
It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......

author:Yangbi County Rong Media Center

June 28th

Published on the website of Yunnan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

Regarding the issuance of Yunnan Province's 2024 adjustment of retirees

Notice of the implementation plan of the basic pension

Details are as follows↓

It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......

Screenshot of the website

Yunnan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

Notice of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Adjusting the Basic Pension for Retirees in Yunnan Province in 2024

The people's governments of all prefectures (cities), the commissions, offices, departments and bureaus directly under the provincial government, and the relevant units of the central government in Yunnan:

The "Yunnan Province 2024 Implementation Plan for Adjusting the Basic Pension of Retirees" has been approved by the Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance.

Yunnan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security

Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance June 27, 2024

Yunnan Province will adjust the implementation plan of the basic pension for retirees in 2024

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance on Adjusting the Basic Pension of Retirees in 2024 (Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2024] No. 48), combined with the actual situation of our province, this implementation plan is formulated.

1. Scope of adjustment

(1) Retirees who participate in the basic endowment insurance for employees of enterprises and the basic endowment insurance of government agencies and institutions, and go through the retirement procedures according to regulations before December 31, 2023 and receive the basic pension on a monthly basis.

(2) Personnel who retire in accordance with the provisions of Document No. 104 [1978] of the State Council.

The above two categories of personnel are hereinafter collectively referred to as "retirees".

2. Adjust the time

From January 1, 2024, the basic pension for retirees will be adjusted.

3. Adjust the standard

(1) Quota adjustment: an increase of 34 yuan per month.

(2) Linked adjustment: At the same time, it is linked to the number of years of payment and the level of basic pension.

1. The payment period will be increased by 1 yuan per month for each full year (if the payment period is less than one year, it will be calculated as one year).

2. It will be adjusted and increased by 1% of my basic pension in December 2023.

(3) Tilt adjustment: On the basis of quota adjustment and linkage adjustment, retirees who meet the following conditions will be given appropriate tilt.

1. Retirees who have reached the age of 70 and have not yet reached the age of 80 on December 31, 2023 will have a basic pension of 30 yuan per month; Retirees aged 80 and above will receive an increase of 50 yuan per month for the basic pension.

2. For retirees whose units are resident (individual industrial and commercial households, self-employed and other retirees' household registration or place of residence) in our province at the time of retirement, the basic pension will be increased according to the following standards:

Retirees in the six categories of districts will be increased by 30 yuan per month, retirees in the fifth category will be increased by 25 yuan per month, retirees in the fourth category will be increased by 20 yuan per month, retirees in the third category will be increased by 10 yuan per month, retirees in the second category will be increased by 5 yuan per month, and retirees in the first category and other areas will be increased by 2 yuan per month.

3. After the adjustment of the above standards, the basic pension of the retired military cadres of the enterprise does not reach the average level of the basic pension of the retirees of the province after the adjustment, and the adjustment is adjusted to the average level of the basic pension of the retirees of the enterprise in the province after the adjustment.

Fourth, funding channels

The funds required for the adjustment of the basic pension of retirees shall be paid from the balance of their personal accounts and the pooled fund respectively according to the proportion of the personal account pension and the basic pension of the insured personnel at the time of retirement; When the balance of the personal account is zero, all of it will be paid from the pooled fund.

The funds required for the adjustment of the basic pension of the retirees of the central organs and institutions in Yunnan shall be resolved in accordance with the current basic pension guarantee channels.

If they do not participate in the basic pension insurance for employees, the funds required for adjustment shall be solved by the original channel.

All states and municipalities shall complete the cashing work before the end of July 2024, and summarize the adjustment and cashing according to the requirements of the annex, and report to the Pension Insurance Department of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department and the Provincial Social Insurance Bureau before August 15, 2024 (fax: 0871-67195815).

Source of this issue: Yunnan release

Editor of this issue: Yin Haoyan

Editor in charge: Mei Hongyu

Auditor: Ji Zhenghong

Final review: Jiang Jinglong

It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......
It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......
It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......
It's set! There is an adjustment to the basic pension of retirees, and the amount of adjustment is ......

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