
Sidestep the question! When asked if he had violated the "22 Regulations", he did not answer positively

author:Land abandonment

Text: Lu abandoned

Recently, after the mainland issued a regulation on sanctions against the "22 articles on Taiwan independence," there have been some discussions in various quarters in the Taiwan region.

Someone in the legislature asked Zhuo Rongtai if he had also committed the "22 Laws and Regulations" and had been charged with the capital crime of "Taiwan independence." Among the "22 Regulations", the most serious is the crime of separatism, which can be punishable by death. At this time, someone asked him this question, which must have a lot of meaning, and when Zhuo Rongtai answered, he made fun of Wang Jinping's recent visit to the mainland, saying that he was very worried about Wang Jinping, which meant that he was afraid that after he landed on the mainland this time, because of the "22 regulations", he would not be able to come back. Zhuo Rongtai did not dare to answer this question directly, indicating that he was afraid and did not know how to answer it at all, and if he knew how to answer, he should answer it positively. For example, he could continue to talk about his love for Taiwan, that he would be blessed by Amaterasu, and so on, but he didn't say something that beat his chest and shifted the topic to Wang Jinping.

Sidestep the question! When asked if he had violated the "22 Regulations", he did not answer positively

As we all know, Wang Jinping is very popular with the mainland, and before going this time, the two sides have been in contact for a long time, so he is a guest who is treated with courtesy, and there are relevant people in various places throughout the whole process, how can he be compared with Lai Qingde, Xiao Meiqin, Zhuo Rongtai, Su Zhenchang, Ke Jianming, etc.?

The DPP is very nervous at present, and except for the list that has been drawn up, all those who have made "Taiwan independence" remarks in the media, or who have written books, or who have clearly expressed their opinions, or who have obtained the DPP party card, they are very nervous. In addition, many of them are also doing business in Chinese mainland, there are very many people doing business in Kunshan, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, not to mention 100 related people, or their family members, or their shareholders, are doing business in the mainland, so that their business can still be done, whether their business can be guaranteed, these are all problems, and they have to be worried all the time. They also have an account on the mainland, and whether the money in this account will be blocked, they often check the money that is placed over there, which is unknown to the Taiwan region, and it may be millions or tens of millions at a time, and this is completely possible, of course, they will not directly use their own accounts, they will use their relatives, friends, and so on.

Sidestep the question! When asked if he had violated the "22 Regulations", he did not answer positively

However, in fact, there will be Taiwan Affairs offices in various places for the entire relevant intelligence information, and they can actually grasp it, and if the east-west network is spread, their personal safety in this regard, as well as their related property and related undertakings, will not be guaranteed, and this is actually what the DPP is most worried about so far. These dark green people were actually profiteers in the past cross-strait exchanges, and they enjoyed the dividends of cross-strait exchanges, but they also wanted to openly support "Taiwan independence" and the "two-state theory" in the political arena of the Taiwan region, and so on, and they wanted to gain both political and economic benefits in cross-strait exchanges. So in this case, after the introduction of the "22 regulations", these people themselves will have to take their seats. The latest news shows that the mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office has indicated that if you abandon your "Taiwan independence" stance, you will change your course, and you can not be held accountable. This may be that he is not far away, and his response to Table Rongtai also reflects the consideration of the people in the green camp on the problem.

Like Lai Qingde, Tsai Ing-wen or Su Zhenchang, these people who belong to the upper echelons of the DPP, naturally have no big problem, because wherever he goes, there are people around him, and even when they travel to any country, there are many people who come to surround him. But the big problem is the staff next to them, as well as their financiers, who are nervous. Because they know that the intelligence information related to Chinese mainland is absolutely not fake, but if they suddenly decide not to support "Taiwan independence" from now on, what will they do in the future, and whether their DPP system will still be wanted, so this situation has put them in a dilemma, and these financiers are actually the biggest supporters of the DPP, and the DPP itself does not rely on party property, but on these green camp financiers, to make long-term donations, and give them a lot of related projects, so as to maintain the operation of the DPP.

Sidestep the question! When asked if he had violated the "22 Regulations", he did not answer positively

If this pipeline is cut off, or if the meridian through which they make money on the mainland is cut off, then they will definitely not be able to sustain it. For example, some index-type green industries already have an annual income of tens of billions in Taiwan, and if they are listed, then they will lose a lot, and these people will definitely put pressure on Zhuo Rongtai and Lai Qingde, but they must not support "Taiwan independence" and oppose "Taiwan independence" at the same time, so these people are very nervous.

Zhuo Rongtai is probably not afraid of going all the way to the dark, but some people may think carefully about what to do, in the past, both sides were eaten, but now it is impossible.

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