

author:The most Jiangyin

Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Market Regulation

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In the near future, food safety sampling inspections have been organized

15 categories of food in 1325 batches of samples

4 categories of food were detected and 14 batches of samples were unqualified



Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Market Supervision organized food safety sampling inspections, sampling 1325 batches of samples of 15 categories of food, including catering food, edible agricultural products, wine, cakes, dairy products, tea and related products, candy products, meat products, roasted food and nut products, convenience food, quick-frozen food, beverages, grain processed products, soy products and other foods, and 14 batches of samples of 4 categories of food, including catering food, edible agricultural products, convenience food and pastries, were found to be unqualified. The details are as follows:

1. The double dining bowl used in the new city of Midbao Restaurant, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, anionic synthetic detergent (based on sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate) and coliform bacteria do not meet the national food safety standards.

2. The radishes, cyhalothrin and cyhalothrin sold in Yijiawang Supermarket in Suyu District, Suqian City do not meet the national food safety standards.

3. The winter vegetables and spring bamboo shoots (homemade pickles) sold by Shunyuelou Hotel in Binhu District, Wuxi City, lead (calculated as Pb) do not meet the national food safety standards.

Fourth, Lianyungang Jiazhiyan Trading Co., Ltd. Lianyungang Haizhou Branch sales of ginger, clothianidin does not meet the national food safety standards.

5. The bowls, anionic synthetic detergents (based on sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate) and coliform bacteria used in Huangli Erlingwu Special Noodle Restaurant, Wujin District, Changzhou City do not meet the national food safety standards.

6. The sesame halva produced by Suzhou Xinghualou Food Factory sold by Suzhou Unide E-commerce Co., Ltd. on Douyin (online store) does not meet the national food safety standards.

7. The residue of aluminum in the cold jellyfish sold in Dazhang Steamed Bun Village Hotel, Quanshan District, Xuzhou City (calculated by Al in ready-to-eat jellyfish) does not meet the national food safety standards.

8. The fresh bream sold by Jingu Road Branch of Zhenjiang Jiangsu Yonghui Supermarket Co., Ltd. does not meet the national food safety standards.

9. The small noodle bowl used in Ergou Ramen Restaurant in Sucheng District, Suqian City, and the coliform bacteria do not meet the national food safety standards.

10. The yellow eel sold in Limei Department Store Supermarket in Xishan District, Wuxi City, enrofloxacin does not meet the national food safety standards.

11. The residue of aluminum in the jellyfish silk sold by Mengshan Grass Chicken Hotel, Qingkou Town, Ganyu District, Lianyungang City (calculated by Al in ready-to-eat jellyfish) does not meet the national food safety standards.

12. The total number of colonies of hand-cut pure lotus root powder produced by Yangzhou Hexianfang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., which is sold by Nanjing Deqiu Network Technology Co., Ltd. on Douyin (online store), does not meet the national food safety standards.

13. The Chinese cabbage sold by Zhu Yunqiang in Changzhou Garden Comprehensive Market does not meet the national food safety standards.

14. The bream sold by Pan Min of Sunshine Huimin Agricultural Trade in Xuzhou City, enrofloxacin does not meet the national food safety standards.

The details of the above non-conforming food are shown in the attached table. In view of the substandard food found in the sampling, the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has instructed the relevant market supervision departments of districted cities to immediately organize and carry out disposal work, find out the flow of products, urge enterprises to take measures such as removing and recalling substandard products to control risks, deal with violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and timely disclose the risk prevention and control measures and verification and disposal measures taken by enterprises to the public.

Notice is hereby given.

Minor knowledge of some unqualified items

1. Coliform bacteria

Coliform bacteria are commonly used as indicators of food contamination at home and abroad. Coliform bacteria have been detected in food and food-related products, and there is a risk of contamination with pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Salmonella, Shigella, pathogenic E. coli). According to the National Food Safety Standard for Disinfection of Dining (Drinking) Utensils (GB 14934-2016), coliform bacteria in meals (drinks) should not be detected. The reason for the detection of coliform bacteria in the table (drink) utensils may be that the disinfection method of the product does not meet the requirements, the cleaning and disinfection is not thorough, and the disinfection and sterilization effect is not achieved, or it may be caused by the secondary contamination of the product due to improper storage conditions or non-standard operation after disinfection.

2. Anionic synthetic detergent (based on sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate)

Anionic synthetic detergent, that is, the main ingredient of laundry detergent, dish soap, laundry detergent, soap and other detergents often used in our daily life, its main ingredient sodium dodecyl sulfonate, is a low-toxicity substance, widely used in disinfection enterprises. The National Food Safety Standard for Disinfection of Dining (Drinking) Utensils (GB 14934-2016) stipulates that anionic synthetic detergents for dining (drinking) utensils using chemical disinfection methods shall not be detected. The detection of anionic synthetic detergent in the dining (drinking) utensils may be due to the unqualified or excessive amount of detergent used in some units, which is not rinsed with sufficient amount of water or the cleaning water in the dishwashing pool is reused or the number of tableware is large, resulting in cross-contamination, and then remaining in the dining (drinking) utensils.

3. Cyhalothrin and cyhalothrin

Cyhalothrin and cyhalothrin, also known as cyhalothrin, are moderately toxic insecticides and have an irritating effect on the eyes and skin. It can effectively control a variety of pests on cotton, fruit trees, vegetables, soybeans and other crops. The reason for the exceedance of cyhalothrin and cyhalothrin may be that growers blindly pursue the effects of insect control and other effects, abuse pesticides in violation of regulations, or fail to strictly implement the relevant provisions of the withdrawal period, resulting in excessive pesticide residues in vegetables. Short-term consumption of vegetables with excessive pesticide residues will generally not lead to acute poisoning, but long-term consumption of large amounts may irritate the stomach and intestines, cause diarrhea, vomiting, and seriously affect health.

4. Lead (in Pb)

Lead is a chronic and cumulative poison, after entering the human body, a small part will be excreted with the body's metabolism, and most of it will be deposited in the body, endangering human health. The reason for the excessive lead in food may be that the enterprise does not strictly accept the raw materials during production, and the raw materials or auxiliary materials are brought into the product, or it may be the migration of lead in the packaging materials in the food production and processing process.

5. Clothianidin

Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide, with systemic properties, contact killing and stomach toxicity, a small amount of residue will not cause acute poisoning in the human body, but long-term consumption of clothianidin excess of the standard of food, may have a certain impact on human health. The reason for the excessive amount of clothianidin residue may be that the grower increases the dosage or fails to comply with the regulations on the picking interval in order to quickly control the pest, resulting in excessive residues in the products on the market.

6. Mold

Mold is an indicative indicator for evaluating the hygienic quality of food. The number of molds in food refers to the number of mold colonies formed in the 1g or 1mL sample after the food sample has been treated and cultured under certain conditions. If the mold in the food is seriously exceeded, it will destroy the nutritional content of the food, make the food lose its edible value, and may also produce mycotoxins; Long-term consumption of food with excessive mold may be harmful to human health. The reason for the excessive number of mold may be mold contamination of raw materials or packaging materials, or it may be that the sanitary conditions of the product are not controlled in the process of production and processing, and it may also be related to improper storage and transportation conditions of the product.

7. Residual amount of aluminum (calculated as Al in ready-to-eat jellyfish)

Aluminum-containing food additives, such as potassium aluminum sulfate (also known as potassium alum), ammonium aluminum sulfate (also known as ammonium alum), etc., are used as leavening agents and stabilizers in food, and aluminum residues will be produced after use. Aluminum-containing food additives will not cause health harm when used according to standards, but long-term consumption of foods with excessive aluminum will lead to a decline in motor and learning and memory ability, affecting children's intellectual development. Jellyfish processing involves salting fresh jellyfish with a large amount of salt and alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) to dehydrate them in large quantities and at the same time to prevent jellyfish from rotting. The reason for the excessive amount of aluminum residue in jellyfish products may be that the enterprise does not use aluminum-containing food additives in strict accordance with the requirements of national standards in the production and processing process.

8. Enrofloxacin

Enrofloxacin is a third-generation quinolone drug, which is a class of synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, which are used to treat skin infections and respiratory tract infections in animals, and are exclusive drugs for animals. Long-term consumption of foods with excessive enrofloxacin may lead to accumulation in the human body, which may cause harm to human body functions, and may also cause the human body to develop drug-resistant strains. The reason for the exceedance of enrofloxacin may be that in order to quickly control the epidemic disease in the process of animal breeding, the dosage of drugs is increased in violation of regulations or the provisions of the drug withdrawal period are not complied with, resulting in the drug residue exceeding the standard when the product is marketed.

9. Total number of colonies

The total number of colonies is an indicator of microorganisms, not pathogenic bacteria, and reflects the hygienic status of food during production. If the total number of colonies of the food is seriously exceeded, the nutrients of the food will be destroyed and the food will lose its edible value; It will also accelerate the spoilage of food, which may be harmful to human health. The reason for the total number of colonies exceeding the standard may be that the enterprise does not strictly control the hygienic conditions in the production and processing process as required, or it may be related to the poor sealing of product packaging or improper storage and transportation conditions.

10. Phosphorus

Phosphine is a highly toxic systemic insecticide and acaricide, which has the functions of contact killing, stomach toxicity and fumigation. The reason for the excessive phosphorus may be that vegetable farmers do not understand the safe interval between the use of pesticides, so they use or abuse pesticides in violation of regulations.