
The United States says NASA was not invited to study lunar soil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Have you forgotten something, United States?

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to NASA's statement that China did not directly invite the United States to participate in the study of lunar soil, and the United States seems to have forgotten the biggest obstacle to the "Wolf Clause".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in response to NASA's remarks that China did not directly invite the United States to participate in the study of lunar soil, and pointed out that the "Wolf Clause" is currently the biggest barrier to China-US space science and technology cooperation.


Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to NASA's statement that China did not directly invite the United States to participate in the study of lunar soil. At the same time, the "Wolf Clause" has become the biggest barrier to Sino-US space science and technology cooperation.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the "Wolf Clause" prohibits the United States and China from conducting any joint scientific research activities related to NASA or coordinated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. This clause even restricts the reception of "official Chinese visitors" at NASA facilities. It can be said that the "Wolf Clause" has erected a high wall for Sino-US space science and technology cooperation.

The United States says NASA was not invited to study lunar soil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Have you forgotten something, United States?

Today, China has made important progress in the field of lunar soil research, but the United States has always had reservations about it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that China did not directly invite the United States to participate in the project, which is in line with the provisions of the "Wolf Clause". After all, national security and technological secrets are things that every country should attach great importance to.

However, the American side seems to have forgotten about this. They accuse China of not giving enough opportunities for cooperation, while ignoring the restrictions on cooperation imposed by the "Wolf Clause". This kind of double standard is worrying and is not conducive to the promotion and development of Sino-US space science and technology cooperation.

The United States says NASA was not invited to study lunar soil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Have you forgotten something, United States?

The existence of the "Wolf Clause" not only affects the cooperation between China and the United States, but also brings certain obstacles to global scientific and technological sharing and exchanges. In today's world, scientific research and technological innovation have become topics of common concern to the international community. We hope that all countries will adopt an open and inclusive attitude to handle the issue of space science and technology cooperation and promote global scientific and technological progress and development.

The United States says NASA was not invited to study lunar soil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Have you forgotten something, United States?

Through the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this time, we can see that China adheres to principles in the lunar soil research project, and at the same time calls on the US side to pay attention to the actual situation of the existence of the "Wolf Clause". Only by truly understanding and respecting each other's positions can China-US space science and technology cooperation achieve win-win results and common development.

Pay attention to the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to NASA | Lunar Soil Research in China | American "Wolf Clause" | Sino-US Aerospace Science and Technology Cooperation | national security

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