
Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

author:Mo says anime

After the comic "Breaking the Firmament" entered the late stage, the soul clan became more and more arrogant, successively destroying the spirit clan, the stone clan, and the medicine clan, and even invaded the ancient clan unscrupulously. It can be said that since the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan.

Why does the Xiao clan make the soul clan jealous?

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

The reason why the Xiao clan makes the soul clan jealous is not because they have many high-star Dou Sheng, but because of Xiao Xuan's existence. A thousand years ago, there were five supreme powers, namely Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan, Soul Heavenly Emperor, the founder of the Burning Flame Valley (Burning Yan Ancestor) and the founder of Danta. Among them, Xiao Xuan is the strongest, and he is set to be a half-step Doudi in the comics.

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

If it weren't for Xiao Xuan gathering the power of the Xiao clan's bloodline, how could the Soul Heavenly Emperor have a chance to sneak attack? There is no extermination of the Xiao clan. Let's just put it this way, the Soul Heavenly Emperor and Xiao Xuan are single-handed, and the Soul Heavenly Emperor is bound to die. It's a pity that at that time, Xiao Xuan wanted to change the fate of the Xiao clan's increasingly thin blood, so he gathered the strength of the Xiao clan. Unfortunately, it did not succeed in the end, and it also led to the complete disappearance of the Xiao clan thousands of years ago.

Why is the Xiao clan not here, and the soul clan can be invincible?

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

Back then, there was the Xiao Clan, and the Soul Clan didn't dare to make a move against other ancient races. This is without this biggest opponent, they become unscrupulous. Planning the ancient emperor jade of Tuosha for a thousand years, it was a comprehensive action in the later stage. The reason why the Soul Clan is invincible is mainly because of his combat power structure. So how strong is the combat power of the Soul Clan?

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

The Soul Clan has 2 Nine-Star Dou Sheng, and more than 10 Seven-Star Dou Shengs and above. Just the Soul Heavenly Emperor (late stage of the Nine Star Dou Sheng) + Void Devouring Flame (early stage of the Nine Star Dou Sheng) is unmatched by other races. Take the Gu clan as an example, their strongest one is only Gu Yuan, the late stage cultivation of the Nine Star Dou Sheng. However, under Gu Yuan, only the Black Annihilation King, the eight-star Dou Sheng, was in the early stage, and then there were only three Seven-Star Dou Sheng, that is, the three immortals of the Gu clan.

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

The other races, the more powerful Thunder Clan and the Yan Clan, all have patriarchs who are only in the late stage of the Eight-Star Dou Sheng. In terms of top-notch combat power, the Gu Clan, the Thunder Clan, and the Yan Clan are not as good as the Soul Clan. Let's count the powerhouses above the seven-star Dou Sheng, the four elders of the soul clan have been resurrected, except for Soul Yuantian who is in the early stage of the eight-star Dou Sheng, Soul Yao, Soul Shengtian and the other are all in the middle stage of the eight-star Dou Sheng. The four demon saints are all in the late stage of the seven-star Dou Sheng, as well as the Soul Xuzi (the early stage of the Seven Star Dou Sheng), the soul extinction (the early stage of the Seven Star Dou Sheng), and there are at least three unknown seven-star Dou Sheng, that is to say, the number of the Soul Clan's Seven Star Dou Shengs and Eight Star Dou Sheng, that is 13.

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

The top-level power is far stronger than the other races, and the number of second-level power is even more than the other three races combined, they are not invincible, who is invincible? In addition, the spirit clan, medicine clan, and stone clan that were destroyed have the highest combat power at the level of the Seven Star Dou Sheng, and they can kill the opponent's patriarch if they send a Four Demon Saint at will.

Breaking the Firmament: After the Xiao Clan was wiped out, there was no other race in the Douqi Continent that could compete with the Soul Clan

The Gu clan will have the current fate, in fact, it is also due to Gu Yuan's character, if he could join forces with the Xiao clan at the beginning, how can there be anything to do with the soul clan now. The Soul Heavenly Emperor also said this, but unfortunately it was all too late. Now they can only watch the Soul Clan take all the Tusha Ancient Emperor Jade, and they can't stop them from opening the Tushe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.