
Blame each other! Lai Qingde shifted the blame to the justices, selfishly and disrupted the political system

author:Land abandonment

Text: Lu abandoned

Lai Qingde regards the entire Taiwan region as his experimental ground or game console, or he can do whatever he likes, he simply pats his head and says, how to decide.

Blame each other! Lai Qingde shifted the blame to the justices, selfishly and disrupted the political system

This person is very strange, he can completely ignore the decision-making of the legislature, the entire reform bill of the legislature passed two major bills, and these two major bills, Lai Qingde does not want to implement them, for example, this legislature has the means to implement all the "cabinet members", and ask them to report, and the relevant bills, the legislature of the public opinion representatives have the right to investigate in the future, in the past, the public opinion representatives did not have the right to investigate, only the right to question, which means that there are no tiger teeth, no tiger claws, only tiger mouth, just a ghost roaring and screaming. But the public opinion representatives have the right to investigate, they have tiger teeth and tiger claws, but now after the pass, all the teeth and claws have been sealed, that is to say, you have teeth and claws, and you can't use them yet, which is equivalent to being chained, so Lai Qingde does not allow the legislature's public opinion representatives to have the right to investigate.

If one day, the DPP becomes an opposition party, but if it is an opposition party and the representatives of the people in his legislature become a majority, will he have the right to investigate at that time? He must have asked for it again then, why? He has proposed it several times before, especially on the side of the Democratic Party, and the version is very similar, and the things that are needed are actually the same, which in all countries around the world, the upper parliament, the lower parliament or the Congress, or all kinds of senates, the House of Representatives will want to have the right to investigate, and it is a matter of course for the legislature to have the right to investigate, otherwise you can only ask questions, he just needs to ask three questions and don't know, or ignore what can be done, and when the session is over, there is no way at all.

And now the DPP's legislature deputies want to do it hard, they don't want to have the power of investigation, they also seem to want their power to be smaller, which is even more strange. Especially Lin Jialong, who once proposed it, and Lin Jialong, who was in the "Ministry of Breaking Relations", did not say anything, this case was proposed by him, he is still alive, and he is still in his early 60s, so it is good to sit here, why didn't he do it, why didn't he speak, obviously he has an official position, which is equivalent to being touched on the head, and his mouth is equivalent to being gagged.

Blame each other! Lai Qingde shifted the blame to the justices, selfishly and disrupted the political system

However, Huang Guochang is still in his position, he is still the general convener of the People's Party, Huang Guochang will always need to go through the past, but Huang Guochang did not push very hard, in fact, he did not see Huang Guochang push too hard, he just acted as a courtesy according to his own power, if Huang Guochang wants to mobilize those young people of his Democratic Party to carry out counter-encirclement of some peripheral organizations of the Democratic Progressive Party, it will not be covered. So pay attention to the role of Huang Guochang is also worth observing, because if he wants to counter the DPP's "blue bird activities", there must be a way, in 2014, in fact, Huang Guochang was relatively launched by him and his related organizations, and now these people are divided into two, and the allies who stood with him at that time are still on the side of the DPP, so the two sides are divided into two, and the positions are also two, because as long as you stand on the side of the DPP, you will completely rely on Lai Qingde and Ma Zheng.

But Huang Guochang must tell everyone that he still continues to adhere to his original position, so he must vote for the Kuomintang, because it was the case he pushed at that time, and the DPP also pushed the same case, so will Huang Guochang let this case pass? Or will he watch Lai Qingde pass the justices and then scrap the case? Or will the justices finally not dare to ignore public opinion or will they pass the case? Otherwise, if this case hangs in the air for no apparent reason, or if it is abolished, then every case can be abolished in the future, so that the Taiwan region will be in chaos, and there will never be any case that violates the ruling party or has a restraining force on the ruling party, and he will kill all of them.

Blame each other! Lai Qingde shifted the blame to the justices, selfishly and disrupted the political system

In the past, Lai Qingde always liked to do such things, he always liked to come to everyone's trouble, which means that Lai Qingde just had bad intentions towards his political enemies, and he always ranked himself first, that is to say, he is absolutely selfish as a political figure, and he has to oppose everything that is a little bit harmful to him and has no way to let him show off his might.

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