
Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

author:Zixin said

When a person does something bad, there will always be retribution, not that he will not be retributed, and the time has not yet come.

This sentence is so appropriate for Su Gengsheng's stepfather.

With the finale of "The Story of Rose", the stepfather went to prison again for doing evil, Su Gengsheng spent 300,000 yuan in exchange for peace of mind in the second half of his life, and Huang Yimei's "life and death love" was also crying miserably in the middle of the mountain because of parting.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

Su's mother's evil is unimaginable

Many people say that Susu's stepfather is hateful, and in my opinion, her mother is the worst person.

If it weren't for his mother's ignorance, Su Su's stepfather would never have dared to be so presumptuous.

What kind of family does Su Su have?

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

Her father died young, her mother remarried, and her stepfather was so bad that he didn't even have a house, and he still lived in Susu's father's house.

is such a man who doesn't learn and doesn't know how to do it, but he is protected by Su Su's mother, and he doesn't dare to say it knowing that he has made a mistake.

Sometimes it's really hard to understand, what is Su Su's mother trying to do?

She can bear hardships and stand hard work, even if she goes to a restaurant to wash dishes, she can support herself and her daughter, why should she bring such a man into the family?

In the final analysis, it is still the ignorance of thinking, she thinks that there is no man in the family, it is easy to be bullied, even if she knows that her daughter is being bullied, she doesn't dare to say anything, just to maintain face.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

As everyone knows, she has long lost her face.

A person without principles and bottom lines is destined to not be able to protect her children, her own life is a mess, and her children live in fear.

With her connivance, Susu's stepfather did evil again, and he reached out to a 6-year-old girl.

This time, Su Su decided not to bear it anymore, she took the initiative to find the little girl's parents, and offered to fund the lawsuit, as long as they dared to stand up and accuse, she was willing to bear 300,000 financial compensation.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

Under her demonstration, the younger brother finally stood up and admitted that he had seen it all and was willing to testify for his sister.

Su Su's stepfather was finally punished, and after 15 years of starting, it is estimated that he will not have a chance to come out again.

Loving someone doesn't necessarily lead to the end

Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming fell in love at first sight, and it was heartbroken to learn that the other party might "leave" at any time.

She knew that the other party had a wish, which was to climb the mountain once and record the wind on the top of the mountain.

Due to physical reasons, Fu Jiaming has never climbed a mountain, and in order to help him realize his wish, Huang Yimei has done a lot of homework.

She climbed once in advance, calculated the distance and time, and prepared a tent in a suitable place so that Fu Jiaming could rest.

Halfway up the mountain, Fu Jiaming was really surprised to see the tent with flashing lights.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

He said his funeral arrangements, saying that he had signed a body donation, which made it difficult for his younger brother Fu Jiamin to accept.

This incident hit Huang Yimei also very hard, she knew that once she lost the other party, she really couldn't see it, and she couldn't even find a place to miss it.

But she still held back her emotions, took care of Fu Jiaming to rest, and after the two of them slept for a while, they continued to climb the mountain the next day.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

No one expected that it would rain halfway, and the two hid in the cave, and Huang Yimei looked depressed.

She knew that if she couldn't go to the top of the mountain this time, she would never have a chance again.

Fu Jiaming believes that everything is providential, not all love can reach the end, and not every plan can be implemented smoothly, and it is necessary to accept reality.

At that moment, Huang Yimei collapsed and cried heartbreakingly.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

She was not angry, but hated that she was powerless, watching the person she loved about to leave, but she couldn't hold on.

After a short hesitation, Fu Jiaming had already left, she came out of the cave, she couldn't see Fu Jiaming's figure, and helplessly shouted the other party's name, which was really moving.

This may also remind us that if we love someone, we should cherish it, because life is impermanent.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

Sister and brother love can also bloom bright flowers

Leaving Fu Jiaming, Huang Yimei lived as the other party liked.

She rode a motorcycle, learned to fly an airplane, and in the process of learning, met Jose, who was a teenager younger.

Jose also fell in love with her at first sight, but Huang Yimei's love for Jose was very restrained.

Although the two have common hobbies, in the face of Jose's confession, Huang Yimei still did not accept it.

She knows that there are many variables in life, even if you love each other very much at one moment, maybe there will be changes in the next moment, there is no so-called eternal love, and living in the present is the best.

Rose's story: The stepfather went to prison for doing evil, and Huang Yimei "fell in love with life and death", crying miserably halfway up the mountain

Huang Yimei encouraged Jose to take the exam and pursue the dream she wanted, and she just stood by and admired it.

To tell the truth, Huang Yimei is really mature, she knows that loving someone doesn't need to be together, fulfillment is the most important thing, as long as the other party is doing well, then for herself, she is also happy.
