemies are internal

Of course, Trump's remarks could cause an uproar among conservatives in the United States. That is, conservatives in the United States firmly regard China and Russia as enemies, but if Trump denies this view and even wants to have good relations with these countries, he may not have more responders in the United States. But then again, Trump did perform well in yesterday's debate, which will put a lot of pressure on the Democrats.

#特朗普: I won the first debate#

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