
Gu Lang: Party building leads industrial development and creates a new engine for enriching the people

author:Look at the Gulang

Relying on the advantages of resources, Xingmin New Village, Xinbao Township, Gulang County, takes the expansion and strengthening of the solar greenhouse industry as the entry point of rural revitalization, focuses on strengthening organizational construction, takes industrial development as the core, and takes the increase of income of the masses as the goal, actively promotes the deep integration of grassroots party building and rural revitalization, continuously stimulates new momentum for industrial development, and drives the masses to increase their income and get rich.

Gu Lang: Party building leads industrial development and creates a new engine for enriching the people

The ginseng fruit is growing well

"The ginseng fruit is already in its fourth crop, and the income is really good." In the ginseng fruit planting greenhouse in Xingmin New Village, the growth of ginseng fruits is gratifying. In recent years, Xingmin New Village has provided technical guidance to ensure the maximization of farmers' interests in accordance with the development ideas of building bases, building brands, expanding sales channels, and promoting income increase.

"I am a greenhouse vegetable planting leader in Xingmin New Village, and I am also a party member, and I have planted 10 greenhouses this year, mainly planting tomatoes, peppers, and ginseng fruits, which are currently thriving. As a party member, I will continue to play a leading role as a party member to get rich, teach my skills and experience to other growers, and drive everyone to plant greenhouses and increase income. Yu Zhonghe, a large planter in Xingmin New Village, said.

Gu Lang: Party building leads industrial development and creates a new engine for enriching the people

Tomatoes are thriving

Xinbao Township has actively developed and expanded the solar greenhouse industry under the leadership of party building, concentrated on strengthening the village and enriching the people, adapted measures to local conditions and implemented policies for the village, walked out of the "new way", puffed up the "money bag", and formed a good situation of diversified development and multi-point flowering.

Gu Lang: Party building leads industrial development and creates a new engine for enriching the people

Inside the large shelf

Xinbao Township has focused on strengthening the organization and grasping the industry, promoting the development and growth of rural industries according to local conditions, continuously optimizing the industrial structure, forming a good industrial development pattern of "party building leading, party members driving, and mass participation", and building a solid "reality" for rural revitalization. "Over the years, the grassroots party organizations have played a central role in the development of the industry, and our Xinbao Township Party Committee has coordinated the resources of all parties, vigorously supported the development of the solar greenhouse industry, provided technical training for growers in a timely manner and implemented the industrial reward and subsidy policy, planted 637 solar greenhouses, and helped contact the market for sales. In the planting process, the party members and large planters have played a pioneer and exemplary role, taking the lead in learning new technologies, and providing technical help to other growers, driving the masses to get rich together, and enhancing the confidence in the development of the industry. Chen Caiju, member of the Party Committee and organization committee of Xinbao Township, said.

Reporter: Lu Heshan

Source: Gulang County Rong Media Center