
Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

author:Jincheng Fire Fighting
Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station
Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

On June 27, Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a fire station, Jincheng City Fire and Rescue Detachment Captain Yue Peng, Deputy Detachment Leader Song Jian, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Executive Deputy County Mayor Fan Wubin, County Emergency Management Bureau Director Han Hua, County Fire and Rescue Brigade Captain Liu Kai, instructor Wang Zhiyuan attended, the county relevant functional units in charge, construction, supervision and other units A total of more than 150 people participated in the groundbreaking ceremony, the ceremony was presided over by Wang Lingmin, deputy director of the county government office.

Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

At the ceremony, Liu Kai, captain of the county fire and rescue brigade, made a report on the project investment, land area, and architectural planning of the first-class fire rescue station construction project.

Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

On behalf of the county party committee and county government, Fan Wubin, deputy county magistrate, expressed warm congratulations on the start of construction of the first-class fire station, saying that the construction project is a major event and happy event in the development of fire safety work, and it is another brilliant achievement of the county's fire rescue team construction under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county government. He pointed out that: first, the construction unit should take the initiative to move forward, strengthen services, coordinate and solve problems in the construction of the project in a timely manner, and ensure the smooth progress of the project; Second, the construction unit should seize the current golden period of construction, clarify the task, wall chart operation, strict construction management, strictly control the quality of the project, make every effort to build high-quality projects and benchmark projects, and strive to promote the early completion and early commissioning of the first-class fire station; Third, all fire and rescue personnel should take this groundbreaking ceremony as a new starting point, always maintain the bloody courage of "dare to go up the knife mountain and dare to break through the sea of fire", and always practice their skills with full enthusiasm, a posture of battle, and the standard of actual combat, so as to ensure that they are called upon and will win the battle, and make every effort to protect the safety of the lives and property of the people, so as to promote high-quality development in the county and build a "beautiful and common prosperity" Xinlingchuan to provide a strong security guarantee.

Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

Yue Peng, the head of the detachment, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Lingchuan County Party Committee and the county government for their full support, and he emphasized that the new first-class fire station construction project is a major decision-making deployment of the county party committee and the county government, and is an inevitable requirement to enhance the new situation of "all disasters and major emergencies", and is a major "people's livelihood project" and "safety project" in the county. In recent years, the development of cultural tourism and health care in Lingchuan County has become more and more prosperous, and the popularity is getting better and better, and the fire safety work situation and various functions undertaken have a long way to go, and it is imperative to strengthen the construction of a regularized and professional fire fighting and rescue team. After the completion of the project, it will completely make up for the historical gap of no fire station in the south of the county, and drive the radiation of the surrounding areas, which has important practical significance and strategic goals for the county to further supplement the strength of fire fighting, optimize the fire safety layout, and improve the efficiency of emergency rescue. He strongly urged all fire and rescue personnel to take the opportunity of laying the foundation stone of this construction to seize the opportunity, forge ahead, overcome difficulties, work hard, and constantly improve the comprehensive strength of fire fighting and rescue, and always be a team trusted by the people, supported by the people, and loved by the people, so as to escort the county's economic and social development and the people's living and working in peace and contentment, and make new contributions.

Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

Finally, the participating leaders jointly laid the foundation for the first-class fire station construction project.

Lingchuan County held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a first-class fire station

The total land area of the first-class fire station construction project in Lingchuan County is 18,412.94 square meters, with a total construction area of 3,983.08 square meters and a total investment of 41,172,400 yuan. Comprehensively promote the growth rate of the county's fire protection industry.

Editor-in-charge: Li Jin | Proofreader: Liu Jianpeng |

Source: Lingchuan County Fire and Rescue Brigade

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