
单词联想pretty prate prestige

author:Forest after the rain sunny655



adj. (especially girls) pretty, peugeot; (things) pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the ear; (Men) feminine, handsome; Huge, impressive; good-looking, pleasant; <非正式>Very bad

adv. Quite, quite; Very, very

n. <非正式>Pretty things (especially pleasing but unnecessary trinkets); <非正式>(In a superior tone) beautiful people, beautiful children

v. Decorate and make beautiful

First Name: (Pretty) (Beauty, Mark)

The network is beautiful /

pretty soon不久

pretty good非常好

pretty much几乎


pretty, beautiful, pretty good, quite, quite

From Old English praettig, cunning, shrewd, skillful, from Proto-Germanic*prattuz, boastful, bragging, onomatopoeia, etymology with prate, prattle. The evolution of word meaning is more prestige.



See. 瞎扯

n. nagging; Talk; gab

vi. 唠叨

n. (Prate)人名;(法)普拉特

Internet talk,

I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.

I whispered in my heart, but on the surface it seemed strangely silent.

If the hen does not prate, she will not lay.

A hen that doesn't chatter doesn't lay eggs.



vi. small talk; Nonsense; Talking like a child

n. Boring words; Babbling

vt. Naively said

Internet baby's learning voice,

Without money, your plan will be a prattle-prattle.

Without money, your plans are just a dead letter.

He does not like handclasp, wear a shoe or prattle.

He doesn't like shaking hands, putting on shoes, or making small talk.



n. slats, braids; [Lin] acacia tree; A fence made of branches

adj. slats; Made of braids

vt. Made with braided strips



n. Prestige, prestige

adj. respected, admirable; Precious, magnificent

Prestige Prestici

network prestige,

Same as synonyms


prestige, prestige; reputation

reputation credit词源


The famous Hollywood movie "The Prestige" tells the story of two super magicians who fight in secret. Many viewers did not understand the English name of the film. The English word prestige means "prestige" in the dictionary, but what does it have to do with magic? In fact, the original meaning of this word is the meaning of tricks and stunts in magic shows. It is derived from praestringere, which is derived from prae (pre, in...... Front) + stringere (to bind), which literally means "to pretend to bind oneself in front of people". The movie "Deadly Magic" is a profound exposition of the connotation of prestige: every magic show consists of three steps. The first step is called pledge, where the magician shows some real, ordinary objects or scenes and asks the audience to examine them. The second part is called turn, where magicians use these ordinary objects to do unusual things, such as making things disappear, but this is not enough to make the audience applaud. Therefore, there is a third step for excellent magic, which is prestige, and this is also the most important step. The magician has to do something unthinkable in this step, such as bringing the disappeared thing back to people in an unexpected way, so as to win the wonder and admiration of the audience. It can be seen that the original meaning of prestige refers to the incredible and breathtaking illusion created by a superb magician, which can make the audience fascinated, thus having a huge influence on the audience, and respecting the magician as if he were a god. Therefore, the word prestige is derived from the meaning of "influence, prestige". prestige: [pre'stiː(d)ʒ] n. prestige, prestige, reputation prestigious: [pre'stɪdʒəs] adj

From the French prestige, deception, deception, illusion, juggling, from Latin praestigium, illusion, juggling, from (alienated from) praestringere, dazzled, stunning, from prae, in front, stringere, pulling, pulling rope, tying, The word was originally used to describe the French Emperor Napoleon as a street trickster, with derogatory and ironic connotations, and then as more and more people worship Napoleon, the meaning of the word changed from derogatory to positive, and the original meaning was no longer used.


English / kreɪt/ American kreɪt/

n. crates, wicker boxes (or baskets, baskets, etc.); <旧>Dilapidated vehicles

v. Put ...... Load into a cargo box


English /ɡreɪt/ American /ɡreɪt/

n. Metal grate (on the fireplace), grate; the hearth of a fireplace (or furnace); grille; <美>Sewer hole covers

v. grate, grate (food); Speak in a rough voice; to make irritability, to make it uncomfortable; There is a screeching grinding sound

Grate(American) Grate (personal name)